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翻譯官 行業劇外衣下的偶像劇

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Its slogan says it’s “the very first Chinese mainland TV series that focuses on interpreters”. But those who expect Les Interpretes (親愛的翻譯官) to be an inside look at the translation industry may be disappointed. The hit drama is, rather, a formulaic romance.

翻譯官 行業劇外衣下的偶像劇


Les Interpretes is based on a popular online novel. Qiao Fei (Yang Mi), an undergraduate majoring in French, aspires to be an interpreter. The show begins with Qiao encountering Cheng Jiayang (Huang Xuan), a translator, during her semester as an exchange student in Zurich, Switzerland. But wait a second: Why is a French major studying in Zurich, a city where the primary language is German?


Loopholes like this are easy to spot in the show. An interpreter told Beijing Daily that it’s unlikely Qiao is able to do simultaneous interpreting with her eyes closed and no pen in her hand. “I’ve never seen any simultaneous interpreters successfully complete their job without taking notes,” she said.


Nevertheless, as the chemistry gradually sparks between the two protagonists, the show’s ratings have soared. It also continues to top the trending lists on Chinese social media.


It’s another Mary Sue story that chronicles the inevitable love between a finicky woman and a bossy man. We are offered the familiar tricks of romantic dramas: love triangles, family impediments, fatal illness, a car crash and an abortion. Interpretation here works as another glittery backdrop to make the show’s characters appealing. It’s a mark of prestige and desirability, just like Cheng’s wealth and appearance.


Les Interpretes is not alone in weaving a story around a certain occupation. Recently, Dragon TV’s Women Must be Stronger《女不強大天不容》focuses on the struggles reporters face in the internet era. Jiangsu TV’s To Be a Better Man《好男人》revolves around a three-star Michelin chef.


These TV series have, to some extent, broadened the popularity of the professions they feature. But compared with critically acclaimed shows created by TVB and US production companies, they lack professional accuracy and end up feeling unsatisfying.


By watching this genre of drama, viewers hope not only to be entertained but also to be educated. Take Grey’s Anatomy (2005-) for example: In 2011, Madisyn Seyferth, a 10-year-old American girl, saved her mother’s life after learning CPR from the show.

在觀看這類電視劇時,觀衆不僅僅希望有娛樂的一面,還希望自己可以學到東西。拿《實習醫生格蕾》(2005-至今)舉例:在2011年,10歲的美國小姑娘Madisyn Seyferth通過看電視劇學到的心肺復甦術,挽救了母親的生命。

That’s the kind of insight we are expecting from a TV series of this genre.
