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英語中的比較句式建構龐大,複雜多變,往往差之毫釐,謬以千里。它包括比較級,強化式比較,否定式比較,選擇式比較, 遞增或遞減式比較。

一、比較級(comparative degree)


1. 超越 (superiority)

(1)better than: 勝過,優於

Doing is better than saying.(百說不如一做。)

(2)more than + 從句。多餘,超過

She has talked more than what is necessary.(她說了一些多餘的話)

(3)“than +關係代詞”的從句。 再 …… 不過。

He is a scholar than whom no man ever will be more honest.


(4)superior to :佔優勢,比……勝一籌。

He is superior to his elder brother.(他比他哥哥強)

2. 相等 (equality)

(1) as … as. 如……一樣。

As busy as a bee. ( 忙得不可開交)

(2) as well as 。 既 …… 又, 和……一樣。

Pompey, as well as Caesar, was a great man.


(3) the same as…. 像……一樣。

The same as the past. (一如從前。)

(4) such/ so…as. 像……一樣。

Such a great poet as Homer was proficient not just in literature but also in history .


(5) no sooner than.. 一……就(幾乎同時,誇張用法)。

No sooner said than done.(說到做到。)

(6) No more than. 就像,不優於。

You’re no more capable of speaking French than I am.
