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布魯塞爾恐襲將影響英國退歐公投 Eurosceptics make the most of the Brussels attacks

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The political exploitation of the Brussels terrorist attacks is well under way. British Eurosceptics have long said in private that two major events could reshape the EU referendum campaign: a ramping up of the migration crisis and a terrorist attack. The former is expected to happen in the next few weeks and the latter has sadly now happened. The dynamics of the campaign are likely to change as a consequence.

布魯塞爾恐襲將影響英國退歐公投 Eurosceptics make the most of the Brussels attacks


However distasteful it might seem to begin discussing the political implications so soon after Tuesday’s dreadful events, anti-EU campaigners were quick off the mark. On the political right, the columnist Allison Pearson was quick to tweet: “Brussels, de facto capital of the EU, is also the jihadist capital of Europe. And the Remainers dare to say we’re safer in the EU!”

不論在週二的駭人事件發生後如此之快地開始討論其政治影響多麼令人反感,反歐盟運動人士已經迅速行動起來。在政治右翼方面,專欄作家埃裏森•皮爾森(Allison Pearson)很快就在Twitter上發帖稱:“布魯塞爾——歐盟事實上的首都——已成爲歐洲聖戰者的首都。留歐支持者居然還敢說我們留在歐盟更安全!”

On the left, George Galloway, the leader of the Respect party, offered up his hot take: “Those who rule us built this Monstrous extremism, and continue to sustain it, in Syria and elsewhere. And their policies feed its blood-lust.” As is often the case with Mr Galloway, the west is to blame.

在左翼,Respect黨的領導人喬治•葛拉維(George Galloway)表達了自己的激進看法:“是那些統治我們的人在敘利亞及其他地區製造了這種駭人的極端主義,而且使之繼續維繫。他們的政策換來了極端主義的血腥殺戮。”葛拉維一貫認爲,該受到責備的是西方。

It is not just armchair Brexiteers who have sought to score political points: elected representatives eagerly spouted opinions too. Mike Hookem, the UK Independence party’s defence spokesman, released a statement 90 minutes after the first bomb went off, blaming the EU. “This horrific act of terrorism shows that Schengen free movement and lax border controls are a threat to our security,” he said. “There are 94 returned jihadis currently living in Molenbeek, Brussels. This fact alone should alert people to the fact that open borders are putting the lives of European citizens at risk.”

跳出來的不光是那些曾試圖撈取政治資本、紙上談兵的支持英國退歐人士:民選代表也急切地訴說自己的看法。第一次爆炸發生90分鐘後,英國獨立黨(UK Independence Party)的國防發言人麥克•胡凱姆(Mike Hookem)就發表了一份指責歐盟的聲明。“此番令人震驚的恐怖主義行徑表明,申根區人員自由流動以及鬆懈的邊境管控對我們的安全是一種威脅,”他說,“有94名迴流的聖戰分子目前居住在布魯塞爾的莫倫貝克(Molenbeek)區。僅此一項事實就應該警示人們,開放邊界正在將歐洲公民的生命置於危險之中。”

Nigel Farage, the leader of Ukip, tweeted that he was “upset by the events in Brussels”, as well as sharing an article with the remark: “Next time you hear PM say that Britain must remain in the EU for the sake of our security please think of Brussels.” He did not reach the crassness of Mr Hookem’s eager remarks but the sentiment was the same.

獨立黨領導人奈傑爾•法拉奇(Nigel Farage)在Twitter上表示,他對“布魯塞爾發生的事件感到不安”,同時還分享了一篇文章並評論稱:“下次如果你們聽到首相說,爲了我們的安全英國必須留在歐盟,請想一想布魯塞爾。”雖然他的言辭不像胡凱姆的評論那樣愚蠢且無同情心,但態度是一樣的。

Over the coming weeks, some anti-EU campaigners will point to Tuesday’s events as an example of how Britain’s EU membership is no guarantee of security against a terrorist attack. Brexiteers have been trying to argue that staying in is more dangerous than leaving: the events in Brussels gives them ammunition for this.


A good example of this was a release that landed in my Inbox on Wednesday morning. It came from Arron Banks, chairman of the campaign. “There’s virtually nothing we can do to stop every Islamist sympathiser in Molenbeek from setting up shop in the UK if they so choose, provided they can flash an EU passport on their way in,” Mr Banks wrote. “When will it be time to take our heads out of the sand and hold them to account? After the referendum, when it’s too late to change direction, and we see blood on British streets again?”

這方面的一個很好的例子是週三上午我收到的一封電子郵件。郵件發自英國退歐運動()主席阿倫•班克斯(Arron Banks)。“我們實際上沒有任何手段可以阻止任何一名莫倫貝克的伊斯蘭支持者在英國製造恐怖活動——只要他們願意,因爲他們入境時只需亮一下自己的歐盟護照就可以了,”班克斯寫道,“我們何時才能不再把頭埋在沙子裏,並追究他們的責任?公投之後,再改變方向將爲時已晚,難道我們還要在英國街頭再次看到流血嗎?”

The Remain camp will attempt to use the security argument too, saying that more co-operation is the only way to fight terrorism. But when voters see the images from Brussels, many of them will think of border security and pulling up the drawbridge. This EU referendum offers an opportunity for British voters to voice concerns about their role in the world and what has happened will undoubtedly influence the outcome.



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