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Miles Morland, a pioneering Africa investor, has spent more than two decades looking for deals in places where you cannot drink the tap water. If his experience is anything to go by, finding successful private equity opportunities has more to do with sharing a glass of the stronger stuff in African bars.

二十多年來,投資非洲的先行者邁爾斯?莫蘭(Miles Morland)一直在這片不能直接飲用自來水的地方尋找投資機會。按照他的經驗,要想找到成功的私人股本投資機會,跟人在酒吧裏一起喝杯烈酒比什麼都管用。

“In Africa there are hundreds of deals but you have to go and look for them. In the west, investment bankers bring you deals?.?.?.[but], in Africa, investment bankers are way down the food chain. You need to go and hang around the bars?.?.?.?to find the deals,” Mr Morland says.


The case for investing in sub-Saharan Africa is clear. It has some of the fastest growing economies in the world, boosted by a nascent consumer class increasingly thirsty for everything from credit to cappuccinos. And it represents just 4 per cent of the emerging markets private equity asset class – emerging Asia takes the lion’s share at 63 per cent – suggesting there is plenty of room to grow.


But even as private equity groups raise ever larger Africa funds, there are persistent murmurs in the market that there simply are not the deals out there to match. Mr Morland disagrees. Development Partners International, the private equity group he co-founded, has invested the $500m fund it raised in 2008 in nine deals and is raising a new fund of the same size.

然而,儘管私人股本集團在非洲募集的基金規模越來越大,市場卻總是抱怨找不到匹配的投資機會。莫蘭不同意這種觀點。他與人聯合創立的私人股本集團Development Partners International已經把2008年募得的5億美元投資於9項交易,目前還在募集一隻同等規模的新基金。

Mr Morland, nevertheless, argues that the high rolling returns of the decade leading up to 2007 are a thing of the past. The “fool’s paradise” era when mobile phone companies grew faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world may have made some investors very rich, he says, but it is long gone.


There is now a glut of new private equity investors plumping for Africa, with money from Brazil, the Middle East and the US entering the fray, jostling with bigger outfits such as Carlyle and KKR. Some of the newcomers are finding private equity investing in sub-Saharan Africa neither as promising nor as simple as sometimes billed.


In the 1990s, returns were hard to find and many good exits fell victim to currency volatility. In the following decade, investors might have earned stellar returns from mobile phone investments but these masked other fund failures.


“In the current 2007-17 cycle, making money will be harder. An internal rate of return of over 20 per cent will look good,” Mr Morland says. “It is a time when careful investors rather than cowboys will do well?.?.?.?The phone game is over.”


Despite the tougher environment, fundraisers are at pains to assemble what one investor calls “big ego” funds. Brazil’s BTG Pactual and others are reaching for the $1bn mark and seeking large deals that the continent’s fragmented market can rarely offer.

儘管環境變得嚴峻,但募資機構仍在努力組建起一位投資者所稱的“自負”(big ego)基金。巴西BTG Pactual等機構的基金直指10億美元大關,它們尋找的大型項目一般來說不是非洲四分五裂的市場所能提供的。

“When you start going up to writing equity cheques in excess of $75m, there aren’t so many [deals],” says Marlon Chigwende, Carlyle’s Africa co-head. His sub-Saharan Africa fund, which is expected to close above its $500m target in the third quarter, made its first investment last year by taking part in a $210m equity injection in ETG, a Tanzanian agri-commodities trader.

“如果你準備進行超過7500萬美元的股權投資,便很難找到投資的機會,”凱雷非洲聯席主管馬龍?奇格溫德(Marlon Chigwende)表示。他在撒哈拉以南非洲的基金將在今年第三季度完成募資,總金額預計高於5億美元目標。該基金去年首次投資,參與了對坦桑尼亞農業大宗商品交易商ETG的2.1億美元股本注資。

Nor is the competition just for deals. Another emerging headache is what one investor calls the “traffic jam” of fund managers seeking capital from investors. According to Preqin, the data company, 57 Africa-focused private equity funds are looking for $13.1bn, half of which are based in South Africa. While emerging market fundraising increased 72 per cent overall to $40bn in the past two years, fundraising for sub-Saharan Africa fell 3 per cent to $1.45bn last year – well down on its 2008 peak of $2.24bn.


Ethos, a South African private equity company, which has been investing in the region for 25 years, closed one of the continent’s largest funds last year after securing $800m from investors, but it says fundraising “has not been easy”.


Harith, another South African fund manager, had to rely on domestic money after foreign investors shied away.


Roger Leeds, founder of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association, says the smarter money is targeting middle market deals worth less than $50m, which he believes have stronger growth prospects.

新興市場私人股本協會(Emerging Markets Private Equity Association)創始人羅傑?利茲(Roger Leeds)表示,更精明的資金正在瞄準5000萬美元以下的中等規模投資機會。他認爲這一領域的增長前景更爲強勁。

“The fund managers are happy to take investors’ money but it puts tremendous pressure on them to do bigger deals and they’re going to run out,” he says. “They’re all complaining they’re finding trouble finding deals and they’re competing with each other and driving up valuations.”


In other words, as the African growth story attracts more and more funds, the going is getting tougher. 換言之,非洲的增長故事吸引了越來越多的資金,但現狀卻愈發嚴峻。

That is one reason why resourceful and locally based managers matter so much more today than in the past.


“It’s no longer like venture capital where you take a shotgun approach and hopefully one of the pellets will hit the bullseye,” says veteran fund manager Michael Turner at Actis, the UK-based fund manager, which is raising money for a new global fund that will include Africa. “In today’s African private equity you can’t afford to have failures – it’s extremely hard to come back in a portfolio to deliver an overall good profit if you’ve had one or two wipeouts.”

英國基金管理公司英聯(Actis)正在爲一支囊括非洲的新全球性基金募資。該公司的資深基金經理邁克爾?特納(Michael Turner)稱:“現在私人股本投資跟風投不一樣了,風投是漫天放槍,指望有一顆子彈能命中靶心。但當今的非洲私人股本領域容不得失敗——如果有一兩筆投資崩盤,一項投資組合就極難產生總體上很好的利潤。”

Sev Vettivetpillai has made dozens of Africa investments and exits as head of Aureos, which was bought by Abraaj Capital of the United Arab Emirates last year. He says the days of flying in and out of Africa and managing investments from a distance are over.

作爲歐瑞斯(Aureos)的首席執行官,塞夫?維蒂維特皮萊(Sev Vettivetpillai)在非洲做過許多投資,也曾退出其中的一些投資。歐瑞斯去年被阿聯酋的Abraaj Capital收購。他表示,不停往返非洲、遠程管理投資的日子已經遠去。

“The growth story is very valid and real across Africa, but it still remains that if you pick the wrong partner and the wrong industry, you’re not likely to be benefiting from that growth story. Without the right management team you will lose your money. You won’t get out of that hole.”


Additional reporting by Andrew England and Anne-Sylvaine Chassany

安德魯?英格蘭(Andrew England)和安妮-西爾萬?沙薩尼(Anne-Sylvaine Chassany)補充報道