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In a Bookstore 在書店

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In a Bookstore-在書店
        Last Sunday my classmate, Lin Hao and I went to a bookstore. At a counter wenoticed that a foreigner was asking a clerk for help, but the clerk didn't understand what the foreigner said. So we went upto him and offered help. After knowing what he really wanted, we took him to the counter where tapes and discs of Chinesefolk music are sold and gave him some advice on what to choose. With our help, the foreign guest got some music tapes. Hegave his hearty thanks to us and left. Though it took us some time to help him, we were happy anyway.
        上星期天,我和我的同學林昊去了書店。在櫃檯,我們注意到一個外國人正在向一個店員尋求幫助,可是這個店員不懂他說的話。所以我們走上前,提供幫助。搞清楚了他真正想要的,我們把他帶到賣中國民樂磁帶和光盤的櫃檯,並對於挑選什麼給了他一些建議。在我們的幫助下,這位外國友人挑了一些音樂磁帶。他向我們表示衷心的感謝後離去。 儘管幫助他佔去了我們一些時間,我們還是很高興。
        Last Sunday Lin Hao, one of my classmates, andI went to a bookstore. At a counter a foreigner was talking to a clerk, but the clerk didn't understand what the foreignersaid. So we went up to him and asked if he needed help in English. After knowing what he really wanted, we took him to thecounter he was looking for. He was interested in Chinese folk music very much. We gave him some advice on what to choose. Theforeign guest picked some music tapes with our help. He was pleased and thanked us a lot. Though it took us some time to helphim, we were happy anyway.