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看好美國經濟 美聯儲上調利率

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看好美國經濟 美聯儲上調利率

WASHINGTON — Citing the steady growth of the US economy, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday that it would increase its benchmark interest rate for just the second time since the 2008 financial crisis.


The widely expected decision moves the Fed’s benchmark rate to a range between 0.5 and 0.75 percent, still a very low level by historical standards.


In announcing the decision, which followed a two-day meeting of the Fed’s policymaking committee, the central bank gave little indication that the election of Donald Trump has altered its economic outlook.


The Fed said it still expected a slow economic expansion, and it still expected to continue a slow march toward higher rates.


Fed officials said they expected to raise rates three times in 2017.


My colleagues and I are recognizing the considerable progress the economy has made, Janet L. Yellen, the Fed chairwoman, said at a news conference after the announcement.

我和同事意識到經濟已經取得相當大的進步,美聯儲主席珍妮特•L•耶倫(Janet L. Yellen)在宣佈調息消息之後舉行的一場新聞發佈會上講。

We expect the economy will continue to perform well.


The decision was taken by a unanimous vote of the 10 members of the Federal Open Market Committee, the first time in recent months the Fed has acted by consensus.

這項決策是由聯邦公開市場委員會(Federal Open Market Committee)10名成員一致投票通過的,這是最近幾個月美聯儲首次達成一致的行動。

The Fed is holding rates at low levels to support economic growth by encouraging borrowing and risk-taking.


The committee’s statement said it judged that the economy still needed help.


The Fed’s economic outlook was essentially unchanged from the last round of forecasts in September.


Fed officials continued to predict the economy would expand at an annual rate of about 2 percent for the next few years.


They expect little further decline in the unemployment rate, which stood at 4.6 percent in November.


Inflation, meanwhile, is expected to reach 2 percent — the pace the Fed regards as healthy —


and then stay there.


If Republicans succeed in invigorating economic growth, however, the Fed is likely to raise rates more quickly.


The greater the stimulus, the faster interest rates are likely to rise.


Your expectation should depend very little on what you think that the FOMC is thinking and very much on your view of Trump policies and their macro effects, said Jon Faust, an economist at Johns Hopkins University and a former adviser to Yellen.

你們不要把預期建立在你們覺得聯邦公開市場委員會在想什麼的基礎上,而應該主要依據你們對特朗普的政策及其宏觀效應的看法,耶倫的前顧問、約翰-霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)經濟學家喬恩•福斯特(Jon Faust)說。

Don’t focus on the Fed.


As James Carville regularly reminded the other Clinton on the campaign trail: It’s the economy, stupid.

就像詹姆斯•卡維爾(James Carville)在競選活動中經常提醒另一位克林頓的:這是經濟,傻瓜。