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Chuck 女主角;Ned的青梅竹馬,兩人9歲之後就沒有再見過面,直至Chuck意外死去。
Emerson 男配角;偵探,Ned的破案拍檔,是爲數不多(唯一的?)的知道Ned超能力的人。
Olive 女配角:派店小個子女招待,暗戀Ned已久。
Digby Ned的愛犬,在Ned小時候就出車禍死去,但經他觸碰又復活,但Ned從此不能在觸碰它。
Lily和Vivian Chuck的兩位姨媽,年輕時組成“親親美人魚”水上芭蕾二人組,後因Lily一隻眼睛瞎了而退役,從此性格乖僻、足不出戶。

1. 神奇的手指

: Long after their playdate was over, young Ned remained under Chuck's spell... Until a blood vessel in his mother's brain burst, killing her instantly.
Ned's Mother: Must've slipped - clumsy. Did the timer go off?
Narrator: Young Ned's random gift that was, came with a caveat or two. It was a gift that not only gave - it took. Young Ned discovered that he could only bring the dead back to life for one minute without consequence; any longer, and someone else had to die.

under someone's spell 被某人深深迷住  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

2. 分開的成長 視頻詳見>>

Narrator: At their respective parents' funerals, dizzy with grief, curiosity and hormones, young Ned and a girl named Chuck had their first and only kiss.  After his mother's death, Ned avoided social attachments, fearing what he'd do if someone else he loved died. And he became obsessed with pies.  It's 19 years, 34 weeks, 1 day and 59 minutes later, heretofore known as "Now."  Young Ned has become The Pie Maker.  And this is where he makes his pies: the peaches never brown, the dead fruit in his hands becomesripe with everlasting flavor ... as long as he only touches it once.
在他們各自深愛父母的葬禮上,悲傷、好奇加之荷爾蒙衝昏了頭腦,小Ned和這個叫做Chuck的女孩兒初吻了,這也是他們倆唯一一次接吻。在母親死後,Ned害怕自己的能力會讓其他深愛的人死去,從此不敢與人深交。而他就此沉迷於做水果派。19年34周1天59分之後,也就是所謂的"現在",小Ned成爲了一個專做水果派的糕點師。在他做派的店子裏,桃子永遠不會黃鏽,腐爛的水果經他之手重又變得鮮熟欲滴,美味芬芳--只要他只碰一次。 (複雜的特異功能這麼用是真不錯~~)


be obsessed with 沉迷於某個事物  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

3. 口味的執念 視頻詳見>>

Olive: Everyday I come in, I pick a pie, I concentrate all my love on that pie.  ‘Cause if I love it, someone else is gonna love it, and y'know what?  By the end of the day, I've sold more of those pies than any other of the pies in the bakery.
Emerson: Yeah?  What pie do you love today?
Olive: Rhubarb.
Emerson: I'll stick with Three Plum.  Á la mode.
Narrator: Emerson Cod was the sole keeper of The Pie Maker's secret.  And this is how he came to be the sole keeper of The Pie Maker's secret: a private investigator, Mr. Cod met The Pie Maker when his Pie Hole was on the verge of financial ruin. Mr. Cod proposed a partnership: murders are much easier to solve when you can ask the victim who killed them.  The Pie Maker reluctantly agreed.


Á la mode  甜點邊上配以冰激凌  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>
pie hole 嘴巴【帶侮辱性】  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

4. 難看的死相 

: How does he look?
Ned: Fine, but my threshold's pretty high, so you have to take what I say with a grain of salt.
Emerson: That ain't a grain of salt: that's one of them blocks they give cows to lick.
Ned: He can't help how he is.
Emerson: That don't make it any less traumatic.
Ned: For who?
Emerson: Me.  And I'm sure him, but mainly me.  I'm gonna wait outside.

a grain of salt  持保留態度、半信半疑的   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

5. 過去的地方  視頻詳見>>

Ned: Where we going?
Emerson: Coeur d'Coeurs.  Ever been there?
Ned: I grew up there.  Sort of.  This dead girl from Coeur d'Coeurs: she have a name?
Emerson: Charlotte Charles.
Ned: Chuck.

Coeur d'Coeurs  內心深處   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

6. 詭異的重逢  視頻詳見>>

Who are you?
Ned: Do you remember a little boy who lived next to you when your dad died?
Chuck: Ned? Oh, my God, hey!  How are you?
Ned: Good!  You look great!  Uh, do you know what's happening right now?
Chuck: I had the strangest dream: I was being strangled to death with a plastic sack ...
Ned: You were strangled to death with a plastic sack.  It's probably an odd thing to hear - I wasn't sure how to sugarcoat it.
Chuck: !

sugarcoat  把一個比較殘酷的現實說得讓人容易接受  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

7. 神祕的死因  視頻詳見>>

Ned: You could tell me who killed you so, y'know, justice can be served.
Chuck: Well, that's really sweet but I don't know who killed me.  I went to go get ice and I dropped my room key inthe ice maker, and as I was thinking, "That was dumb ... "
Narrator: As she was thinking "That was dumb," Chuck was strangled to death with a plastic sack.
Chuck: And then you touched my cheek.

dumb  [非正式]笨  近義詞解析點此進入>>

8. 宅女的養成  視頻詳見>>

Narrator: Lying in the dark, Chuck considered how she came to be lying in the dark.  She considered the life that was with Aunts Lily and Vivian. Theirpersonality disorders blossomed into incapacitating social phobias, which made it difficult for them to leave the house.  Which in turn made it difficult for Chuck to leave them. She served her community by harvesting honey for the homeless.  She never strayed far from home. She read about people she could never be, on adventures she would never have. Life was good enough, until one day, it wasn't: Chuck wanted more. But at Boutique Travel Travel Boutique, she got more than she bargained for ...
躺在黑暗之中,查克回想起她是怎麼纔會像這樣躺在黑暗之中的。她回想起與莉莉和薇薇安姨媽一起生活的日子。兩位姨媽的人格障礙,漸漸發展成爲了社交恐懼症,使得她們由此足不出戶,也連帶讓查克不能走遠。她就在街坊裏出售自產的蜂蜜爲流浪者募款,從不離家千里。在家裏她博覽羣書,閱讀那些她成爲不了 的人的離奇人生。生活很容易滿足,直到有一天這樣的生活也不足以滿足她的夢想,她想要更多的體驗。而在精品旅遊旅遊精品店,她所得到的要比要求的更多......
Ned: Hey, I think somebody's truck is on fire. Sorry I'm late.
Narrator: Only Sleeping Beauty could know how she felt at this moment.
這一刻只有睡美人才能瞭解她的感受。 (和之前的白馬王子那句相呼應,很浪漫的臺詞哦!)


blossom into  發展成爲、長成爲  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

9. 擁抱的奧妙  視頻詳見>>

Chuck: I can't even hug you? What if you need a hug? A hug can turn your day around.
Ned: I'm not a fan of the hug.
Chuck: Then you haven't been hugged properly. A hug is like an emotional Heimlich: they put their arms around you and give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety goes shooting out of your mouth like a big, wet wad and you can breathe again.
Ned: That's fine for someone else to do if I'm choking on something other than emotion, but you can't touch me.
Chuck: So a kiss is out of the question?
Ned: I lost my train of thought.


lose train of thought  忘記要說什麼/剛在想什麼  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

10. 襲來的睡意  視頻詳見>>

Ned: I hate to be a bad host, but I'm sort of exhausted from chasing your coffin.
Chuck: Oh, yeah, of course.
Ned: I'm gonna sleep here. You take the bed: I insist. Oh, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head. I'm laying down now.
Chuck: I'd kiss you if it wouldn't kill me.


eyes roll back into one's head  翻白眼  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

11. 嚴厲的逼問  視頻詳見>>

Chuck: You touch murder victims, you ask who killed them, you touch them again, and they go back to being dead and you collect their reward?
Ned: That's it in a nutshell.


in a nutshell  簡而言之  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

12. 反覆的思量  視頻詳見>>

Chuck: I've been ruminating - and by ruminating, I mean pondering, not chewing cud - how about we solve my murder and collect the reward? Wouldn't that be poetic? Certainly an anecdote.
Emerson: She's supposed to be in the ground.
Ned: I thought you didn't want the reward.
Chuck: No, I didn't want you not to want the reward. $50,000, that's a lot of money. Three-way split?30-30-40? It's only fair I get more: I did die for it.
Ned: I'm not a detective: I make pies.
Chuck: You can't just touch somebody's life and be done with it.
Ned: Yes, I can: that's how I roll.
Emerson: I could do 30-30-40.
Ned: She's supposed to be dead - You're supposed to be dead! This is pushing your luck.
Chuck: Yeah, well, luck pushed me first.


chew the cud  考慮再三   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>
push luck  得寸進尺  短語詳細解釋點此進入>>


Chuck: I'm not who you think I am.
Emerson: Who does he think you are?
Chuck: The small town girl who never sawthe world only to have her first time out be her last - well, that is who I am, but I was hoisted by my own petard!


hoist with/by one's own petard  玩火自焚   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

14. 落空的希望  視頻詳見>>

Narrator: Boutique Travel Travel Boutique manager Deedee Duffield hoped the $50,000 reward would catch a killer before a killer caught her.  The reward fell short of achieving its desired goal.
精品旅遊旅遊精品店的經理Deedee Duffield原本指望發出的五萬懸賞能在殺手對她下手之前被抓到。可是賞金還是讓她的願望落了空


fall short of  未能達成(目標)   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

15. 登門的拜訪  視頻詳見>>

Aunt Lily: Charlotte was a firecracker: always trying to get us out of the house.  Threatened to bake anti-depressants into our food: got to the point I was scared to eat anything she cooked.


firecracker  風風火火,活力十足的人   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

16. 意外的波折

Narrator: The jig appeared to be up: Aunt Lily was looking directly at her niece - her niece who wasn't supposed to be alive.  And if she possessed two good eyes, she would've seen her.
眼看着大事不妙了:莉莉姨媽直直地望着她的外甥女--她那早該安息的外甥女。如果她兩隻眼睛都完好的話,她就會看到她了。 (劇情設定太奧妙了……)


jig is up  大事不妙   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>

17. 鼓足的勇氣  視頻詳見>>

Narrator: The monkeys' value was significantly more than sentimental: they were golden.  The man who killed Chuck was killed by Aunt Lily. After collecting the $50,000 reward, Vivian and Lily had a renewed interest in the world on the other side of their fence: they retreated from their retreat and took the plunge.


take the plunge  經過長時間的反覆考慮、猶豫之後,作出冒險的決定   短語詳細解釋點此進入>>