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When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 after a 12-year exile, the company was close to bankruptcy. Thirteen years later it has a market cap of $250 billion and is the world's most valuable tech company, transforming whole industries along the way. iTunes reinvented music. Pixar, now part of Disney, elevated animated films. The iPhone changed telecom. And the new iPad has other computer makers scrambling to respond. Rocking one industry could be luck, but upending four? That's smart.

《財富》評選科技界最聰明的五個人,馬雲入選 第2張

Jeff Bezos never stops innovating. Bezos launched Amazon as an online bookstore in 1994, then turned it into a massive virtual mall open to other vendors' wares. Now he's done the same with Amazon's cloud computing services, which let customers rent data storage and computing power from Amazon. Then there's the Kindle, which has helped redefine the very concept of the book. Though the company hasn't disclosed the number of Kindle users, its eBook selection has grown tenfold to 600,000. And while the iPad is getting all the eReader love these days, Bezos got there first, and virtually every iPad review compares Steve Jobs' tablet to Bezos' device.
Jeff Bezos從來都不停止創新。1994年Bezos正式將亞馬遜上線並且主要負責線上書籍的銷售,之後將這個大型的虛擬超市轉變成了一個銷售各種商品的地方。現在他又對亞馬遜的雲服務故技重施,這讓消費者可以向亞馬遜租賃數據存儲空間和運算能力。之後出現了Kindle,這個產品重新定義了圖書。雖然公司並沒有具體透露Kindle有多少用戶,但是電子書的已經增長了10倍,達到了60萬用戶。雖然說今天Ipad讓很多用戶愛不釋手,但是這個行業的先驅是Bezos,事實上到今天人們也把喬布斯麾下的平板電腦和Bezos手下的設備相互比較。

《財富》評選科技界最聰明的五個人,馬雲入選 第3張

For the 192,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, Dr. Mitch Gold's Seattle-based BioTech company Dendreon may hold the key to their survival. The Food and Drug Administration last April finally approved Provenge, a prostate cancer vaccine that stimulates the body's own immune system to attack tumors. In one clinical trial, Provenge extended the lives of patients with prostate cancer on average by 4.1 months, with 32% of patients still alive three years after treatment. While Gold and Dendreon stand to benefit -- it's estimated Provenge could generate more than $1 billion in U.S. sales -- ultimately the real beneficiaries will be the patients themselves.
截止去年產生了的19.2萬前列腺癌症患者,Mitch Gold醫生坐落於西雅圖的Dendreon生物醫藥公司似乎掌握了這些人的生死。美國的食品以及藥物管理委員會在去年4月份通過了對Provenge的審覈,這個癌症疫苗強化了身體免疫系統,使免疫系統會主動攻擊腫瘤。在一項實驗中,Provenge平均延長了前列腺癌症患者的生命4.1個月,並且32%的人使用了這個藥物的在次年依然存活。雖然Gold和他的公司必然要收益,但是面對Provenge在美國市場10億的銷量,毫無疑問最終受益的也會使消費者。

《財富》評選科技界最聰明的五個人,馬雲入選 第4張

Like many entrepreneurs, Ma's success story started with borrowed capital and a dream. In 1999, Ma, a former English teacher, invited 18 people over to his home, pitched the idea of a business-to-business e-commerce site, and snagged $60,000 in funding. Today Alibaba's multitiered empire, which includes e-commerce, consumer retail, and payment platforms and ownership of China Yahoo, now plays a major role in China's booming economy.

《財富》評選科技界最聰明的五個人,馬雲入選 第5張

Rosenblatt's big media idea is simple but brilliant: Give the masses what they want. His Demand Media uses a team of freelancers to churn out 7,000 videos and articles a day, based on a sophisticated computer analysis of what online readers are searching for on any given day. The material appears on Demand's own family of sites, but also on mainstream media outlets such as USA Today. Readers are happy, and advertisers apparently are too: Executives say that Demand Media has been profitable since its start, reportedly generating more than $200 million in revenue a year.
Rosenblatt的大媒體想法雖然想法簡單但是非常聰明:給大衆他們想要的東西。他的Demand Media每天動用一個團隊的自由職業者粗製濫造出7000個視頻或者文章,而這一切的根據就是複雜的網絡運算來確定每天讀者們都在蒐集些什麼內容。這些資料都出現在Demand自己的官方網站上,但是也會出現在主流媒體上比如USA Today之類的。消費者和廣告商都很高興:因爲根據Demand Media的執行官說,這個媒體從一開始就很賺錢,每年能夠產生2億的利潤。