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1. She was pretty and young, in a loose smocked sundress. 她年輕貌美,一身寬鬆的刺繡太陽裙。

2. The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana "Princess of Veils" 《太陽報》在黛安娜王妃的一張照片下寫了一段說明文字——“披着面紗的王妃”。

3. Tomorrow night at sundown, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins. 明天晚上太陽下山的時候,猶太人的逾越節便開始了。

4. The late afternoon sun brightened the interior of the church. 傍晚的太陽照亮了教堂內部。

5. The sun went in, and the breeze became cold. 雲層遮住了太陽,微風有了些涼意。

6. She threatened legal action against the Sun for breach of copyright. 她威脅說要對《太陽報》侵犯其著作權的行爲採取法律措施。

7. He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess. 他將把收穫的第一束稻子獻給太陽女神。

8. It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun. 它可以保護免受風、太陽等環境因素的危害。

9. I was lying on my stomach soaking up the sun. 我正趴在那裏曬着太陽。

10. The sun was out again, and it was a glorious day. 太陽又出來了,這是個豔陽天。

11. The sun baked down on the concrete, unrelieved by any breeze. 太陽炙烤着水泥,熱度沒有因爲任何微風而有所減輕。

12. It will be so great watching the sun come up. 看着太陽冉冉升起將是十分美妙的事情。

13. The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields. 冉冉升起的太陽在田野中灑下金色的陽光。

14. The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through. 毛毛雨現在已經停了,太陽正破雲而出。

15. The sun shone fitfully and then light snow blew into our faces. 太陽時隱時現,之後片片小雪飄落到我們臉上。

16. The sun was now high in the southern sky. 太陽正高掛在南邊的天空上。

17. He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun. 他用胳膊肘支起身子,眯着眼睛看了看太陽。

18. The north pole is slightly tipped towards the sun. 北極略微向太陽傾斜。

19. My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining. 我的小溫室在太陽照耀下會被烤得炙熱。

20. Venus, the Sun and Earth all moved into line. 金星、太陽和地球都到了一條直線上。