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Hollywood is full of lies. Believe it or not, the Movie-making industry isn't terribly concerned with truth telling.


Instead, directors and producers pump their films full of over-the-top special effects, unrealistic dialogue and scientific flaws.


When it comes to science, Hollywood is notoriously fuzzy with details. Monsters and superheroes sprout from seeds of the thinnest of genetic reasoning. Widespread natural disasters appear out of nowhere. Action heroes, even those lacking super powers, somehow defy even the most basic laws of physics.


So perhaps it's no surprise that filmmakers sometimes base entire movies on a series of scientific falsehoods.


After all, if you're going to break a few laws of the universe, you may as well go all the way.


Action and disaster genres are generally the most notable offenders.


They take a grain of scientific truth, snowball it into ridiculous proportions and then try to sell their ludicrous premises to the public as entertainment.


Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. As with all movies, the casting and acting matters, too, and when they're done well they provide cover for scientific illusions that would otherwise be too glaring to overlook.


Other times, the science is so bad it makes you want to exit the theater in great haste.


Without further ado, let's review 10 movies that rely on scientific falsehoods as the underpinnings for their plots. You'll see that in Hollywood, science frequently takes a backseat to fun.


ssic Park


Everyone wants a pet dinosaur. Thanks to "Jurassic Park," some people think we could feasibly extract preserved dino DNA, reconstitute it in a lab and then, presto, manufacture a velociraptor or tyrannosaurus rex.

每個人都想擁有一隻寵物恐龍吧。多虧了 “侏羅紀公園”,有些人認爲我們提取保存恐龍DNA是切實可行的,只需在實驗室裏搗鼓搗鼓,很快就能製造一個迅猛龍或霸王龍。

It would be an expensive endeavor, of course, but the payoff would be amazing. After all a scaly, toothy ancient reptile friend would make you the life of every party. Sadly, this fantasy is an impossibility.


The recipe for rebuilding a dinosaur is long and complicated. You'd have to start by locating undamaged dinosaur DNA. That's not happening.



No matter how well it's preserved, DNA begins degrading after a few hundred years.


Then you would need to sequence the DNA into a complete genome for one species, essentially recreating a puzzle made of billions of tiny pieces.


Next, you'd use the genome to make chromosomes. The chromosomes would then be transferred into an egg from a modern species that's somehow compatible enough to carry genetic material from a long-extinct species. Good luck with all of those processes.


It's been 65 million years since dinosaurs roamed the world en masse. There's a reason for that. And even our most innovative geneticists won't be resurrecting dinosaurs anytime soon.



At some point in your school career, a teacher may have lectured about the fact that humans use only 10 percent of their brains.


During those classes, you daydreamed about unlocking your whole brain and becoming a superhuman capable of almost anything. That's the premise behind, "Lucy," starring Scarlett Johansson.


It the film, Johansson ingests drugs that jimmy the locks in her brain, unleashing fantastic new capabilities. She masters languages with ease. She develops telepathy and telekinesis. She punches bad guys in the face.


盤點好萊塢10部與科學相悖的電影大片(上) 第2張

No one is precisely sure where the 10 percent myth originated, but sadly, it's not true.


You actually do use most your brain's capacity. Brain scans prove that your entire hunk of gray matter is continually pulsing with electrical activity.


Furthermore, if you had a lot of brain power to spare, your noggin would be able to absorb a lot more abuse. As it stands, just a minor blow in just the wrong way can cause debilitating brain damage.


That's not to discourage you from trying to tap into your brain's full potential. You can always learn new skills and master old ones. Just don't expect to overhaul your mind with a miracle drug.




If you're a criminal and you want to whack someone, why not just send an assassin into the past and kill them before they become a problem?


That's especially true in 2074, when ultra-modern forensics make it just about impossible to hide dead bodies.


That's the two-sentence synopsis of Rian Johnson's "Looper," which relies heavily on imaginary elements of time travel. It's also a pretty unlikely story.


It's not that every physicist believes that time travel is impossible.


盤點好萊塢10部與科學相悖的電影大片(上) 第3張

Based in Einstein's theories of the nature of our universe, time allows for some pretty bizarre twists and turns, and with the right insights, maybe humans could jump around in history, visiting ancient Aztecs and saddling up the dinosaurs (which as you already know, you'll never be able to recreate "Jurassic Park"-style).


However, even if we somehow figure out a way to zoom back into the past, we may not be able to interact with or alter anything or anyone there.


That's because of the so-called "grandfather paradox." This idea based on the argument that if you traveled into the past and killed your grandfather, you simply would never exist. That's a pretty profound paradox.


There's also the notion of a causal loop. If a person travels back in time to effect an event, the time traveler eventually reaches a point in the timeline where she originally fired up the time lting in a cycle that repeats itself endlessly.


So although "Looper" makes for some fun banter, it's by no means a realistic portrayal of our multi-dimensional universe.
