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Test 13

Section A


A. Do her homework.

B. Clean the backyard.

C. Wash clothes.

D. Enjoy the beautiful day.


A. The man is looking for a place to live in.

B. The man has a house for rent.

C. The woman is a secretary.

D. The two speakers are old friends.


Test 13

Section A


M: It's such a beautiful day. Why not sit out in the backyard for a while and enjoy it?

W: I'd love to. But there's a lot of laundry to do.

Q: What will the woman probably do?




M: I believe you have a room to let.

W: That's so. Yes, won't you come in?

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


解析:男士說“我想您有房子要出租(let)”;女士說“是的,您不進來看看嗎?”可知答案是A項(男士正在找地方住)。B錯在The man,應爲The woman。



Section C

Compound Dictation

The appeal of advertising to buying motives canhave both negative and positive effects. Consumersmay be (36) ______ to buy a product of poorquality or high price because of an example, some advertisers have (37) ______ topeople's desire for better fuel (38) ______ for theircars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the productswork. Others are (39) ______ and a waste of consumers' money.

Sometimes advertising is (40) ______ misleading. A few years ago a brand was (41) ______to dieters with the message that there were fewer calories in every slice. It turned out that thebread was not dietetic, but just (42) ______ bread. There were (43) ______ calories because itwas sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf.

(44) ___________________________________________________________ . Consider fireinsurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. (45) _____________________________________________________ . The security of knowingthat property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of insurance a worthwhileinvestment for most people. (46) ______________________________________________________________________________________ .


Section C

Compound Dictation

36. convinced


37. appealed

解析:現在完成時,用過去分詞,動詞後要加ed。此處appeal to意爲“喚起”。

38. economy


39. worthless


40. intentionally


41. offered


42. regular


43. fewer


44. 標準答案:On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumer's real concerns

聽音關鍵:positive, emotional appeals, respond to, real concerns

答案重構:On the positive side, emotional appeals may meet a consumer's real needs

畫龍點睛:respond to a consumer's concerns,直譯爲“迴應了消費者的關注”,實際上也就是指“滿足了消費者的需求”,可根據這個意思,替換爲meet a consumer's needs 。

45. 標準答案:But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance

聽音關鍵:fear of loss, real reason for, fire insurance

答案重構:But the fear of loss is why people want to buy fire insurance


46. 標準答案:If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising

聽音關鍵:consumers, consider, quality, as well as, message, benefit, adversiting

答案重構:The adversiting can benefit consumers if they can take both the quality of the insurance plans and the message in the ads into consideration

畫龍點睛:此句關鍵在於as well as,把該詞組前後的兩組短語the quality of the insurance plans和the message in the ads記下來,再根據句子大意,可進行適當的替換。



Passage Two


A. A person who writes on the Internet.

B. A personal website.

C. An activity that does not last long.

D. A way of writing.


A. They can inform their friends of what is happening in their lives.

B. They can present political and other ideas freely.

C. They can publish books after a period of time.

D. They can take part in exciting activities every year.


A. She closed her free blog service last week.

B. She was upset when her favorite site was closed.

C. Her websites is still strong and it is about the history of blogs.

D. Her diary has editions in at least four different languages.


Passage Two

A "blogger" is a person who writes on an Internetcomputer website called a "blog". [29]The word"blog" is a short way of saying Web log, or personalwebsite. Anyone can start a blog, and they can writeabout anything they like. There are millions of blogson the Internet today. They provide news,information and ideas to many people who readthem. They contain links to other websites. And they provide a place for people to write theirideas and react to the ideas of others. A research company called Perseus has studied morethan 3,000 Web logs. [30]It says that blogs are most popular with teenage girls. They usethem to let their friends know what is happening in their lives. The study also says that morethan 100,000 bloggers stopped taking part in the activity after a year. However, some peopledevelop serious blogs to present political and other ideas. At the same time, some long-standing blogs have ended. Last week, blogging leader Dave Winer closed his free blog service,. He says the site became too costly to continue. He started the blog four yearsago, and thousands of people had written on it. They are now upset because they did notknow that the site was closing. [31]One blog that is still going strong is called Rebecca's cca Blood created the website in 1999. She wrote about the history of blogs on the article led to a book called The Weblog Handbook. It has been translated into fourlanguages so far.

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What's a blog?



30. Why are blogs most popular with teenage girls?


解析:本題考查對細節的記憶。邊聽邊記與選項有關的信息對解答本題很關鍵。錄音中提到blogs最受十幾歲女孩的歡迎,之後馬上說明原因“讓朋友們知道她們生活中的點點滴滴”,即A。B的主語They指代Somepeople而不是teenage girl。

31. What is true about Rebecca?


解析:錄音結尾處專門介紹了Rebecca建立的個人網站——Rebecca's Pocket。能夠與原文所有信息匹配起來的是C。A中動作的主語應是Dave Winer;B也存在指代錯誤,可排除;D的主語應是The WeblogHandbook而非Her diary。