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新聞人物 俄羅斯強人普京的傳奇

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新聞人物 俄羅斯強人普京的傳奇

As western leaders struggle to respond to the stranglehold Russia has put on Crimea, it is beginning to dawn on them that for Vladimir Putin, this fight started a long time ago.

西方領導人在艱難應對俄羅斯施加於克里米亞的強力控制時,他們開始逐漸明白一點:對弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)來說,這場鬥爭在很久以前就已揭開帷幕。

Within a week, Russia’s president has had his men bring the peninsula on the Black Sea under his control, called the future of the Ukrainian state into question and forced governments from Warsaw to Washington into crisis mode.


To many in the west, Mr Putin’s actions are those of an authoritarian leader dangerously out of control. Yet back home approval ratings are rising for a man Russians see as having defended the national interest and boosted their living standards.


Surprising as this crisis may have been for Europe and the US, for Mr Putin it is the explosion of a grudge that has been building for most of his 14 years in power, a period when he has gone from flint-faced former communist spy to swaggering leader at ease with the trappings of traditional, conservative Russia. “He is disillusioned with the west,” says Igor Yurgens, a former Kremlin adviser. In Mr Putin’s eyes, the revolution in Kiev is only the latest in a long chain of western attempts to encircle and weaken his country.

儘管此次危機對歐美來說可能在意料之外,但對普京來說,這卻是他掌權14年以來的大部分時間裏不斷積累的怨恨情緒的總爆發。在這段時期裏,他從最初那位不苟言笑的前蘇共間諜,變成了一位談吐自如、極度自信的領導人,帶着種種傳統保守的俄羅斯派頭。前克里姆林宮顧問伊格爾•尤爾根斯(Igor Yurgens)說:“他對西方的幻想破滅了。”在普京眼中,基輔發生的革命只是一條漫長鏈條中的最新一環,這條鏈條就是西方企圖圍堵和削弱俄羅斯的陰謀鏈條。

Given the Russian president’s background, hostility to the west almost seems predictable. Born into a working-class family in 1952 in what was then Leningrad, Mr Putin spent his early years with his parents living in one room of a kommunalka, a communal flat. A childhood taste for rowdiness was tempered in his teenage years when he embraced the discipline of martial arts. He also volunteered to join the KGB, an ambition he realised in his early twenties.


With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 – an event he has described as the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century – Mr Putin swapped spying for politics, first in his home town of St Petersburg (as Leningrad was once more called) and then Moscow, where he joined the presidential office under Boris Yeltsin. Within five years he was handpicked by Yeltsin to succeed him as president.

1991年蘇聯解體(普京曾將這一事件稱爲20世紀最大的地緣政治災難)後,他放棄了間諜生涯,投身政壇。他的政治生涯始於家鄉聖彼得堡(也就是曾經的列寧格勒),隨後又來到莫斯科,進入總統辦公室,處於鮑里斯•葉利欽(Boris Yeltsin)的領導之下。不到五年,他就被葉利欽親手選定爲總統接班人。

At the start of his first presidential term, there was little sense of any cold war chill. “He honestly and wholeheartedly proposed engagement with the west,” says Mr Yurgens. After the September 2001 attacks on the US, Mr Putin offered Washington the use of military bases in Central Asia. Russia also gave up a radio intelligence station in Cuba and a base in Vietnam – steps for which Mr Putin expected something in return but received little.


His expectation that Nato expansion would stop at the German border was disappointed. So were hopes that the western alliance would not build a missile defence shield in Europe and that Moscow would reclaim its global role as an equal to the US. Mr Putin began to take the rebuffs personally. “He is very good at telling people what he knows they want to hear,” says a former US official. “But when issues come up, he can be very quick to bristle and get quite angry.”


Then came the Orange revolution. When Ukrainians took to the streets in 2004 and overturned an election marred by fraud, Mr Putin suspected a giant western intrigue to encircle Russia. “Putin was shocked, he wouldn’t talk to any western leader for days,” says a senior western diplomat. Mr Putin also came under pressure from hardline former security officials in his inner circle who saw Ukraine as a major strategic setback. “You started to hear for the first time suggestions that he might not make it to the end of his second term,” says the diplomat, who served in Moscow.


“Those days changed everything,” says a person whose family is close to Mr Putin and who remembers a “brooding” president.


Mr Putin began to crack down on political dissent, tighten his grip on the legislature, the regions and the judiciary – a reaction he has repeated following the latest unrest in Ukraine. Mr Putin’s heavy hand has all but smothered Russia’s civil society, says Gleb Pavlovsky, another former Kremlin adviser. “This is the collapse of the Russian intellectual class,” he says. “I think that’s an even worse disaster than what’s happening in Crimea.”

普京開始鎮壓政治異見人士,收緊對立法機關、各行政區和司法機關的控制——在烏克蘭最新的動亂爆發後,他曾多次作出這種反應。前克林姆林宮顧問格列布•帕夫洛夫斯基(Gleb Pavlovsky)表示,普京的高壓手段幾乎扼殺了俄羅斯的公民社會。“這是俄羅斯知識分子階層的垮臺,”他說,“我認爲這場災難甚至比克里米亞的局勢還要糟糕。”

On the international stage the hardening of Mr Putin’s attitude was signalled in a speech at the Munich Security Conference in 2007, which former aides say pointed to what was to come. Mr Putin railed against the US and warned Nato off Georgia. A year later he returned to Munich to deliver a veiled warning about western attempts to draw in Ukraine. “And yet again, they didn’t take him seriously,” says Mr Yurgens.

在國際舞臺上,普京2007年在慕尼黑安全政策會議(Munich Security Conference)上的一次演講凸顯出他的態度日趨強硬。他的前助手錶示,那次演講預示着後來會發生什麼。普京對美國展開了抨擊,並警告北約不要插手格魯吉亞事務。一年後,還是在慕尼黑,他針對西方企圖吸引烏克蘭入盟含蓄地發出了警告。尤爾根斯說:“他們依然沒有把他的話當回事。”

The first time Mr Putin made real his threat – the five-day war with Georgia in 2008 – left relations with the US seriously damaged. Since then, the crises that emanated from the Arab uprising have further cemented Mr Putin’s belief that the US is engaged in dangerous “experiments” around the world.


While it is impossible for outsiders to tell when Mr Putin decided to move on Ukraine, there is consensus that it was long planned. “The level of precision with which this has all been rolled out is astounding,” says the former US official.


The question is where Mr Putin goes from here. If Russia is targeted with tough financial sanctions, the resulting damage could quickly undermine his power. “He has taken a big gamble but he can’t go back,” says the person with personal ties to Mr Putin. The calculus seems to be that Russia will get to keep Crimea as the west will not risk conflict.


Some Russian experts therefore have little more than scorn for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s reported observation that Mr Putin is out of touch with reality. “People in the west think Putin is irrational or crazy. In fact he’s very rational according to his own logic, and very well prepared,” says Andrei Illarionov, a former Putin adviser who is now one of his fiercest critics. “It is not Putin who is out of touch with reality – it is the west.”

因此,一些俄羅斯專家對德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)的說法嗤之以鼻——據報道,默克爾稱普京與現實脫節。“西方人認爲普京不理智或瘋狂。實際上,按照他自己的邏輯,他非常理性,而且準備得非常充分。”曾任普京顧問的安德烈•伊拉里奧諾夫(Andrei Illarionov)表示,“與現實脫節的不是普京,而是西方。”伊拉里奧諾夫現在是對普京批評最爲嚴厲的人士之一。