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Standing on a deserted subway platform is an eerie experience. You stand in the cold darkness for your train, hearing distant creaks and whistles, wondering if every sound is your train pulling in or the tormented screams of the damned. This setting is just the place for creepy mysteries and legends.


York Subway's Mysterious DNA



In 2014, a team of scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College sequenced genetic material found in the turnstiles, seats, and ticket booths of all 468 New York City subway stations. They discovered bacteria known to thrive on human skin, as well as those associated with gastrointestinal and urogenital systems and human feces. They discovered remnants of neighborhood-specific cuisine like pizza and falafels, though considering the fecal bacteria situation, eating on the subway might be ill-advised. One station that had been flooded during Hurricane Sandy still contained DNA associated with a marine environment. They even found traces of anthrax and the bubonic plague, although they were also quick to downplay any risks to the public. All in all, the team found DNA from 15,152 distinct species.

2014年,韋爾康奈爾醫學院(Weill Cornell Medical College)的科學家研究團隊採集了486個紐約地鐵站中的驗票閘門、座位和自動售票機裏的各種細菌基因樣本進行排序。他們發現,這些細菌不僅來自人體皮膚,有的甚至來自腸道、泌尿系統以及人的排泄物。他們找到的殘餘物中還包含地鐵站附近特有的美食,例如披薩餅和沙拉三明治。儘管只是殘留在排泄物中的細菌,但在地鐵上飲食仍然存在染病的風險。其中一個地鐵站曾因爲颶風桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)的襲擊而被洪水淹沒,科學家還在那裏找到了海洋生物的DNA。甚至還在有些地鐵站中找到了炭疽病菌和黑死病桿菌,雖然這些病菌對人們的健康已不會再造成什麼威脅。研究團隊一共找到了15152個不同類型的DNA。

The weird part? Over half of the DNA sequences matched no known organism. The likely explanation is that the subways simply contain mundane microorganisms that we haven't got around to matching the genetic sequences for yet. Then again, New York's health department condemned the paper, saying, “This report is deeply flawed, and the interpretation of the results is misleading. The researchers failed to offer alternative, much More plausible explanations for their findings, which is a common best practice for scientific papers.” That sounds like they might be hiding aliens.

看到這裏你可能想問:“這有什麼詭異的?” 別急,待我慢慢道你聽。過半數採集到的DNA序列經測試後都無法與已知的有機體進行配對,這也許說明了地鐵裏存在着很多我們還未進行配對的微生物基因序列。紐約衛生部門對此指責道:“這一報告存在着重大缺陷,而且得出的結論會使公衆產生誤解。研究人員並不能夠提出其他更合乎情理的解釋,而充分且合理的驗證恰恰是科技論文所要求的。”聽起來,是不是有點像地鐵裏藏着外星人呢。

o's Secret Underground Network


關於世界地鐵的十大傳說(上) 第2張

In 2002, journalist Shun Akiba published Teito Tokyo Kakusareta Chikamono Himitsu (translated as Imperial City Tokyo: Secret of a Hidden Underground Network), in which he claimed to have uncovered evidence of a secret network of tunnels by comparing historical and modern subway maps. “Close to the Diet in Nagata-cho, current maps show two subways crossing. In the old map, they are parallel.” Convinced that such engineering was impossible, he began to dig into construction records.

2002年,記者秋庭俊(Shun Akiba)在其所撰寫的《帝都東京:隱藏在地下的祕密》(日文名爲:帝都東京·隠された地下網の祕密,英文譯名爲Imperial City Tokyo:Secret of a Hidden Underground Network)一書中表示,通過對比新舊的地鐵路線圖,他已經找到了東京存在祕密地下通道網的證據。他在書中說道:“新版的地鐵路線圖顯示,在永田町的國會大廈附近有兩條地鐵線路在此交匯。但是在舊版的地鐵路線圖中,它們卻是平行分佈的。”他深信基於這樣的鐵路設計是不可能存在的,於是便開始深入挖掘地鐵的建設記錄。

This turned out to be only the first of seven riddles which he believes are inconsistent with official records. The others were old maps showing a secret underground complex between Kokkai-gijidomae and the prime minister's residence, maps of the National Diet surrounded by a huge empty space and paddy fields, multiple inconsistencies in newer maps, strange points of interest around postwar Tokyo's General Headquarters, and the possibility that the “new” Oedo line had already existed and the money allocated for tunneling had just disappeared.

根據秋的調查記錄表明,這其實只是七個與官方記錄前後矛盾的謎團之一。其他的還包括:一、舊版地鐵線路圖中顯示在國會議事堂和總理官邸之間存在着一個複雜的大規模地下建築;二、戰前的地圖上顯示,國會議事堂地鐵站居然建在大片空曠的稻田之上,這個地鐵站的地表仍跟以前一樣,可新地圖上卻沒有見到這個地鐵站的標識,讓我們不禁思索“軍方隱瞞了什麼東西”;三、地鐵線在新地圖上根本就不連貫,這可能說明“政府仍在繼續隱瞞着重大的地下祕密”; 四、日本自衛隊在戰後修建了一個地下祕密總指揮部,該指揮部所在的地下鐵已成爲東京最神祕的地方;五、新的大江戶線極有可能已經建成,但政府卻對外聲稱準備動工建造;六、原本指定用於挖掘地鐵隧道的預算卻不明緣由地不翼而飛。

Shun believes that a secret underground network was first built before World War II but is concerned as to why it remains a secret even today, suggesting that it may be part of government preparations for a nuclear attack. Some believe that government officials have access to secret trains and underground complexes beneath government buildings.


People And Troglodytes


關於世界地鐵的十大傳說(上) 第3張

For years, there have been tales of homeless people disappearing into the tunnels of the New York subway system and never emerging again. These alleged mole people were said to be mutants who hated the sunlight and surface dwellers, preferring to live in underground cities built in abandoned train tunnels, where they steal electricity, tap into water pipes, and build their own houses and dwellings. More outlandish versions of the legend painted them as bug-eyed monsters who would kill and eat surface dwellers who strayed into their territory.

多年以來,紐約一直流傳着一些無家可歸的人消失在地鐵隧道並且再也沒有出現過的傳說。據說這些所謂變種的 “鼴鼠人”(mole people)是非常討厭陽光和地面的人們,他們更願意居住在城市地下廢棄的地鐵隧道里,在那裏偷電、取水並搭建自己的房屋和住所。另一種更古怪的傳說將他們描繪成巨眼怪物(bug-eye monster),會殺死並吃掉誤入其領地的地面居民。

When journalist Jennifer Toth went into New York's tunnels in 1993, she didn't find any mutants. Instead, she found a community of thousands of marginalized people—runaways, the mentally ill, drug addicts, alcoholics, and recluses—living in terrible conditions. This forced the city to respond to a long-ignored problem and attempt to get these people out of the tunnels. These attempts were a mixed success. Video footage from 2010 proved that there were still homeless people living in the tunnels, and later concerns were raised over the fate of those trapped by flooding during Hurricane Sandy.

1993年,記者珍妮弗·托特(Jennifer Toth)進入紐約的地鐵隧道中一探究竟。在那裏她並沒有發現任何變種人,相反,她發現了由成千上萬脫離社會的人組成的社區。那裏的生活條件惡劣,離家出走的、患有精神病的、吸毒的、酗酒的和隱居的人都聚集在一起。這樣的情況迫使城市不得不處理這個長期被忽視的問題,政府於是便試圖把這些人從隧道中驅趕出去。措施的實施結果成敗參半,根據2010年的視頻片段顯示,仍然有一些無家可歸的人在隧道中居住,這些人在颶風桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)襲擊紐約的期間,面臨被洪水圍困的命運時,才得以被關注。

Meanwhile, in London there have long been rumors of devolved humans known as troglodytes living in the Underground, said to be descended from Irish laborers trapped during construction in the 1890s. They are said to survive by eating discarded food, rats, and the occasional unlucky tramp.


apore Mass Rapid Transit's Bad Feng Shui


關於世界地鐵的十大傳說(上) 第4張

In the 1970s, Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew pushed for the construction of a subway system called Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) as part of the city-state's modernization drive. The project began well, but soon the economy began to tank. According to urban legend, Prime Minister Lee visited a feng shui master named Reverend Hong Chuan. Lee was advised that the SMRT network was disrupting the eight dragon veins beneath the city, unleashing angry dragon spirits and/or disrupting the flow of qi, thereby causing the economic downturn.

在19世紀70年代,新加坡總理李光耀(Lee Kwan Yew)力推建設本國的地鐵系統,即新加坡地鐵(SMRT),並將其作爲城市現代化建設中的一個項目。該項目開始時一切都很順利,不久,經濟開始下滑。據都市傳說記載,李總理拜訪了一位風水大師,也就是當時光明山普覺禪寺的住持:宏船法師(Reverend Hong Chuan)。進而得知導致經濟衰退的原因是地鐵工程破壞了城市底下的八條龍脈,引起了龍怒和(或)破壞了這裏的氣場。

The solution was to make all Singaporeans, regardless of their ethnic origin or beliefs, carry a bagua, an octagonal mirror said to deflect negative energy in Chinese geomancy. The alleged solution of how to get the city's diverse population of Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Europeans—of many different faiths—to carry a Chinese geomantic bagua was ingenious. The 1987 Singapore $1 coin was designed with an octagon on both sides, which some believe quelled the dragon spirits and allowed Singapore to embark on a new period of economic growth. The coin was released in September 1987, two months before the grand opening of the first SMRT line at Toa Payoh.

解決的方法是,不論種族和信仰,所有的新加坡人都要隨身攜帶一個“八卦”(bagua)。中國的風水學表明,這個八角形的鏡子可以驅散煞氣。這個傳說中的解決方案非常巧妙地令來自中國、馬來西亞、印度和歐洲等各國不同城市不同信仰的人都隨身攜帶了“八卦”。 1987年新加坡重新設計1元硬幣,在正反兩面都印上一個八邊形,許多人認爲這樣做能夠平息龍魂,讓新加坡迎來一個新的經濟增長期。同年九月,新設計的1元硬幣在國內正式發行。兩個月後,第一條地鐵線路在大巴窯鎮(Toa Payoh)隆重啓動。

ow Metro-2


關於世界地鐵的十大傳說(上) 第5張

People have been hiding things beneath Moscow for centuries: Byzantine libraries, Ivan the Terrible's secret torture chamber, and Catherine the Great's underground canal network. So it's unsurprising that Stalin got in on the action. Metro-2 is the name given to a purported secret underground rail network built by Stalin in the 1930s to allow the Soviet secret police to move around the city rapidly without detection. It originally linked Stalin's dacha (suburban residence), the Ministry of Defense, command bunkers, and other military facilities. Larger and more extensive than the official metro system, it is unknown whether construction stopped after Stalin's death or if his successors continued to expand it.

幾個世紀以來,人們已在莫斯科地下藏了不少東西:拜占庭圖書館(Byzantine libraries)、伊凡雷帝(Ivan the Terrible)的祕密酷刑室和凱瑟琳大帝(Catherine the Great)的地下通道網,所以斯大林也想加入他們的行列也就不足爲奇了。地鐵2號線,指的是斯大林在20世紀20年代所建造的祕密地鐵網,可供蘇聯祕密警察在城市裏不受監視地快速自由通行。這條地鐵線路一開始是連接斯大林郊外的別墅、國防部、總參謀部和其他軍事機構的地下通道,比官方向公衆展示的地鐵系統更大、更寬。在斯大林去世後,該工程的建設是停止了抑或是仍由其繼任者繼續擴建就不得而知了。

The system was also meant to serve as protection against nuclear attack, with a supposed giant bunker built beneath the Moscow suburb of Ramenki that was able to house up to 300,000 people along with an alternate command post for the Soviet high command. There are even rumors that the network extends for miles outside Moscow, allowing Soviet leaders to flee in case the capital was hit by a nuclear attack. There are also rumors that the tunnels were used by the military to transport supplies, materials, and personnel between bunkers without exposure.


A tunnel leading into the Metro-2 system was discovered after the 1960s-era Rossiya Hotel near the Kremlin was demolished. The tunnel was referred to as “D6,” which is apparently KGB code for Metro-2, and urban explorers attempted to exit to the main metro line through a sealed door.

在20世紀60年代,克里姆林宮(Kremlin)附近的羅西亞酒店(Rossiya Hotel)被拆毀之後,人們發現了一條通往地鐵2號線的隧道,其名稱爲“D6”,這顯然是當時蘇聯國家安全委員會(KGB)給地鐵2號線起的代號。人們曾想利用“城市探險者”通過一扇焊死的門離開地鐵2號線並進入地鐵正線。

審校:王大 校對:CMX 編輯:旭旭 來源:前十網