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《Body Language》教學設計




1.重點詞彙 manage;wave;nod;realize;agreement;disagreement;while;manners;

communicate;make sb....;body language;one another;not all...

2.重要句型 1)Although we may not realize it,when we talk with others we makeourselves understood not just by words. 2)But not all body language means thesame thing in different countries.3)In some Asian countries,you must not touchthe head of another person.4)But English people do not like to be too close toone another unless there is a rea-son.

3.語法 複習動詞不定式作賓語、定語、表語和狀語。(The Infinitive) 1) They don't like to be tooclose to one another.2)They will Move back to keep a certain distanceaway.3)Have you got anything to say?4) It's a pleasure to meet you.5)Wavingone's hand is to say "Goodbye".6)I don't know how to communicate withforeigners.

4.日常交際用語 提供幫助和應答(Offers and responses)1) Can I take those boxes foryou?2)'s very kind.3)What about your bag?Would you like me to carryit?4)No,thanks.I can manage it myself.5)Is there anything else I can do foryou?6)No,thank ks for all your help.7)Shall I show you how to use thiselectrical typewrit-er?8)Thanks.I haven't used this one before.



Ⅰ.教具 錄音機、投影儀。


1.教師可通過以下句子導入正課:What do we do if we have something to tell others or if wewant to learn something from the others?Yes,we use our language,that is,eitherspoken language or written language. But actually,there is another kind oflanguage and it is also very you know what it is?Yes,that is the body you tell me something about body language? Forexample,if you agree with what I said just now,what do you do?And if you don'tagree with what I said,what do you do?

2.準備放對話錄音,用投影儀打出聽前提問:1)Do the speakers know each other?How do you know?2)Ifyou want to refuse somebody's offer politely,what would you say?


Key:1)No,they don't. One is the organizer of a conference and the other isa speak-er and the dialogue takes place at the airport.2)No,thank ks forall your help.



4.教師指導學生歸納本課中所出現的有關提供幫助和應答(Offers andresponses)的常用語(見日常交際用語部分)。要求學生能熟練掌握這些語句,並在編練新的對話時加以運用。

5.組織學生兩個人一組,練習Oral practice所提供的問答練習。教師可請幾組同學進行問答表演。


Situation 1:Someone has got a broken asks for your youoffer to repair this bicycle.

Situation 2:You offer to fix one's TV set.

Situation 3:You offer to check one's computer.


7.佈置作業 1)預習第10課;2)完成練習冊中所安排的練習。



Ⅰ.教具 錄音機、投影儀。



2.教師給出讀前提問:1)In which countries does nodding the head mean"No"? 2)In whichcountry do people touch each other very often?


Key:1)In some Asian countries nodding the head means"No".2)In Puerto Ricopeople touch each other very often.



1)The only way to make others understand you is to use either spoken orwritten lan-guage.2)people who use their expressions and body movements cannotspeak well.3)Ev-erywhere in the world nodding one's head means"Yes".4)Somegestures mean the same thing in both China and English-speaking countries.5)Youmust never touch the head of an-other person in some Asian countries.6)In Arabcountries,you use either hand when eat-ing.7)According to thispassage,foreigners don't have to follow these customs when they are visitingother countries.8)The passage tells us that if you know a foreign language verywell,it doesn't matter whether you know the meaning of gestures and movements inthat country.

Key:1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F

4.教師要求學生再次默讀課文,並用簡潔的語言歸納本課大意。數分鐘後,請幾位同學交流。Model:This passage mainly talksabout the following:

1)How do we make ourselves understood--we use words and body language,andex-amples of this.(The first two paragraphs)

2)Kissing and shaking hands.(The third paragraph)

3)Touching.(The fourth paragraph)

4)Other things one has to follow when in a foreign country.(The fifthparagraph)


Which conclusion can you draw from this passage?

language is very can use body language to communicatewith people from foreign countries without any difficulty even if you don't knowtheir language.

you're in a foreign country,it's very important for you to know whatthey doesn't matter whether you know the meaning of gestures andmovements of the people in their country.

you are in a foreign country,using body language in a correct way isimportant even though you know the language they speak very well,for it can makeyour stay in the country easy and :C6.課堂活動 組織學生進行以下活動: What otherbody language do you know? First,show it to your classmates and then explain themeaning of the body language in communica-tion.

7.佈置作業 1)複述課文,介紹不同身勢語所表示的不同的交際含義;2)完成練習冊中所安排的練習。



Ⅰ.教具 錄音機、投影儀。


1.通過提問,溫習第10課內容:1)When we talk to each other,do we send messages only bywords?What other ways do we use?2)Does all the body language mean the same thingin the world?Please give an example to explain this.3)Do people fromEnglish-speak-ing countries often touch each other? 4)Can you tell in whichcountries you must not touch the head of another person?5)Do you have to followthe customs when you are visiting a for-eign country?Why?


3.準備閱讀第11課,教師給出讀前提問:1)What are good manners for an Arab to show whentalking with a friend? 2)What can make your stay in a foreign country easy andcom-fortable?


Key:1)It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend whentalking with each other. 2)To use body language in a correct way will make yourstay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.


4.教師用投影儀打出以下內容:1)in China 2)in some Asian countries 3)in Arab countries4)in France 5)in English-speaking countries


ng one's hand is to say"Goodbye".

ing each other is to say"Goodbye".

ifig the head means disagreement.

ing the head means agreement.

ing each other is to say"Hello".

ing hands is to say"Hello".

d close to one another when talking.

a distance away when talking.

ing with one's feet pointing at another person is bad manners.

hing another person's head is bad manners.

Key:A,D,F-in China C,I,J-in some Asian countries E,G-in Arab countriesB,E,F-in France 6)A,D,H-in English-speaking countries

5.佈置作業 1)將兩課內容結合,複述整篇課文,對不同的身勢語及其含義進行介紹;2)完成練習冊中所安排的練習。