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Hank:Can I help you?

Logan:Uh... Yeah, what happened to the school?

Hank:The school's been shut for years. Are you a parent? I sure as hell hope not. Who are you? I'm Hank. Hank McCoy. I look after the house now.

Logan:You're Beast? Look at you. I guess you're a late bloomer.

Hank:I don't know what you're talking about,but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Logan:So where's the Professor?

Hank:There's no professor here.

Logan:You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid. You sure there's not a little Beast in there?

Hank:No, he's not here.

Logan:Come on, on, Beastie.

Hank:No! Hey! I said the school's closed. You need to leave.

Logan:Not until I see the Professor.

Hank:There's no professor here, I told you that.

Logan:Look, kid. You and I are gonna be good friends. You just don't know it yet. Professor! Professor!

Charles:Hank? What's going on here?


Charles:Please don't call me that.

Logan:Why? You know this guy?

Charles:Yeah, he looks slightly familiar. Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank.

Logan:You can walk.

Charles:You're a perceptive one.

Logan:I thought Erik...

Charles:Which makes it slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on the way in. This is private property, my friend. I'm gonna have to ask him to ask you to leave.

Logan:Well. I'm afraid I can't do that... because, uh, I was sent here for you.

Charles:Tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm busy.

Logan:That's gonna be a little use the person who sent me was you.


Logan:About 50 years from now.

Charles:Like in the future, 50 years from now?


Charles:I sent you from the future?


Charles:Piss off.

Logan:If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth.

Charles:How do you know I don't have my p... Who are you?

Logan:I told you.

Charles:Are you CIA?


Charles:You've been watching me?

Logan:I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were 9. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started all the voices in your head. And it wasn't until you were 12 that you realized all the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?

Charles:I never told anyone that.

Logan:Not yet, no, but, you will.

Charles:All right, you've piqued my interest. What do you want?

Logan:We have to stop Raven. I need your help. We need your help.

Charles:I think I'd like to wake up now. 

Hank:What does she have to do with this? 

Charles:So you're took Raven's power, and what? They weaponized it?


Hank:She is unique.

Charles:Yeah, she is, Hank. 

Logan:In the beginning, the Sentinels were just targeting mutants. Then they began to identify thegenetics in non-mutants who would eventually have mutant children and grandchildren. Many of the humans tried to help us, but it was a slaughter. Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge. I've been in a lot of wars. I'd never seen anything like this. And it all starts with her.

Charles:Let's just say for the sake sake, that I choose to believe I choose to help you. Raven won't listen to me. Her heart and soul belong to someone else now.

Logan:I know. That's why we're gonna need Magneto, too.


Hank:You do know where he is?


Charles:He's where he belongs.

Logan:You're just gonna walk out?

Charles:Ooh, top marks. Like I said, you are perceptive.

Logan:The Professor I know would never turn his back on someone who'd lost their path. Especially someone he loved.

Charles:You know...I think I do remember you came to you a long time ago... seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then. Fuck off. 

Logan:Listen to me, you little shit. I've come a long way, and I've watched a lot of people die. Good people. Friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same understand?

Charles:We all have to die sometime.

Hank:Told you there was no professor here.

Logan:What the hell happened to him?

Hank:He lost everything. Erik, Raven... his legs. We built the school, the labs, this whole place... then, just after the first semester, the war in Vietnam got worse. Many of the teachers and older students were drafted. It broke him. He retreated into himself. I wanted to help, do something... so I designed a serum to treat his spine, derived from the same formula that helps me control mymutation. I take just enough to keep myself balanced, but he takes too much. I tried easing him back... but he just couldn't bear the pain, the voices. The treatment gives him his legs... but it's not enough. He''s just lost too much. 


1. late bloomer

金剛狼梅根回到過去,找到那個變種人學校尋找X教授。但卻發現學校破落,裏面荒無人煙。他敲了敲門,對方問他是誰,並自報名號:漢克。金剛狼覺得很驚喜,因爲眼前這個柔弱的小少年竟然就是多年之後的“野獸”。於是他打趣道:“你是野獸嗎?看起來難以置信,大器晚成啊!”“late bloomer”形容“大器晚成的人”;“晚熟”。

2. pique one's interest

金剛狼梅根成功惹怒漢克,把已經殘破不堪的學校更是搞得一團糟。X教授終於現身,金剛狼表明來意後,年輕的X教授認爲金剛狼是瘋了,讓他走。但金剛狼將X教授的變異的過程複述了出來,X教授有些吃驚:“我從來沒告訴任何人,好吧,你勾起我的興趣了,你想要做什麼?”“pique one's interest”意爲“激起某人的興趣”。

3. turn one's back on

X教授表示愛莫能助,就算他相信金剛狼的話,但也幫不了他組織瑞雯。因爲瑞雯已經離開了他,當金剛狼說還需要尋找萬磁王的幫助時,X教授異常憤怒,更加堅定了置之不理。金剛狼說:“我認識的教授從來不會拋下那些迷失方向的人,更不用說是他愛的人了。”“turn one's back on”意爲“不理睬”;“ 背棄”;“拋下”。

4. retreat into oneself

梅根不知道爲什麼X教授爲何如此頹廢,不管世事。漢克回答說:“X教授失去了一切,艾瑞克 瑞雯,他的腿,我們建起這學校和這裏的一切。而就在第一學期之後,越南的戰爭更糟糕了,許多老師和學生被強行招入軍隊。他很傷心,他把自己封閉起來了。”“retreat into oneself”意爲“退隱”;“ 離羣索居”;“封閉自己”。
