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Test 7

Section A


A. Go over the list.

B. Go shopping for his mum.

C. List everything his mum needs.

D. Go for an outing.


A. The man did most of the talking.

B. The woman was wearing a black sweater.

C. The man and the woman robbed the bank.

D. The man and the woman had dark hair.


Test 7

Section A


M: Mum, before I go out, could you go over the shopping list and see if there's anything else you need?

W: Yes. That's about everything. Now you're sure you don't mind going, darling?

Q: What is the man probably going to do?




M: Could you describe the two people who robbed the bank?

W: Well, the man was tall with dark hair and he was wearing a black sweater. The main thing that I remembered about the woman was that she did most of the talking.

Q: What do we learn about the two people described in the conversation?





Section C Compound Dictation

Throughout history the basic unit of almost everyhuman society has been the family. Members of afamily live together under the same roof, and theyshare the economic (36) ______ of life as well as itsaffectionate joys. It is the family that has (37) ______ responsibility for the important task ofraising children to adulthood.

The family is not a uniform concept in all societies. In many places it is an (38) ______ groupthat includes uncles, aunts, (39) ______ and in-laws. The head of the family usually hasconsiderable influence in arranging marriages, selecting careers and (40) ______ all theimportant moves and (41) ______ by any member of the family. (42) ______ where the societyor the state does not give aid and where (43) ______ the responsibilities of the family aregreater, (44) _______________________________________________________ .

In many other societies, including most industrialized ones, the "nuclear family" is the basicsocial unit. (45) _____________________________________________________________________ strialization and urbanization create many specialized jobs which tend to scatter familymembers among different employers and thus to separate residences as soon as they becomewage earners. (46) _______________________________________________________________ .


36. 答案:burdens


37. 答案:primary

解析:根據後面的名詞可知此處需要定語。primary responsibility意爲“主要責任”。

38. 答案:extended


39. 答案:cousins


40. 答案:determining


41. 答案:purchases


42. 答案:Particularly


43. 答案:consequently

解析:根據並列結構,此處仍然需要副詞。consequently ad. 從而,因此。

44. 標準答案:this larger group provides better protection in times of economic crises or other emergencies

聽音關鍵:large group, better protection, in crises/emergencies

答案重構:(1) this large group provides better protection in (case of) economic crises or other emergencies

(2) the extended group provides better protection when facing economic crises or other emergencies

畫龍點睛:此句注意兩處比較級、主謂一致、crisis的複數形式crises;emergencies不要漏掉i。此處的larger group就是前文提到的extended group。

45. 標準答案:This term refers to a husband and wife united through marriage and their dependent children, whether natural or adopted

聽音關鍵:term, husband, wife, their dependent children, natural or adopted

答案重構:A nuclear family involves a husband and wife and their natural or adopted children, who depend on them

畫龍點睛:這句話是在解釋前面的術語,注意下定義的常用短語refer to。若照原文聽寫,united爲過去分詞作後置定語,不可漏掉d;whether natural or adopted補充說明孩子的身份。改寫的目的往往是爲了避免照搬複雜原文時出錯,如果能夠保證不出錯,其實不一定非要改寫。

46. 標準答案:The small family, with one or perhaps two incomes, is better able to adapt to rapid change and to move when jobs move

聽音關鍵:small family, two incomes, better, adapt to rapid change, move

答案重構:With one or two incomes, it's easier for the small family to adapt to rapid change and job transfer

畫龍點睛:先抓主系表,再補充with短語表達的信息。注意比較結構、be able to後面兩個並列動詞adapt, move。掌握with短語作定語,對於聽力和寫作都有幫助。



Passage Three


A. For protection against other animals.

B. For protection against other dogs.

C. Just for fun.

D. For the purpose of guarding the house.


A. Because they did not eat other animals.

B. Because they were useful for protection.

C. Because they were good hunters.

D. Because they always obeyed their masters.


A. For companionship.

B. For amusement.

C. For protection against robbery.

D. For hunting.


A. The city can be a lonely place.

B. Life in the West can be very dangerous.

C. People in the West are fond of animals.

D. The dog is a useful and friendly animal.


Passage Three

When you take a walk in any of the cities in theWest, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. Itis still true that a dog is the most useful and faithfulanimal in the world, but the reasons why people keepa dog have changed. [32]In the old days people usedto train dogs to protect themselves against attacksby other beasts. And later they came to realize that[33]a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example,when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught withoutpermission. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks ofanimals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves fromrobbery. [34]But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his bestfriend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when theyhave no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grownup. So the main reason why people keep dogs has [35]changed from protection to friendship.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. According to the passage, what were dogs trained for in the past?



33. Why were dogs used for hunting?



34. What is the most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs now?



35. What is the main idea of this passage?

