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Is Learning to Code More Popular Than Learning a Foreign Language?

There was a time when people used to go to night classes or buy DIY guides to learn foreign languages in their spare time. But the New York Times is to have us believe that French and Spanish are out of the window, to be replaced by Python and Java.
曾幾何時,人們都涌進夜校或是購買自學教材,利用空閒時間學習外語。但《紐約時報》的報道卻讓我們相信,曾經很多人癡迷的法語和西班牙語已經不再受重視,現在好學人士的首選已經變成了計算機編程語言Python 和Java。

It's an interesting concept. There's certainly no denying the fact that as a nation we're becoming more tech savvy—you only need to look around a coffee shop to tell you that—and with that is bound to come an increased shift to learning how to make devices work better. From the New York Times:

"Parlez-vous Python? What about Rails or JavaScript? Foreign languages tend to wax and wane in popularity, but the language du jour is computer code.
你會Python代碼嗎?還有Rails 源代碼和 JavaScript代碼?外語學習的人氣似乎有所減弱,現在正當紅的語言是計算機代碼。

"The market for night classes and online instruction in programming and Web construction, as well as for iPhone apps that teach, is booming. Those jumping on board say they are preparing for a future in which the Internet is the foundation for entertainment, education and nearly everything else. Knowing how the digital pieces fit together, they say, will be crucial to ensuring that they are not left in the dark ages."

But is it really crucial to be able to code? Many content producers use technology virtually every waking hour of their life, and they don't know a variable from an identifier, or an integer from a string. Personally, I'm conflicted: I have a technical background, but for most people I just don't see how being able to compile code is going to prove useful.
不過會寫代碼真的這麼重要麼?許多內容生產者幾乎每時每刻都在使用科技,但他們分不清變量和標識符,不瞭解整數和字符串之間的差別。就我個人而言我覺得很矛盾:我有一定的技術背景 ,但對於大部分人們來說,我並沒有看出會編寫代碼多有用。

So, I'm going to hand this over to you guys: Is learning to code more popular than learning a foreign language? And, if it is, should it be?


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