
首頁 > 英語學習 > 小學英語 > 六年級英語詞彙練習題


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1 What are your _____ ( 愛好)?

2 This is my new ______( 筆友)。

3 Does she like _____(唱歌)?

4 I ___( 居住 ) in Changchun。

5 Does your sister go ____( 遠足)?

6 I go to school by bike my brother ___( go)to school.

7 Does your pen pal like ____( draw) pictures ?

8 What about going ____( swim) thi afternoon ?

9 Let’s ___( go) together.

10 Mr Green ____( live) in Australia .

11 How ___( do) he go to school ?

12 He____(live ) in the city .

13 What does he ___(like ) ?

14 I ___(have ) a pen pal .

15 There ___( be ) a stamp show on Sunday .

16 Can he ___( go ) with us ?

17 He _(like)climbingthemountains,Ilike___(play ) football.

18 My mother is a teacher ___(teach ) math.

19 What is pen pal’s ___( hobby ) ?

20 Can you ____________(猜字迷 ) ?

21 He likes ———( 做中國菜)

22 My pen pal ——————( 住在)Shang hai .

23 Chen jie often ——————(讀故事)

24 I often ————(踢足球)

25 Do you ____( like ) fruits?

26 Yes, I _____ ( like ) oranges very much.

27 Does Chen jie ___ (like ) vegetables ? Yes, she ___(like ) cabagesnvery much.

28 How do you ____(feel) ?I___( not) feel very well.

29 How does Da Ming _ (feel ) ?He ___( not ) feel very well.

30 They _____( have ) a cold.

31 Sarah ___ (have ) a toothache.

32 Mother ____( get up) at six in the morning . I ____(get up ) at six thirty every morning.

33 I usually go to school by ______( 自行車 )

34 You must pay attention to the ______(交通信號燈 )

35 How can I get to the Science Museum ?_______________( 右轉彎 ).

36 What are you going to do this weekend ? I am going to __________( 看電影 ).

37 If you feel angry , you should ______( 深吸一口氣 )

38 Oliver is going to take a trip____(明天 ).

39 I usually go to school by ____( 自行車 ) .

40 Is your father a _______( 郵遞員 ) ?

41 What’s your hobby ? I like ____( 游泳 ).

42 The cat is _____( 高興的 ) with them.

43 Where ___( he ) ___( 工作 ) ?

44 Turn left at the _____( 書店).

45 Stop and wait at a red _____( 燈)

46He is a ____( 商人 ) often ____( 去 ) to other countries.

47 They are going to ________( 看電影 ) this evening .

48 What is your brother’s ____( 愛好 ) ? He ___( like ).__(游泳)

49 First let’s turn right , then _____ ( 直走 ) .

50 How can I get to the _____ _( 郵局 ) ?

51 She is a___( work) She ___(work) at a ______( 工廠).

52 We should ____( 慢行 )and ____( 停下 ) at a yellow light.

53 There is a pet _____(醫院 ) in my city.

54 Where is the _____(科學博物館)It’s next to the ___( 郵局).

55 ————(左轉彎)at the ———(電影院).

56 How do you come to school?I come ____(步行 )。

57 Does Sarah ___( watch TV ) in the evening ?

58 My brother ___( do homework) on Sundays .

59 Zhang Peng’s father often ___(read newspaper) after dinner.

60 Does Amy often ___( go hiking)

61 On the weekends I often ___( play ping-pong ) , But my brother often _____( study English ) .

62 I’m going to ____( 上美術課 )

63 The museum is _____(緊挨着)____( 書店 )

64 You should ________( 深呼吸 ) when you are angry. 65 I must pay attention to ______( 交通燈)。



( ) 1. A. where B. what C. when D. weekend

( ) 2. A. watched B. play C. took D. went

( ) 3. A. gym B. library C. cinema D. camp

( ) 4. A. shorter B. smaller C. singer D. longer

( ) 5. A. sad B. hurt C. worried D. happy

( ) 6. A. last B. cooked C. was D. drank

( ) 7. A. milk B. foot C. bread D. beef

( ) 8. A. window B. door C. music D. desk

( ) 9. A. better B. bigger C. cleaner D. fatter

( ) 10. A. tomato B. often C. usually D. sometimes

( ) 11. A. give B. football C. ruler D. schoolbag

( ) 12. A. train B. river C. sea D. lake

( ) 13. A. snowy B. rainy C. heavy D. windy

( ) 14. A. plant B. grass C. flower D. tree

( ) 15. A. old B. cool C. warm D. cold

( ) 16. A. deep B. tall C. fall D. long

( ) 17. A. bigger B. funnier C. thinner D. singer

( ) 18. A. third B. danced C. visited D. learned

( ) 19. A. sweater B. shoes C. clothes D. jeans

( ) 20. A. ten B. fourth C. fifth D. first


il e

dy ow n er st 25 ruler y









do_________ swim_________ ski________ sing_________ write________ dance________ run_________

swing_________ stop________ study______ have_______ take_______

play______ make_____ ride______ get______


live_______ teach________ go_______ watch_______ be_______

do_____ have______ like______ ride______ play______ study______ read_______


clean_________ do_____ read_______ take______ buy________

get______ go______ wash________ eat_______ play________ have_______

see_____ ride_______ am/is______ are______ sleep_____ study_______ stop_____


shelf_________ knife_________ potato__________ tomato_________

photo_______ sheep_______ foot_______ bus______ dish_______

watch________ baby_________ city________ child_________

desk______ woman________ this________ that_________


big________ heavy_________ thin________ young_________

old_______ strong_________ good_________ small________ funny_________


one_______ two______ three_______ four_______ five_______

eight_____ nine_______ twelve_______ fifteen________ twenty_______

thirty-one___________ fifty__________ sixty-two___________


boy_______ man________ teacher________ black________ big________

long________ kind________ new________ old________ quiet_________

taller_______ stronger_________ go________ in front of_________

on______ hot______ cool______ winter________ sad_____ aunt_______


by_______ I________ their________ for_______ sea______


work________ farm________ drive________ teach________

sing________ dance_________ clean________ write_______ science________ post____


us(主格)_____ I(賓格)______ she(賓格)______ he(賓格)_______ you(形容詞性物主代詞)_______ we(形容詞性物主代詞)________

they(賓格)________ their(主格)________ I(名詞性物主代詞)________


studied_________ writing__________ thinner_________ teaches_________

took_______ has_______ stopped________ went_______ running________

heavier__________ were_______ leaves_______ swimming__________


sun________ wind________ rain________ snow_______ cloud_______


I’m_________ they’re_______ can not________ do not________

doesn’t_________ isn’t_________ let us_______ what’s _________

centimeter_______ kilogram________ were not_________


1. ---W________ does your sister do? --- She is a worker.

2. --- H_______ does your aunt go to work? --- By subway.

3. --- W_______ are you going? --- I’m going to the zoo.

4. Remember the traffic rules. And s______ at a red light.

5. Your ruler is shorter. My ruler is l________ than yours.

6. ---What day is it today? --- It’s W_________.

7. ---When is your b___________ ? --- It’s in May.

8. --- What are you going to do this weekend?

--- I’m going to v________ my grandparents.

9. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I p_______ badminton.

10. My father is a c_______. He works in a gym.

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1. My hair is _________ (更長) than yours.

2. You look so ___________ (年輕).

3. They _____________________ (照相)in the park yesterday.

4. We are going to __________________(學英語).

5. There _______(be) no libraries in my school five years ago.

6. Tom ______________(起牀) at 6:30 every day.

7. Ten years later(之後), I am _________________(想當) a doctor.

8. How _______ Mike ________ (感覺) today?

9. I _____________________ (騎了馬) yesterday.

10. Ben is very _______(傷心). Her mother is ________(擔心) about her.

11. ---How do you go to Beijing? --- Usually I go _____________(乘火車).

12. ________ _______(減速) and stop at a yellow light.

13. ---Where is the cinema, please? --- It’s ________ (在…旁邊) the hospital.

14. --- What are you going to do ______________ (下週).

15. --- What does your mother do? --- She is a _____________(警察).

16. --- What are your _________(愛好)?

--- I like ________________(讀故事) and _________________(猜字謎).

17. --- What should I do if I am ill?

--- You should ___________________(看醫生).

18. --- Where is the ____________(電影院), please?

19. --- She likes __________(游泳) and _________________ (騎自行車).

20. --- Does she _______________(教語文)? --- Yes, she does.


1. Look! My brother ____________ (play) the piano.

2. It’s 6:30. It’s time __________ (get) up.

3. He often _________ (have) dinner at home.

4. I ___________________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.

5. Mike _________________ (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays.

6. Miss White ____________ (teach) us English.

7. Wu Yifan likes ___________ (ride) bikes.

8. I ______ (be) ill yesterday. I ________ (have) a cold.

9. We often _________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. He __________ (read) a book now.

11. Listen! She _________ (sing) in the classroom.

12. I want _________ (go) to the cinema this evening.

13. ---What can you do? --- I can _________ (sweep) the floor.

14. Thank you all for ________ (come).

15. It _______(be) an egg five days ago. Now it ______(be) a chick(小雞).

16. He _____ (be) a student. He likes _________ (take) pictures.

He often______(go) to the park ______ (take) pictures.

Yesterday he ______(take) some pictures in the park.

Look!He ___________ (take) pictures in the park now.

Tomorrow he ___________________ (take) pictures in the zoo.

17. I _____ (be) 10 years old. My brother ____ (be)

18. We _______(be) inthe same class. Yesterday we _______ (be) 遲到) for class. Our 生…的氣)us.


1. Did you help _______ (they) clean ________ (they) room.

2. Your parents are teachers. My parents are ________ (farm).

3. My birthday is on the ________ (one) of January.

4. I am _______ (short) than my sister. But she is _______(thin) than me.

5. Look! There are some ________(knife) on the desk.

6. ---Is this ______ (you) skirt? --- No. _____ (I) skirt is red.

7. --- How many ________ (bus) can you see? --- I can see five.

8. Look! It’s _______ (rain) outside(外面)!The weather reporter says it will be ________(sun) tomorrow.

9. Mr. Wang is ______ (we) math teacher. ______ (He) class is so much fun.

10. I’d like some ________ (tomato) and _______(fish) for dinner.

11. February is the ________ (two) month of the year.

12. There are five _______(sheep) and ten ________ (horse) on the farm.





