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英語笑話:貓和老鼠 Cat and Mice

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Mrs Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top.  " What's in your box?" asked the friend.   "A cat," answered Mrs Brown. "You see I've been dreaming about mice at night and I'm so scared! This cat is to catch them."   "But the mice are only imaginary," said the friend.   "So is the cat," whispered Mrs Brown.布朗夫人去拜訪一位朋友,她拿着一個頂部扎滿了小眼兒的盒子。“盒子裏裝的是什麼?”朋友問道。“一隻小貓,”布朗夫人回答說,“你知道我晚上睡覺總夢見老鼠,我非常害怕。這隻貓可以抓住那些老鼠。”“可老鼠都是假想的呀。”朋友說。“小貓也是假想的。”布朗夫人小聲說道。

padding-bottom: 55.47%;">英語笑話:貓和老鼠 Cat and Mice