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Pakistan is acquiring two large nuclear-power reactors from longtime ally China, officials said, under a $9.1 billion deal that would help the country generate sorely needed electric power and enhance its nuclear capabilities vis-a-vis neighboring rival India.


For Islamabad, the pact with China counters the nuclear Energy accord New Delhi signed with the U.S. under the president George W. Bush. Pakistan regards that arrangement as providing India with an unfair potential strategic advantage for nuclear weapons. Both countries possess a nuclear arsenal.

對伊斯蘭堡來說,與中國間簽訂的這一協議制衡了新德里與美國在小布什(George W. Bush)總統時期簽訂的能源協議。在巴基斯坦看來,印度與美國簽訂的這一協議讓印度在覈武方面獲得了不公平的潛在戰略優勢。巴基斯坦和印度都是擁核國家。

But the expanding nuclear cooperation between the two countries has raised concern in the U.S. and others about whether China is going beyond international agreements on restricting the transfer of nuclear technology to countries, like Pakistan, who haven't signed global nuclear nonproliferation treaties.


Pakistani officials haven't talked publicly about this latest agreement, which was quietly signed around midyear and closed in early July, about the time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited China.

巴基斯坦官員一直未曾公開談論這一最新協議。該協議是在年中悄悄簽署的,並於7月初完成最後細節的討論,差不多正是巴基斯坦總理謝里夫(Nawaz Sharif)訪華的時節。

A senior Pakistani official confirmed the pact to The Wall Street Journal, disclosing that it covers two nuclear power reactors. The accord had been rumored before, but was generally thought to entail just one reactor. Explaining the government's silence over the deal, the official added: 'I fear dirty hands will start their spoiling work.'


China's embassy in Islamabad and the Commerce Ministry in Beijing didn't respond to calls seeking comment for this article.


The reactors covered by the deal would be technologically advanced and built outside the main port city of Karachi. They each would provide 1,000 megawatts of electricity, a big boost for power-starved Pakistan. 'Every country has this. We are also entitled,' the senior official said. 'We have to focus on adding cheaper energy supply.'


China would deliver the first reactor in 70 months-80 months, with the second coming 10 months later. Nuclear reactors take several years to build. They would be installed on the Karachi coast close to a small existing reactor, the senior Pakistani official said. The Chinese will provide 82% of the financing through a loan on what another Pakistani official described as very soft terms.


China is Pakistan's closest ally, in a decadeslong partnership pegged by their respective disputes with India. China has assisted Pakistan's nuclear power program since the 1990s, and the two nations are alleged to have worked together on nuclear weapons technology.


'The cooperation [with Pakistan] is in accordance with the nonproliferation treaty and international norms,' said Su Hao, director of the Center for Strategic and Conflict Management at China Foreign Affairs University.


China belongs to the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which regulates trade in civil nuclear technology, with an eye toward nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. China says its cooperation with Pakistan predated its joining the NSG in 2004, so the alliance with Islamabad is grandfathered as an existing arrangement.

中國是核供應國集團(Nuclear Suppliers Group)的成員之一,該集團負責規制民用核技術的貿易,目的是對核武器擴散情況實施監督。中國說,該國與巴基斯坦的合作在中國2004年加入核供應國集團之前就開始了,因此中國與伊斯蘭堡的結盟作爲已經存在的一項安排,免受新法規限制。

But a U.S. State Department official said the group discussed China's cooperation with Pakistan in the past several plenary sessions. 'We remain concerned that a transfer of new reactors to Pakistan appears to extend beyond the cooperation that was grandfathered in when China was approved for membership in the NSG.'


Pakistan says all its nuclear plants will be open to inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations organization that polices nuclear safety.

巴基斯坦說,其所有核電站都願意接受國際原子能機構(International Atomic Energy Agency)的檢查。該機構是聯合國下屬的組織,負責監管核安全。

China has supplied Pakistan with two 300-megawatt reactors of an older design, which were completed in 2000 and 2011. It is building two more under past deals, in addition to the new 1,000-megawatt reactors. Pakistan's current nuclear energy capacity is just 725 megawatts.


A Pakistani official said the supply of power from the nuclear plants was constant, unlike hydro-electric power, another option for Pakistan. Also, the operational cost of electricity from a nuclear power station is considerably lower than the country's oil and gas-fired generation plants.


Pakistan suffers a debilitating energy crisis that is starving industry of power and depriving households of basic everyday comforts. There are planned outages of 10 hours-12 hours a day, due to a roughly 5,000-megawatt gap between supply and demand. Tackling the crisis has been Mr. Sharif's top priority since taking office in June.


Beyond energy needs lies a strategic rationale. Under 2005's U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement, India, which also isn't part of the nonproliferation treaty, was granted an exemption to buy nuclear power technology.

除了能源需求之外,還有戰略重要性。按照2005年的《美印民用核能合作協議》(U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement),印度獲得了購買核電技術的豁免權。印度也未簽署《核不擴散條約》。

Pakistan is in a nuclear arms race with India and says the accord was discriminatory. 'The U.S.-India nuclear deal was very disturbing for the strategic stability of this region,' said Sarwar Naqvi, a former Pakistani ambassador to the IAEA. 'It put Pakistan at a disadvantage. It freed Indian uranium to be diverted to their military program.'

巴基斯坦處於與印度的核軍備競賽中,並說該協議不公平。巴基斯坦駐國際原子能機構前大使納克維(Sarwar Naqvi)說,美印核協議極大地干擾了這一地區的戰略穩定。它令巴基斯坦處於不利地位。該協議讓印度的鈾可以轉用到軍事項目上。

However, some legal complications have subsequently stalled the anticipated sale of American nuclear plants to India. These obstacles include the liability for compensation for accidents that now exists under Indian law, following the deadly 1984 accident at a chemical plant owned by Union Carbide, a U.S. company, in the Indian city of Bhopal.

然而一些法律上的複雜因素後來導致美國向印度出售核電站的交易計劃停頓。這些法律障礙包括,依照印度現行法律,在發生事故的情況下所存在的補償責任。之前在1984年,美國公司聯合碳化物公司(Union Carbide)在印度城市博帕爾的化學品工廠發生事故,導致多人死亡。

'Pakistan is getting more benefits from China than India is getting from the United States so far,' said Mark Hibbs, an expert on nuclear energy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an independent think tank based in Washington, D.C.

華盛頓獨立智庫卡內基國際和平基金會(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)核能專家海布斯(Mark Hibbs)說,迄今爲止巴基斯坦從中國得到的好處大於印度從美國得到的好處。

Mr. Hibbs said that the design of the new 1,000-megawatt reactors that Pakistan will receive is untested, even in China. He added that the price tag does not suggest that Islamabad is getting any 'bargain.'


The Indian ministry of external affairs declined to comment on the Chinese nuclear deal with Pakistan.


As part of his speech to the United Nations General Assembly last month, Prime Minister Sharif called for Pakistan to be allowed to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group. 'Pakistan qualifies for full access to civil nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, to meet its growing energy needs,' Mr. Sharif said.

巴基斯坦總理謝里夫上個月在聯合國大會(United Nations General Assembly)上發表講話時要求允許巴基斯坦加入核供應國集團。他說,巴基斯坦有資格全面獲得用於和平目的的民用核技術,以滿足其日漸增長的能源需求。