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did you come back?你是什麼時候回來的?

came back last Sunday.我們上個星期日回來的。

3.I dropped my ice cream.我掉了我的冰激凌

you live in London?你住在倫敦嗎?

they buy ice creams? Yes ,I did./ No, I didn’t他們買了冰激凌嗎?是的/沒有。

many banamas do you want?Six, please.你想要多少香蕉?六個。

much cheese/milk do you want?Half a kilo.你想要多少奶酪/牛奶?半公斤

you like cheese ,Lingling? No, I don’t. 你喜歡奶酪嗎?不,我不喜歡。

did you do at the weeked?你在週末做什麼了?

visited lots of places.我們參觀了很多地方。

e did you go ? We went to the British Museum. 你去哪兒了?我們去了大英博物館。

did Daming do?大明做了什麼? 13. What time does school start?學校什麼時候開始上課?

school starts at nine o’clock.我們學校九點開始上課。

did you go?你怎麼去的?

’s mine / yours/ his/ hers / Lingling’s. .它是我的/你的/他的/她的/玲玲的。

it isn’t hers.但它不是她的。

took my T-shirt .薩姆拿了我的T-恤衫。

wants to wear it.他想穿着它。

20. You should look ,then cross the road.你應該看一看再過馬路。

shouldn’t walk in the road.你不該在馬路上走。

e bag is this? It’s Jimmy’s.這是誰的書包?它是吉米的。

e are / aren’t enough.夠了。/不夠。

24. I feel happy/tired/bored/sad/hungry.我感到高興/疲倦/無聊/飢餓

25. What’s the matter? Nothing. 怎麼啦?沒什麼。

e are too many books on the books.在桌子上有太多的書。

’ve got two pencils now.你現在有兩支鉛筆。

can catch the ball well.你能接好球。

you run fast ? No, I can’t. 你能跑得快嗎?不,我不能。

30.I can do it very well.我可以把它做得很好。

31.I sing very badly.我唱得很糟糕。

32.I can’t do it at all.我根本不會做。

we have a dog,please,Mum? No, we can’t. 我們可以養只狗嗎?不行。

r mother sometimes helps them.有時他們的媽媽幫助他們。

35. Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? Yes,I am /No, I ’m not.你感到難過/無聊/生氣嗎?是/不。


lived in a small house many years ago.多年前我們住在小房子裏.

live in a big house now.現在我們住在大房子裏.

didn’t have a television last year.去年她沒有電視.

e weren’t any buses then.那時沒有公共汽車.

e are lots of buses and cars now.現在有許多公共汽車和小汽車.

6.I’m going to meet you in New York .我會在紐約接你。

was very different in China many years ago.許多年前中國的生活大不相同。

8.I watch TV every day . 我每天看電視。

erday I watched TV with my grandchildren .昨天我和孫子們一起看電視。

didn’t have a television or a radio then.那時她既沒有電視也沒有收音機。

a small child, she couldn’t see or write. 在她還是個小孩子的時候,她既不會看也不會寫。

learnt English.她學過英語.

Li was a teacher then. 那時李先生是一名老師.

yone speaks English .大家都說英語。

went in a yellow texi to their flat last week.上週我們坐一輛黃色小汽車去了他們的公寓。

’s learning English now.他現在正在學英語

is she wearing these clothes ? 她爲什麼穿着這些衣服呢?

use she was a dancer before . 因爲以前她是個舞蹈演員。

danced in lots of Chinese cities .她在中國的很多城市跳過舞。

taught Chinese ten years ago. 十年前他教語文。

Hai is an English teacher. He’s teaching Mr Li.陳海是一名英語老師,他正教李先生。

had eggs and sausages.她吃了雞蛋和香腸.

ate six hamburgers.薩姆吃了六個漢堡包.

did she have for breakfast?她早餐吃的什麼?

what did she have for dinner?他晚飯吃的什麼?

had fish and chips.她吃了魚和薯條

ling had a sandwich because she doesn’t like hamburgers .玲玲吃了一個三文治因爲她不喜歡吃漢堡。

gave our hamburgers to Sam .我們把我們的漢堡給了薩姆。

you ready for your trip tomorrow ? 你準備好明天的旅行了嗎?

e can you find out ahout animals?你在哪兒能找到有關動物的信息?

e are you going to go? To the airport .你打算去哪?機場。

’s go to library.我們去圖書館吧.

can find a book about compurters there.我們在那兒能找到有關電腦的書.

e are the books about compurters, please?請問有關電腦方面的書在哪兒?

36.I’ve got two letters in English .我收到了兩封英文信件。

37.I want to make an e-card for Mum. 我想給媽媽做張電子賀卡

you help me ?你能幫我嗎?

can use our computer now . 現在我們會用我們的電腦了。

can find out about Chinese words in this dictionary . 關於漢字你可以在字典裏找到。

’s big ang light.它又大又輕.

’s too big for you.對你來說它太大了 black bag is nice. It’s big!這個黑色的包不錯,還挺大.

blue one is big and light.藍色的包又大又輕.

it’s heavy / small . 但是它重 / 小。

’ll be easy for her. 它對你來說很簡單.

’s easy for him . 對他來說很容易。

48.I went there last year.我們去年去那兒了。

went there in July.我們七月份去的。

iang is in the west of China.新疆位於中國西部。

did you go to Xinjiang?你們什麼時候去的新疆?

are you going to take?你打算帶什麼?

are you going to go to the airport?你打算什麼時候去機場?

’s going to go to the airport?誰要去機場 ?

stayed with my grandmother for a week in July .我們七月份和奶奶一起住了一星期。

’s going to put another bed in my room .爸爸打算在我的房間裏再放一張牀。

read a book about Chinese history . 爸爸讀了一本有關中國歷史的書。

’s send an email.讓我們發個電子郵件吧。

59.I will be home at seven o’clock.. 7點鐘我將會在家。

k on “Email’’. 點擊“電子郵件”.

e your message.寫上你的信息。

is from England and one is from America .一封來自英國,一封來自美國。

63.I’ve got an email from little Tom.我收到了小湯姆發來的郵件。

e did you go for your holiday ? I went to Yinchuan .你去哪兒渡假了?我去了銀川。

do you suggest?你有什麼建議嗎?

about chopsticks? (送)筷子怎麼樣?

about a dragon kite? I agree .(送)個龍狀風箏怎麼樣?我同意。

don’t you give him a kite?你爲什麼不送給他一個風箏呢?

’s a good idea .好主意。

ng is on the phone for you .大明打電話找你。

A is longer. A線更長。

72.I don’t think so / I think so .我不這麼認爲。/ 我認爲是這樣的。

you see a vase and two heads ?你看見一個花瓶和兩個頭了嗎?

Circle A the same as Circle B ? A圓和B圓一樣(大)嗎?

laughed a lot.我們開懷大笑。

you soon / later .再見。

men wore women’s clothes.男人們穿着女人的衣服。

actors told lots of jokes.演員們講了許多笑話。


e postcards are great ! Yes, they are .這些明信片真棒! 是的。

me more about the Great Wall .告訴我更多關於長城的事。

long is it ? It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres .它有多長?它大約是六千七百公里長。

’s got eight million people .它有八百萬人。

ing’s got about fourteen million people .北京大約有一千四百萬人。

many countries are in the UN ?聯合國有多少個國家?

a big map of America !多麼大的一張美國地圖啊!

da is on the north of America .加拿大在美國的北面。

at the library rules . It says, “Don’t talk in the library .”看圖書館規則。 上面寫着:“不要在圖書館裏談話。

’s my library card . 這兒是我的借書卡。

se stand in line !請站排!

’t ride your bicycle here !不要在這兒騎自行車!

you miss China ? Sometimes .你想念中國嗎?有時想。

’s go to Chinatown now.我們現在去唐人街吧。

want to bring peace to the world .他們想帶給世界和平。

you collect stamps ?你集郵嗎?

e are some stamps from Canada .這些是加拿大郵票。

are famous men and women .他們是名人。

you got any stamps from China ? Yes, I have .你有來自中國的郵票嗎?是的。

stamp is from China .