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An elevator pitch(or elevator statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a product, service, or organization and its value proposition. The name "elevator pitch" reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes.

“電梯遊說”(elevator pitch或elevator statement)是指對產品、服務、機構及其價值主張的簡短介紹。電梯遊說這個名字本身傳遞着這樣一個理念:你應該能在乘電梯的時間內,也就是大約30秒到兩分鐘之內完成介紹。


An elevator pitch is often used by an entrepreneur pitching an idea to a venture capitalistor angel investorto receive funding. Elevator pitches are also used in many other situations. Personal uses include job interviewing, dating, and summarizing professional services. (Source: Wikipeida)


Your "Elevator Pitch" must contain: a "hook", about 150-225 words, passion, and a request. (At the end of your pitch, you must ask for something. Do you want their business card, to schedule a full presentation, to ask for a referral?)
