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'Star Trek: Into Darkness' easily topped the domestic box-office charts this weekend, but its real accomplishment was to boldly go where the 47-year-old science-fiction franchise has never successfully gone before: overseas.

《星際迷航:暗黑無界》(Star Trek: Into Darkness)輕鬆登頂上週末美國國內票房榜冠軍位置。但該片的真正成就是大膽闖入了這部已有47年的科幻系列影片此前從未成功進入的海外市場。

Director J.J. Abrams' second 'Trek' film grossed $70.6 million this weekend in the U.S. and Canada, according to an estimate from distributor ParaMount Pictures, owned by Viacom Inc. (VIA, VIAB). Since screenings started Wednesday night, 'Into Darkness' has sold $84.1 million of tickets.

據影片發行方、維亞康姆(Viacom Inc.)旗下派拉蒙影業(Paramount Pictures)估計,導演艾布拉姆斯(J.J. Abrams)執導的第二部《星際迷航》系列電影上週末在美國和加拿大獲得了7,060萬美元的票房。自上週三晚間首映以來,《暗黑無界》已經收穫了8,410萬美元的票房。

Paramount executives had hoped the sequel would perform better, collecting at least $100 million by Sunday. That is roughly even with the opening of Mr. Abrams's 2009 'Star Trek' reboot, which debuted on a Thursday night and grossed $79.2 million by the end of its first weekend.


But while 'Into Darkness' isn't improving upon its predecessor domestically, grosses overseas so far are 82% higher than in the same markets over the same time period, Paramount said.


'Into Darkness' grossed $40 million internationally this weekend, bringing its foreign take to $80.5 million after opening in some countries last week. Ticket sales have been particularly strong in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and in Russia, where the new film has already grossed more than the 2009 one.


Mr. Abrams's first 'Trek' movie grossed $128 million overseas and $258 million domestically. For most big budget movies nowadays that ratio is reversed and Paramount sought to improve it this go-around with a more costly foreign marketing campaign and more extensive global publicity tour.


It appears 'Into Darkness' will end roughly doubling the international box office take of 'Star Trek' and bringing in about the same domestically.


'There's no question the investment paid off not only on the international box office for this movie, but we will continue to [with future sequels],' said Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore.

派拉蒙副董事長穆爾(Rob Moore)說,毫無疑問該片不僅在國際票房市場賺回了投資,未來推出的續集還會保持這股趨勢。

Paramount and partner Skydance Productions spent about $190 million to make the new 'Star Trek' movie.

派拉蒙與合作伙伴Skydance Productions大約斥資1.9億美元製作了《暗黑無界》。

Domestic audiences appeared to like 'Into Darkness,' giving it an average grade of A according to market research firm CinemaScore.


Saturday matinees were surprisingly strong, said Mr. Moore, giving the studio hope it can draw families with older children next weekend when two new male-skewing films, 'Fast and Furious 6' and 'The Hangover Part III' open.

穆爾說,上週六日場觀影情況出人意料地強勁。這激起了片方的希望,即該片本週末能夠吸引那些孩子較大的家庭。兩部以男性觀衆爲主的影片《速度與激情6》(Fast and Furious 6)以及《宿醉3》(The Hangover Part III)將於本週末上映。

The audience for 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' was 64% male, according to exit polls.


'Iron Man 3' dropped to second place on its third weekend in U.S. theaters, collecting $35.2 million. World-wide, the latest super-hero film from Walt Disney Co.'s (DIS) Marvel Studios has taken in a spectacular $1.073 billion.

已經上映三個週末的《鋼鐵俠3》(Iron Man 3)上週末下滑至第二位,獲得3,520萬美元的票房。在全球範圍內,這部由華特-迪士尼(Walt Disney Co.)旗下Marvel Studios推出的最新超級英雄影片已經攬獲了令人稱奇的10.73億美元的票房。

'The Great Gatsby' dropped 53% from its solid opening, grossing $23.4 million and bringing its total domestic box office take to $90.2 million.

《了不起的蓋茨比》(The Great Gatsby)上週末的票房成績和首映時相比下降了53%,只獲得了2,340萬美元的票房。其美國本土總票房升至9,020萬美元。

Overseas, the adaptation of the classic novel starring Leonardo DiCaprio opened to a healthy $42.1 million overseas this weekend, well above the launches of director Baz Luhrman's prior films 'Australia' and 'Moulin Rouge.'

在海外市場,這部由萊昂納多・迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)主演的改編自經典小說的影片在上週末首映後獲得了4,210萬美元的票房。遠高於該片導演巴茲・魯曼(Baz Luhrman)此前導演的影片《澳洲亂世情》(Australia)以及《紅磨坊》(Moulin Rouge)的首映票房。

'Gatsby' is released by Warner Bros., part of Time Warner Inc. (TWX).

《了不起的蓋茨比》由時代華納(Time Warner Inc.)旗下華納兄弟(Warner Bros.)發行。