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23. Hair [hεə]


Basic need 音形義

Everyday Expressions

n. 毛髮(不可數)

My hair used to be very long.

n. (人或物)毛髮(指單根)(可數)

There's a hair in my soup.


hairy (多毛的); shave my leg 剃腿毛

hairless (無毛髮的)


hairbrush (發刷);

hairpin (髮夾);

haircut (理髮);

hair oil (髮油);

hairdo (髮式;the style or manner of arranging or combing); ['kəumiŋ]

hairstyle (髮型;the design of coiffure);

hairdresser (美髮師);

hairdryer (吹風機)

常見搭配 Useful Phrases

梳頭 to brush/ comb hair

做頭髮 to set/ do one's hair

吹乾頭髮 to blow-dry hair

卷燙頭髮 to curl hair ; curly hair 捲髮;straight hair 直髮;straighten hair 拉直頭髮

留長髮 to wear/ keep one's hair long

習語與俗語 Idioms & Slangs

make hair stand on end 毛骨悚然

tear out one's hair 氣惱,焦急

get grey hair from 發愁;被什麼......把頭髮弄白

by a hair's breath 以極短的數量/極短的距離

get in one's hair 給某人惹麻煩

hang by a hair 千鈞一髮

生活用語 Street Talks


A: I wish I hadn't married Harry.

B: Why?

A: Well, he's always getting in my hair. (惹惱某人)


A: I have been fearing my hair out over this math problem. (覺得......很困難,犯愁)

B: Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. (沒什麼大不了的)


A: My daughter gets me grey hair. She does drug a lot; sleeps with many men.

B: A typical fallen angel.


When I heard the strange cry, my hair stood on end.

24. Heart

Basic need 音形義

Everyday Expressions

n. 心,心臟

His heart stopped beating and he died soon afterwards

n. 勇氣

I want to argue with my boss, but I didn’t have the heart.

n. 關鍵,中心部位

Your article doesn’t touch on the heart of the subject.

n. 內心、心靈

He has a kind heart.


heartless (無情的);

hearten (v. 鼓動;振奮); deep deepen

heartening (adj.令人振奮的)


heartbroken (心碎的);

heart-warming (溫馨感人的);

heartache (心痛,悲嘆); earache, footache, headache, stomachache

wholehearted (全心全意的);

heart attack (心臟病發作);

heartbeat (心搏);

heart-failure (心力衰竭);

heart land (中心地帶);

heart-to-heart (談心)

常見搭配 Useful Phrases

市中心 (喻) the heart of the city (or hotspot)

全心全意的 heart and soul

冷心腸/熱心腸 cold-hearted/warm-hearted

灰心泄氣 to lose heart

使人心碎 to break one's heart

常見搭配 Useful Phrases

市中心 (喻) the heart of the city (or hotspot)

全心全意的 heart and soul

冷心腸/熱心腸 cold-hearted/warm-hearted

灰心泄氣 to lose heart

使人心碎 to break one's heart

習語與俗語Idioms & Slangs

Follow your heart. 跟着感覺走。

be after one's own heart 正合己意

have a heart of gold 心地善良

have a heart of stone 鐵石心腸

from the bottom of one's heart 打心眼裏

have one's heart in one's Mouth 非常驚恐

生活用語 Street Talks


A: Leo is a good-natured man at heart. (從根本上、內在的)

B: That's why it came home to my heart. (那感動了我)

A: Frankly, I'm jealous of you. I wish I could marry a man of heart like your husband. (心腸好的人)

B: You will.


A: Do you really want this job?

B: From the bottom of heart...(確實很願意;or deep down)


A: You were speeding. I have to give you a ticket.

B: Have a heart, officer. I wasn't going all that fast. (發發善心吧)


A: I'm sorry to hear about your Dad’s accident. How's your mom?

B: Mom broke her heart over his death.


My heart skips a beat when he kisses me.

電影對白 Transcripts


I'll just grow a new heart. 《西雅圖夜未眠》

He had himself a heart attack or something. 《阿甘正傳》


Sabrina: Well, that you're the world's only living heart donor. (狼心狗肺的人,活着就沒了心臟)

Linus: Oh, that.

Proverbs 諺語

What comes from the heart goes to the heart.肺腑之言感人心。

The heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. 愚者的心長在嘴裏,智者的嘴長在心裏。

Hearts may agree, though heads differ. 見解縱不同,感情可一致。