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International fund managers are examining potential partnership agreements with Chinese internet groups such as Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu in an attempt to win business from investors in the world’s largest economy.


Fund groups are keen to develop partnerships with these companies after witnessing the rapid expansion of the online money market fund industry in the past two years.



Chris Powers, an analyst at Z-Ben Advisors, the Shanghai-based consultancy, said: “We have had several clients ask us about [teaming up with Chinese internet groups]. There is a lot of interest from the foreign manager side.”

上海哲奔諮詢(Z-Ben Advisors)的分析師克里斯•鮑爾斯(Chris Powers)表示:“我們有多家客戶詢問(與中國互聯網集團合作的可能性)。外國基金公司對此也有濃厚興趣。”

Chinese money market funds’ assets increased sixfold to Rmb2.2tn ($350bn) in the 18 months to the end 2014, according to Fitch, the rating agency. It said the big increase was “mainly driven by retail demand for ecommerce [money market funds]”.


These funds have been sold predominantly by large internet groups with vast customer bases — the Chinese equivalents of developed market companies such as Amazon, Ebay and PayPal.


A spokesperson for Legal & General Investment Management, the £499bn asset manager, said the company “has not spoken with Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba, but is aware of this market trend”.

旗下管理着4990億英鎊資產的英國法通投資管理公司(Legal & General Investment Management,簡稱LGIM)的一位發言人表示,現在該公司“還沒有與百度、騰訊和阿里巴巴商談,但瞭解這一市場趨勢”。

She added: “Thus far, money market funds are distributed via some of these digital distribution channels with much success, and [we] can reasonably expect the product range will broaden.”


Yu’E Bao , Alibaba’s money fund, which is distributed to users of Alipay, the group’s online payment platform, has been the most successful such product to date. Its assets have risen from zero to Rmb578bn in less than two years.


David Stevenson, head of business development at Baring Asset Management, said partnerships between international fund houses and Chinese technology companies could be “massive” in years to come.

霸菱資產管理公司(Baring Asset Management)的業務發展主管戴維•史蒂文森(David Stevenson)表示,國際基金公司與中國科技公司可能在今後幾年展開“大規模”合作。

He said: “Why would an asset manager not want access to a distribution capability with that depth and breadth? That level of distribution reach cannot be achieved through any bank or sales force, regardless of size.”


Mr Stevenson said any asset manager would be looking “quite seriously” at Chinese internet companies as a potential distribution or marketing platform.


Experts agree, however, that foreign fund houses will need to overcome significant challenges before successfully tapping into such companies’ customer networks.


Mr Powers said: “Legally speaking, only Alibaba’s Taobao [its online retail marketplace] would be able to sell funds as it is the only one who has a fund payment license. There is also a lot of uncertainty [over] whether foreign products will be allowed to be sold online. And in terms of online distribution success, almost all of this has been for money market funds, so I do not imagine that the foreign products distributed on the mainland would find much success.”


Charlotte Quiniou, an analyst at Fitch, added: “Developing the relationships and technology to distribute funds through distributing platforms in China is a key challenge for international asset managers.”

惠譽分析師夏洛特•基尼烏(Charlotte Quiniou)補充稱:“國際資產管理公司面臨的關鍵挑戰是,發展關係和技術,以便通過中國的經銷平臺銷售基金。”