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Shinzo Abe’s attempts to push forward security reforms may have suffered a setback after MPs from his ruling party demanded changes to a crucial defence white paper, according to people close to the matter.

據知情人士稱,安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)推動安全改革的努力可能遭遇了一次挫折,他所在的執政黨的國會議員要求修改一份至關重要的國防白皮書。

The proposed changes are understood to centre on the strategic threat posed to Japan by China, with Liberal Democratic party MPs insisting the document include more images showing its neighbour’s island-building spree in disputed South China Sea waters — a project dubbed the “Great Wall of Sand” by US military leaders.

據悉,所提出的修改意見聚焦於中國對日本構成的戰略威脅,自民黨(Liberal Democratic party)議員堅稱,這份白皮書應包括更多顯示中國在南中國海爭議海域大舉填海造島的圖片,美國軍隊領導人將中國的這一計劃稱爲“沙子長城”。

The setback is a blow to Mr Abe, prime minister, who is facing a growing public backlash against his security reform policies.


Analysts have linked the recent decline in his approval ratings to his personal zeal for reforming the country’s pacifist constitution, crafted in the wake of its second world war defeat.


Particularly controversial has been Mr Abe’s push for new laws that would allow Japan to engage in collective self-defence with its allies.


The spat illustrates underlying tensions in the ruling LDP, with MrAbe facing an increasingly unpredictable political environment as he attempts to propel the country through constitutional change, according to Takao Toshikawa, a political analyst.

政治分析人士歲川隆雄(Takao Toshikawa)表示,這種爭執表明執政黨自民黨內部潛在的緊張關係,同時隨着安倍努力推動日本修改憲法,他正面臨日益不可預測的政治環境。

Successive defence white papers — used in Japan to inform and guide policy — have become ever more plain in identifying China as the country’s hypothetical military enemy.
