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名著精讀《傲慢與偏見》第14章 第3節

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"You judge very properly," said Mr. Bennet, "and it is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study?"

名著精讀《傲慢與偏見》第14章 第3節


"They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, and though I sometimes amuse myself with suggesting and arranging such little elegant compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions, I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible."


Mr. Bennet's expectations were fully answered. His cousin was as absurd as he had hoped, and he listened to him with the keenest enjoyment, maintaining at the same time the most resolute composure of countenance, and, except in an occasional glance at Elizabeth, requiring no partner in his pleasure.


By tea-time, however, the dose had been enough, and Mr. Bennet was glad to take his guest into the drawing-room again, and when tea was over, glad to invite him to read aloud to the ladies. Mr. Collins readily assented, and a book was produced; but on beholding it (for every thing announced it to be from a circulating library), he started back, and begging pardon, protested that he never read novels. -- Kitty stared at him, and Lydia exclaimed. -- Other books were produced, and after some deliberation he chose Fordyce's Sermons. Lydia gaped as he opened the volume, and before he had, with very monotonous solemnity, read three pages, she interrupted him with,


ess vt. 持有,支配

The police asked me if I possessed a gun.

cacy n. 柔軟,精緻,佳餚

Religion is a subject that must be approached with great delicacy.

lse n. 衝動,驅動力,傾向,心血來潮 vt. 推動

He bought the house on an impulse.

e vi. 上升,升起,出現,發生,起來

An opportunity has arisen.

ant adj. 優雅的,精美的,俊美的

I like my clothes to be simple but elegant.

udied adj. 不造作的,優雅的

She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way.

[ki:n] adj. 鋒利的,敏銳的,強烈的,精明的,熱衷的

The blind have a keen sense of touch.

lute adj. 堅決的,果斷的

He was resolute in carrying out his plan.

osure n. 鎮靜,沉著

Keep calm; don't lose your composure.

tenance n. 面容,面部表情,支持

His countenance fell.

ily['redili] adv. 不遲疑地,迅速地,輕易地

She made the proposal, and I readily consented (to it).

ulating adj. 循環的,流通的 動詞circulate的現在分詞形式

He gave away his books to a circulating library.

beration n. 熟慮,審議

What was the result of your deliberation?

tonous adj. 單調的

The explorer live on a monotonous diet of bean and rice.

1."You judge very properly," said Mr. Bennet, "and it is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study?"

【難句解析】proceed from“產自...,由...產生”,例句:Sounds of quarrelling proceeded from the house. 爭吵聲是從房子裏傳出來的;


2."They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, and though I sometimes amuse myself with suggesting and arranging such little elegant compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions, I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible."

【難句解析】amuse oneself with...“用...自娛自樂”;be adapted to “適用於...,適合於...”,例句:These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.這些式樣均可改動以適應個人不同的愛好;as+adj+a(an)+n+possible“儘可能跟...一樣”;


. Collins readily assented, and a book was produced; but on beholding it (for every thing announced it to be from a circulating library), he started back, and begging pardon, protested that he never read novels.

【難句解析】on doing sth“一...(就)...”,這裏的動名詞結構作伴隨狀語;start back“驚退”,例句:The boy didn't like the place and asked his parents to start back quickly. 這孩子不喜歡那地方要求他父母趕快回去。
