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1. 中國有 14.04 億人,是世界上人口最多的國家。

China is the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion.

2. 中國國土面積約 960 萬平方公里,陸地面積位居世界第三位。

Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles), it is the world's third-largest state by land area.

3. 中國下轄 22 個省, 5 個自治區和 4 個直轄市以及香港和澳門特別行政區,對臺灣擁有主權。

It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities and the Special Administrative Regions Hong Kong and Macau, also claiming sovereignty over Taiwan.

4. 中國在華北平原肥沃的黃河盆地成爲了世界上最早的文明古國之一。

China emerged as one of the world's earliest civilizations in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain.

5. 自那時起,中國曆經多次領土擴張,分裂和重新統一。

Since then, China has expanded, fractured, and re-unified numerous times.

6. 自從 1978 年實行經濟改革以來,中國的經濟增速一直位居世界前列。

Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China's economy has been one of the world's fastest-growing.

7. 截止到 2016 年,按名義 gdp 計算,中國成爲世界第二大經濟體,按購買力平價計算,中國是世界第一大經濟體。

As of 2016, it is the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP and largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).

8. 中國還是世界第一大貨物出口國和第二大貨物進口國。

China is also the world's largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods.

9. 中國是一個強國,在亞洲是一個區域大國,已經被定性爲一個潛在的超級大國。

China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower.

10. 甲骨文是中國目前發現的最古老的漢字,現代漢字就是直接從甲骨文演變而來的。

The oracle bone script represents the oldest form of Chinese writing yet found, and is a direct ancestor of modern Chinese characters.

11. 周國被削弱後許多國家最終獨立,在爲期 300 年的春秋時期相互交戰不斷。

Many independent states eventually emerged from the weakened Zhou state and continually waged war with each other in the 300-year Spring and Autumn period.

12. 到了公元前 5 到公元前 3 世紀的戰國時期,在今天的中國版圖上出現了戰國七雄。

By the time of the Warring States period of the 5th–3rd centuries bce, there were seven powerful sovereign states in what is now China.

13. 中國的第一個皇帝秦始皇比較出名的地方是將戰國時期各國的城牆連接起來形成了長城,不過,如今大部分長城都是明朝修建的。

China’ s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, is famed for having united the Warring States' walls to form the Great Wall of China. Most of the present structure, however, dates to the Ming dynasty.

14. 秦國於公元前 221 年打敗了其他六國,建立了第一個統一的中國,標誌着戰國時期的結束。

The Warring States period ended in 221 bce after the state of Qin conquered the other six kingdoms and established the first unified Chinese state.

15. 他在全國實行了法家改革,比較著名的就是強行統一漢字,度量衡和貨幣。

He enacted Qin's legalist reforms throughout China, notably the forced standardization of Chinese characters, measurements, and currency.

16. 秦朝僅僅持續了 15 年,在始皇帝去世後,由於他採取的嚴酷專制政策造成大規模反抗,秦朝很快就覆亡了。

The Qin dynasty lasted only fifteen years, falling soon after the First Emperor's death, as his harsh authoritarian policies led to widespread rebellion.

17. 漢朝統治下的中國成爲當時世界上最大的經濟體,儘管漢朝最開始實施去中央集權化並正式廢棄秦朝的法家理念,採取儒家思想,但是漢朝以及之後的朝代依然繼續採用秦朝的法家體制機制和政策。

Han China gradually became the largest economy of the ancient world. Despite the Han's initial decentralization and the official abandonment of the Qin philosophy of Legalism in favor of Confucianism, Qin's legalist institutions and policies continued to be employed by the Han government and its successors.

18. 漢朝滅亡後,出現了“三國爭霸” 的時期,核心人物後來成爲了中國四大名著之一《三國演義》裏的人物原型。

After the end of the Han dynasty, a period of strife known as Three Kingdoms followed, whose central figures were later immortalized in one of the Four Classics of Chinese literature.

19. 隋朝讓漢人重新執掌中國的統治權,實施了農業和經濟改革,修建了大運河,並扶持佛教的發展。

The Sui restored the Han to power through China, reformed its agriculture and economy, constructed the Grand Canal, and patronized Buddhism.

20. 在之後的唐宋時期,中國的經濟,科技和文化進入了發展的黃金時期。大唐帝國恢復了對西域和絲綢之路的控制,使得長安成爲一個大都會。

Under the succeeding Tang and Song dynasties, Chinese economy, technology, and culture entered a golden age.The Tang Empire returned control of the Western Regions and the Silk Road, and made the capital Chang'an a cosmopolitan urban center.

21. 但是,公元 8 世紀爆發的安史之亂對唐朝造成重創,唐朝由此衰弱。

However, it was devastated and weakened by the An Shi Rebellion in the 8th century.

22. 907 年,地方軍事長官變得難以掌控,唐朝徹底瓦解了。

In 907, the Tang disintegrated completely when the local military governors became ungovernable.

23. 宋朝是世界歷史上第一個發行紙幣的政府,也是中國第一個建立常設海軍的政體,這主要得益於發達的造船業和海上貿易。

The Song was the first government in world history to issue paper money and the first Chinese polity to establish a permanent standing navy which was supported by the developed shipbuilding industry along with the sea trade.

24. 公元 10 到 11 世紀,中國人口翻了一番,達到約 1 億人,這主要得益於中國中部和南部水稻種植面積的擴大和大量糧食盈餘。

Between the 10th and 11th centuries, the population of China doubled in size to around 100 million people, mostly because of the expansion of rice cultivation in central and southern China, and the production of abundant food surpluses.

25. 在唐朝蓬勃發展的佛教到了宋朝也出現了復興。在宋朝時期,山水畫藝術和瓷器工藝達到了新水平,更加成熟和複雜,哲學和藝術領域由此迎來了鼎盛發展。

The Song dynasty also saw a revival of Confucianism, in response to the growth of Buddhism during the Tang, and a flourishing of philosophy and the arts, as landscape art and porcelain were brought to new levels of maturity and complexity.

26. 在 13 世紀,蒙古族統治了中國。1271 年,蒙古領袖忽必烈汗建立了元朝,於 1279 年征服了宋朝的最後殘餘力量。

The 13th century brought the Mongol conquest of China. In 1271, the Mongol leader Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty; the Yuan conquered the last remnant of the Song dynasty in 1279.

27. 在蒙古入侵之前,宋朝統治下的中國人口爲 1.2 億,到 1300 年人口統計時下降到了 6000 萬。

Before the Mongol invasion, the population of Song China was 120 million citizens; this was reduced to 60 million by the time of the census in 1300.

28. 在明朝統治時期,中國再次迎來一個黃金時期,建立了當時世界上相當強大的海軍,經濟繁榮昌盛,藝術和文化也蓬勃發展。

Under the Ming Dynasty, China enjoyed another golden age, developing one of the strongest navies in the world and a rich and prosperous economy amid a flourishing of art and culture.

29. 鄭和下西洋的尋寶之旅正是在這一時期進行的,最遠到達了非洲。

It was during this period that Zheng He led treasure voyages throughout the world, reaching as far as Africa.

30. 1644 年,李自成率領的農民起義軍聯盟攻佔北京城,北京陷落後,崇禎皇帝自縊身亡。

In 1644, Beijing was captured by a coalition of peasant rebel forces led by Li Zicheng. The Chongzhen Emperor committed suicide when the city fell.

31. 滿族人成立的清朝當時雨明朝將領吳三桂聯手推翻了李自成短命的“大順王朝”,隨後控制了北京, 北京由此成爲了清朝的首都。

The Manchu Qing dynasty, then allied with Ming dynasty general Wu Sangui, overthrew Li's short-lived Shun dynasty and subsequently seized control of Beijing, which became the new capital of the Qing dynasty.

32. 清朝從 1644 年持續到 1912 年,是中國的最後一個帝制王朝。

The Qing dynasty, which lasted from 1644 until 1912, was the last imperial dynasty of China.

33. 在征服明朝的過程中, 2500 萬人喪生,中國經濟實力大幅下降。

Its conquest of the Ming cost 25 million lives and the economy of China shrank drastically.

34. 當時加強了中央集權統治,通過重農輕商政策,海禁和文字獄等意識形態控制來打壓反清情緒,由此造成了社會和技術發展停滯不前。

The centralized autocracy was strengthened to crack down on anti-Qing sentiment with the policy of valuing agriculture and restraining commerce, the Haijin("sea ban"), and ideological control as represented by the literary inquisition, causing social and technological stagnation.

35. 在 19 世紀中葉,清朝在與英法鴉片戰爭中經歷了西方帝國主義的侵略。

In the mid-19th century, the dynasty experienced Western imperialism in the Opium Wars with Britain and France.

36. 當時中國被迫賠款,開放商埠,允許外國公民有治外法權,並根據第一個不平等條約,即 1842 年簽訂的《南京條約》把香港割讓給英國。

China was forced to pay compensation, open treaty ports, allow extraterritoriality for foreign nationals, and cede Hong Kong to theBritish under the 1842 Treaty of Nanking, the first of the Unequal Treaties.

37. 中日甲午戰爭後,清政府在朝鮮半島失勢,並將臺灣割讓給日本。

The First Sino-Japanese War (1894–95) resulted in Qing China's loss of influence in the Korean Peninsula, as well as the cession of Taiwan to Japan.

38. 19 世紀的洋務運動雖然取得了初步成功,但是 19 世紀 80 年代和 90 年代軍事上遭受的一連串挫敗也讓這種成功前功盡棄。

The initial success of the Self-Strengthening Movement of the 1860s was frustrated by a series of military defeats in the 1880s and 1890s.

39. 19 世紀,中國出現了人口大遷徙。除了人口遷移造成的損失外,當時還天災人禍不斷,如: 1876-1879 年北方的大饑荒造成了 900-1300 萬人喪生。

In the 19th century, the great Chinese diaspora began. Losses due to emigration were added to by conflicts and catastrophes such as the Northern Chinese Famine of 1876–79, in which between 9 and 13 million people died.

40. 1899-1901 年的義和團運動旨在反對外國入侵,但是時運不濟,這場運動進一步削弱了清朝的實力。

The ill-fated anti-foreign Boxer Rebellion of 1899–1901 further weakened the dynasty.

41. 在他們當政期間,中國經濟蓬勃發展, 1.5 億農民擺脫貧困,經濟年均增速保持在 11.2%的水平。

Under their administration, China's economic performance pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty and sustained an average annual gross domestic product growth rate of 11.2%.

42. 中國 2001 年正式加入世貿組織,此後保持了經濟的快速發展。

The country formally joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, and maintained its high rate of economic growth in the 2000s.

43. 但是,經濟的快速發展對國家的資源和環境帶來了巨大的壓力,造成很多人被迫遷移。

However, rapid growth also severely impacted the country's resources and environment, and caused major social displacement.

44. 中國地域遼闊,地貌多元,北部乾旱,有戈壁灘和塔克拉瑪干沙漠,南部潮溼,有亞熱帶森林。

China's landscape is vast and diverse, ranging from the Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts in the arid north to subtropical forests in the wetter south.

45. 喜馬拉雅、喀喇崑崙、帕米爾和天上山脈將中國與南亞和中亞大部分地區分割開來。

The Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from much of South and Central Asia.

46. 長江和黃河分別是世界上第三和第六長的河流。

The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third- and sixthlongest in the world, respectively.

47. 中國沿太平洋海岸線長 14,500 公里,有渤海、黃海、東海和南海。

China's coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometers (9,000 mi) long and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East China and South China seas.

48. 中國通過哈薩克邊界與歐亞草原相連。歐亞草原從新石器時代開始就通過草原之路成爲東西方交流的動脈。草原之路也是路上絲綢之路的前身。

China connects through the Kazakh border to the Eurasian Steppe which has been an artery of communication between East and West since the Neolithic through the Steppe route – the ancestor of the terrestrial Silk Road(s).

49. 中華人民共和國按陸地面積計算是僅次於俄羅斯的世界第二大國,根據總面積定義的不同,中國總面積位居世界第三位(排在俄羅斯和加拿大之後) 或第四位(排在俄羅斯、加拿大和美國之後) 。

The People's Republic of China is the second-largest country in the world by land area after Russia, and is either the third- or fourth-largest by total area, after Russia, Canada and, depending on the definition of total area, the United States

50. 中國的陸地邊界長度居世界首位, 從鴨綠江到北部灣,全長爲 22,117 公里。

China has the longest combined land border in the world, measuring 22,117 km (13,743 mi) from the mouth of the Yalu River to the Gulf of Tonkin.

51. 中國的鄰國數量爲 14 個, 與俄羅斯並列世界首位。

China borders 14 nations, more than any other country except Russia, which also borders 14.

52. 中國佔據東亞大部分面積, 在東南亞與越南、老撾和緬甸接壤。此外,中國的海上鄰國包括韓國、日本、越南和菲律賓。

China extends across much of East Asia, bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma) in Southeast Asia. Additionally, China shares maritime boundaries with South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

53. 中國領土位於北緯 18-54 度、東經 73-135 度之間。

The territory of China lies between latitudes 18° and 54° N, and longitudes 73° and 135° E.

54. 中國國土遼闊,地貌差別很大。 在東部黃海和東海沿岸,有廣袤的沖積平原,人口衆多;在北部內蒙古高原的邊緣,主要是廣闊的草原。

China's landscapes vary significantly across its vast width. In the east, along the shores of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, there are extensive and densely populated alluvial plains, while on the edges of the Inner Mongolian plateau in the north, broad grasslands predominate.

55. 華南地區主要是丘陵和海拔較低的山脈,而中東部地區則有沿着中國兩大河流—長江和黃河形成的三角洲。

Southern China is dominated by hills and low mountain ranges, while the central-east hosts the deltas of China's two major rivers, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

56. 中國西部坐落着主要的山脈,最爲著名的是喜馬拉雅山。 在北部較爲乾旱的地區以高原地貌爲主。

To the west sit major mountain ranges, most notably the Himalayas. High plateaus feature among the more arid landscapes of the north.

57. 世界最高峯—珠穆朗瑪峯海拔 8848 米,位於中國與尼泊爾交界處。

The world's highest point, Mount Everest (8,848m), lies on the SinoNepalese border.

58. 中國海拔最低的地方是位於吐魯番盆地的艾丁湖, 湖底乾涸, 海拔負 154米, 是世界上海拔第三低的地方。

The country's lowest point, and the world's third-lowest, is the dried lake bed of Ayding Lake (-154m) in the Turpan Depression.

59. 中國氣候的主要特點是分爲乾季和溼潤的季風季,這使得冬夏溫差明顯。

China's climate is mainly dominated by dry seasons and wet monsoons, which lead to pronounced temperature differences between winter and summer.

60. 冬天,來自高緯度的北風乾冷,夏天,來自低緯度沿海地區的南風溼熱。

In the winter, northern winds coming from high-latitude areas are cold and dry; in summer, southern winds from coastal areas at lower latitudes are warm and moist.

61. 由於中國地形非常複雜, 各地氣候差別很大。

The climate in Chinadiffers from region to region because of the country's highly complex topography.

62. 中國的一大環境問題是沙漠化面積不斷擴大,特別是戈壁灘。

A major environmental issue in China is the continued expansion of its deserts, particularly the Gobi Desert.

63. 儘管自 20 世紀 70 年代開始的防護林帶建設降低了沙暴發生的頻率,但是每年春季華北地區依然塵暴不斷,這主要是因爲乾旱期延長,農業生產方式不當造成的。

Although barrier tree lines planted since the 1970s have reduced the frequency of sandstorms, prolonged drought and poor agricultural practices have resulted in dust storms plaguing northern China each spring.

64. 2007 年,中國當時的環保監管部門環保總局稱, 中國每年土地沙漠化的面積達到 4,000 平方公里。

China's environmental watchdog, the then SEPA, stated in 2007 that China is losing 4,000 km2 (1,500 sq mi) per year to desertification.

65. 水質、土壤侵蝕和污染防控已經成爲中國與他國關係的重點問題。

Water quality, erosion, and pollution control have become important issues in China's relations with other countries.

66. 喜馬拉雅山脈冰川融化有可能會讓數以億計的人們面臨用水短缺的問題。

Melting glaciers in the Himalayas could potentially lead to water shortages for hundreds of millions of people.

67. 中國是 17 個生物多樣性最爲豐富的國家之一,位於世界兩大生態區:古北區和東洋區。

China is one of 17 megadiverse countries, lying in two of the world's major ecozones: the Palearctic and the Indomalaya zone.

68. 按照一種衡量標準,中國擁有超過 34,687 種動物和維管植物, 生物多樣性位居世界第三位, 僅次於巴西和哥倫比亞。

By one measure, China has over 34,687 species of animals and vascular plants, making it the thirdmost biodiverse country in the world, after Brazil and Colombia.

69. 中國擁有至少 551 種哺乳動物(位居世界第三位) 、1,221 種鳥類(位居世界第八位) 、 424 種爬行動物(位居世界第七位) 和 333 種兩棲動物(位居世界第七位) 。

China is home to at least 551 species of mammals (the third-highest such number in the world), 1,221 species of birds (eighth), 424 species of reptiles (seventh) and 333 species of amphibians (seventh).

70. 中國是除熱帶之外在每一個類別中生物種類都最爲豐富的國家。

China is the most biodiverse country in each category outside the tropics.

71. 中國人口數量居世界首位,中國的野生動物與他們共享棲息地,也承受着 人類帶來的巨大壓力。

Wildlife in China share habitat with and bear acute pressure from the world's largest population of homo sapiens(智人(現代人類) the kind or species of human that exists now) .

72. 在中國至少 840 種動物物種面臨威脅、處境易危或者瀕臨本地滅絕,這主要是因爲各種人類活動造成的,如:破壞棲息地、污染、爲獲取食物、毛皮和中藥藥材而進行的偷獵活動。

At least 840 animal species are threatened, vulnerable or in danger of local extinction in China, due mainly to human activity such as habitat destruction, pollution and poaching for food, fur and ingredients for traditional Chinese medicine.

73. 瀕危野生動物受到法律保護, 截止到 2005 年,中國有 2349 個自然保護區,總面積達到 1.4995 億公頃, 佔中國陸地總面積的 15%。白鱀豚最近已經被確認滅絕。

Endangered wildlife is protected by law, and as of 2005, the country has over 2,349 nature reserves, covering a total area of 149.95

million hectares, 15 percent of China's total land area.[159] The Baiji has recently been confirmed extinct.

74. 中國有超過 32,000 種維管植物和多種森林。

China has over 32,000 species of vascular plants, and is home to a variety of forest types.

75. 中國北部主要分佈有冷針葉林, 爲麋鹿和亞洲黑熊等動物和 120 多種鳥類提供了棲息地。

Cold coniferous forests predominate in the north of the country, supporting animal species such as moose and Asian black bear, along with over 120 bird species.

76. 在中國中部和南部主要分佈有亞熱帶森林,這裏有多達 14.6 萬種植物物種。

Subtropical forests, which are predominate in central and southern China, support as many as 146,000 species of flora.

77. 熱帶和季節性雨林主要分佈在雲南和海南島,但是這裏的動植物物種站到中國動植物物種總量的 25%。

Tropical and seasonal rainforests, though confined to Yunnan and Hainan Island, contain a quarter of all the animal and plant species found in China.
