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口譯分類詞彙 改革開放

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保險業 The insurance industry   保證重點支出 Ensure funding for priority areas

  被兼併或擠掉 annexed or forced out of business

  補發拖欠的養老金 Clear up pension payments in arrears

  不良貸款 Non—performing loan

  層層轉包和違法分保 Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

  產值 output value

  城鄉信用社 Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas

  城鎮居民最低生活保障 A minimum standard of living for city residents

  城鎮職工醫療保險制度 The system of medical insurance for urban workers

  抽樣調查 data from the sample survey

  出口信貸 Export credit

  初步建立社會主義計劃商品經濟新體制。 to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy.

  貸款質量 Loan quality

  貸款質量五級分類辦法 The five-category assets classification for bank loans

  第二產業 secondary industry

  第三產業 tertiary industry

  第一產業 primary industry

  獨資企業 wholly foreign owned/funded enterprise

  發電量 electric energy production

  發揮市場的調節作用 to give play to the regulatory role of the market

  發展過快 excessive growth

  防範和化解金融風險 Take precautions against and reduce financial risks

  防洪工程 Flood-prevention project

  非法外匯交易 Illegal foreign exchange transaction

  非公有成分 non-public sectors

  非貿易收匯 Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels

  非銀行金融機構 Non-bank financial institutions

  費改税 Transform administrative fees into taxes

  分配形式 forms of distribution

  風險資金 risk funds

  副業 sideline production

  改革是"社會主義制度的自我完善和自我發展"。 Reform is "the self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system."

  改革重點轉移到城市 the focus of reform is shifted to the cities

  改善經濟環境 improve economic environment

  搞活企業 invigorate/ revitalize/ rejuvenate enterprises

  各盡所能,按勞/需分配。 from each according to his ability, to each according to his work/needs.

  跟蹤審計 Follow-up auditing

  工程監理制度 The monitoring system for projects

  公有制 public ownership

  鼓勵 give incentive to

  管理不善 poor management

  國際收支 international balance of payments

  國家保障國有經濟的鞏固和發展。 The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy.

  國家的根本任務是,集中力量進行社會主義現代化建設 The basic task of the nation is to concentrate its efforts on socialist modernization.

  國民生產總值 GNP (Gross National Product)

  國內生產總值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

  國有經濟,即社會主義全民所有制經濟,是國民經濟中的主導力量。 The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy.

  國有資產安全 The safety of state-owned assets

  過度開墾 Excess reclamation

  合同管理制度 The contract system for governing projects

  合資企業 joint venture

  合作企業 cooperative enterprise

  和平演變 peaceful evolution

  宏觀控制 exercise macro-control

  機電產品 Electromechanical products

  積極的財政政策 Pro-active fiscal policy

  基本生活費 Basic allowances

  基石 cornerstone

  計劃經濟和市場調節相結合的機制 a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation

  家庭聯產責任承包制 family-contract responsibility system

  結售匯制度 The system of exchange settlement and sales

  解除勞動關係 Sever labor relations

  解放生產力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces

  金融監管責任制 The responsibility system for financial supervision

  經濟安全 Economic security

  經濟和法律的槓桿 economic and legal leverages

  經濟計劃和市場調節相結合 to combine economic planning with market regulation

  經濟結構改革。 reform in economic structure

  經營機制 operative mechanism

  精華、精粹、實質 quintessence

  舉措 move

  靠擴大財政赤字搞建設 To increase the deficit to spend more on development

  扣除物價上漲部分 price increase are deducted (excluded)

  擴大國內需求 The expansion of domestic demand

  拉動經濟增長 Fuel economic growth

  厲行節約,反對浪費 to practice strict economy and combat waste

  糧食倉庫 Grain depot

  糧食收儲企業 Grain Collection and storage enterprise

  糧食收購資金實行封閉運行 Closed operation of grain purchase funds

  糧食銷售市場 Grain sales market

  劣質工程 Shoddy engineering

  林業 forestry

  零售 retail

  流通制度 circulation system

  亂收費、亂攤派、亂罰款 Arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines

  農業 farming

  騙匯、逃匯、套匯 Obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage

  取消國家對農產品的統購統銷 to cancel the state's monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural products

  全民所有制 ownership by the entire/whole people

  全體會議 plenary session

  人均國民生產總值 per capita GNP

  人均收入 per capita income

  融資渠道 Financing channels

  善於接受的 receptive

  商品經濟 commodity economy

  商業信貸原則 The principles for commercial credit

  社會保險機構 Social security institution

  社會主義的最終目標是解放生產力,消滅剝削,消除貧富兩極分化,最終達到共同富裕。 The main goals of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces, the elimination of exploitation and polarization between the rich and the poor and the final achievement of common prosperity.

  社會主義集體所有制 socialist collective ownership

  社會主義經濟制度的基礎是生產資料的社會主義公有制,即全民所有制和勞動羣眾集體所有制。 The basis of the socialist economic system is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.

  生產關係 relations of production

  生產力 productive forces

  生產資料 means of production

  生活資料 means of livelihood/subsistence

  剩餘勞動力。 surplus labor

  失業保險金 Unemployment insurance benefits

  實際增長率 actual growth rate

  實事求是 seek truth from facts

  實在的 tangible

  使負擔 be saddled with

  試一下 have a go (at sth.)

  輸入活力 bring vigor into

  私有制 private ownership

  隨着改革的深化,國家指令性計劃的範圍將會縮小,而市場調節的範圍將會擴大。 As the reform further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.

  偷税、騙税、逃税、抗税 Tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal pay taxes

  投入 input

  外匯收支 Foreign exchange revenue and spending

  外資企業 foreign-funded enterprise

  我們辨別的標準是看這樣做是否有利於發展社會主義的生產力,是否有利於增強社會主義國家的綜合國力,是否有利於提高人民的生活水平。 The criterion for our judgment is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.

  畜牧業 animal husbandry

  要人們警惕右和"左"的影響,特別是"左"的根深蒂固的影響。 to warn people of the influence of both the Right and the "Left" deviations, particularly of the deep-rooted "Left" influence.

  一箇中心、兩個基本點one central task and two basic points 以經濟建設為中心,堅持四項基本原則(1)社會主義道路(2)黨的領導(3)人民民主專政(4)馬列主義毛澤東思想、堅持改革開放 the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles - adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought - and persisting in reform and opening.

  宏觀控制 exercise macro-control

  機電產品 Electromechanical products

  積極的財政政策 Pro-active fiscal policy

  基本生活費 Basic allowances

  基石 cornerstone

  計劃經濟和市場調節相結合的機制 a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation

  家庭聯產責任承包制 family-contract responsibility system

  結售匯制度 The system of exchange settlement and sales

  解除勞動關係 Sever labor relations

  解放生產力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces

  金融監管責任制 The responsibility system for financial supervision

  經濟安全 Economic security

  經濟和法律的槓桿 economic and legal leverages

  經濟計劃和市場調節相結合 to combine economic planning with market regulation

  經濟結構改革。 reform in economic structure

  經營機制 operative mechanism

  精華、精粹、實質 quintessence

  舉措 move

  靠擴大財政赤字搞建設 To increase the deficit to spend more on development

  扣除物價上漲部分 price increase are deducted (excluded)

  擴大國內需求 The expansion of domestic demand

  拉動經濟增長 Fuel economic growth

  厲行節約,反對浪費 to practice strict economy and combat waste

  糧食倉庫 Grain depot

  糧食收儲企業 Grain Collection and storage enterprise

  糧食收購資金實行封閉運行 Closed operation of grain purchase funds

  糧食銷售市場 Grain sales market

  劣質工程 Shoddy engineering

  林業 forestry

  零售 retail

  流通制度 circulation system

  亂收費、亂攤派、亂罰款 Arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines

  農業 farming

  騙匯、逃匯、套匯 Obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage

  取消國家對農產品的統購統銷 to cancel the state's monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural products

  全民所有制 ownership by the entire/whole people

  全體會議 plenary session

  人均國民生產總值 per capita GNP

  人均收入 per capita income

  融資渠道 Financing channels

  善於接受的 receptive

  商品經濟 commodity economy

  商業信貸原則 The principles for commercial credit

  社會保險機構 Social security institution

  社會主義的最終目標是解放生產力,消滅剝削,消除貧富兩極分化,最終達到共同富裕。 The main goals of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces, the elimination of exploitation and polarization between the rich and the poor and the final achievement of common prosperity.

  社會主義集體所有制 socialist collective ownership

  社會主義經濟制度的基礎是生產資料的社會主義公有制,即全民所有制和勞動羣眾集體所有制。 The basis of the socialist economic system is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.

  生產關係 relations of production

  生產力 productive forces

  生產資料 means of production

  生活資料 means of livelihood/subsistence

  剩餘勞動力。 surplus labor

  失業保險金 Unemployment insurance benefits

  實際增長率 actual growth rate

  實事求是 seek truth from facts

  實在的 tangible

  使負擔 be saddled with

  試一下 have a go (at sth.)

  輸入活力 bring vigor into

  私有制 private ownership

  隨着改革的深化,國家指令性計劃的範圍將會縮小,而市場調節的範圍將會擴大。 As the reform further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.

  偷税、騙税、逃税、抗税 Tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal pay taxes

  投入 input

  外匯收支 Foreign exchange revenue and spending

  外資企業 foreign-funded enterprise

  我們辨別的標準是看這樣做是否有利於發展社會主義的生產力,是否有利於增強社會主義國家的綜合國力,是否有利於提高人民的生活水平。 The criterion for our judgment is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.

  畜牧業 animal husbandry

  要人們警惕右和"左"的影響,特別是"左"的根深蒂固的影響。 to warn people of the influence of both the Right and the "Left" deviations, particularly of the deep-rooted "Left" influence.

  一箇中心、兩個基本點one central task and two basic points 以經濟建設為中心,堅持四項基本原則(1)社會主義道路(2)黨的領導(3)人民民主專政(4)馬列主義毛澤東思想、堅持改革開放 the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles - adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought - and persisting in reform and opening.