
首頁 > 英語學習 > 四六級英語 > 英語六級練習題:詞彙考查題①(含解析)


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1.She remains confident and ______ untroubled by our present problems.
A) indefinitely
B) infinitely
C) optimistically
D) seemingly
2.Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.
A) simultaneously
B) spontaneously
C) homogeneously
D) contemporarily
3.The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______.
A) vain
B) vicinity
C) court
D) jail
4.Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family's budget.
A) nutrition
B) expenditure
C) routine
D) provision
5.Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.
A) configuration
B) constitution
C) condemnation
D) contamination
6.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.
A) transmission
B) transformation
C) transition
D) transfer
7.I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.
A) guide
B) entrepreneur
C) consultant
D) assessor 


1. D 參考譯文:她仍然保持信心,看上去不爲我們目前的問題所煩惱。
A) indefinitely 不確定地
B) infinitely 無限地
C) optimistically 樂觀地
D) seemingly 表面上
2. A 參考譯文:光纖電纜可以同時傳送數百個電話。
A) simultaneously 同時地
B) spontaneously 自發地
C) homogeneously 同類地
D) contemporarily 現代地
3. B 參考譯文:有人向警方報警說逃犯可能就在附近。
A) vain 徒勞
B) vicinity 附近
C) court 法院
D) jail 監獄
4. B 參考譯文:無論你活着是爲了吃飯,還是吃飯是爲了活着,食物總是每個家庭預算的主要開支項目。
A) nutrition 營養
B) expenditure 支出
C) routine 慣例
D) provision 預備
5. D 參考譯文:<科學>雜誌上刊登的一篇論文指出:岩石中的有機化學成分大部分來自地球本身的污染物,而不是來自於火星上的細菌。
A) configuration 輪廓
B) constitution 憲法
C) condemnation 譴責
D) contamination 污染菌
6. C 參考譯文:我很喜歡四季的交替,但我最喜歡秋冬之交的時節。
A) transmission 傳播
B) transformation 變形
C) transition 過渡
D) transfer 轉移
7. C 參考譯文:爲了避免犯代價慘重的錯誤,我認爲我們有必要諮詢一下投資顧問。
A) guide 指南
B) entrepreneur 企業家
C) consultant 顧問
D) assessor 估價員 



8.The ______ on this apartment expires in a year's time.
A) treaty
B) lease
C) engagement
D) subsidy
9.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.
A) pensions
B) earnings
C) salaries
D) donations
10.There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
A) appliance
B) accessory
C) machine
D) mechanism
11.After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
A) deteriorated
B) dispersed
C) dissipated
D) drained
12.No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep.
A) deprived
B) ripped
C) stripped
D) contrived
13.For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ______ by a dictator.
A) depressed
B) immersed
C) oppressed
D) cursed
14.Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ______ towards producing workers.
A) harnessed
B) hatched
C) motivated
D) geared


8.B 參考譯文:這套公寓的租約一年到期。
A) treaty 條約
B) lease 租期
C) engagement 訂婚
D) subsidy 補助
9.A 參考譯文:俄羅斯的老年人覺得只靠國家發給的養老金生活非常困難。
A) pension 退休金
B) earning 收入
C) salary 薪水
D) donation 捐款
10.D 參考譯文:據推測那兒有一種安全機械裝置保證火車不相撞。
A) appliance 器具
B) accessory 附件
C) machine 機器
D) mechanism 機制
11.D 參考譯文:相同的工作做了四年之後他的熱情終於耗竭了。
A) deteriorate 惡化
B) disperse 驅散
C) dissipate 消耗
D) drain 耗盡
12.A 參考譯文:如果被剝奪了充足的睡眠,沒有人能夠正常工作。
A) deprive 剝奪 deprive sb. of sth.; be deprived of
B) rip 撕破
C) strip 脫衣
D) contrive 設計
13.C 參考譯文:這些年來,那個偏遠國度的人民一直被獨裁者殘酷地壓迫着。
A) depress 抑制
B) immerse 浸入
C) oppress 壓迫
D) curse 詛咒
14.D 參考譯文:自從工業化興起之後教育已經開始適應產業工人的需要。
A) harness 利用
B) hatch 蓋住
C) motivate 激勵
D) gear 使準備好 gear towards/to 調整以適應 



15.The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.
A) provoked
B) irritated
C) inspired
D) hoisted
16.The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.
A) advocated
B) alleged
C) addressed
D) announced
17.Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
A) migrated
B) matched
C) mingled
D) melted
18.E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.
A) adheres
B) reflects
C) conforms
D) satisfies
19.The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down.
A) slapped
B) scratched
C) flapped
D) fluctuated
20.The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ?______ relations between the two countries.
A) tumble
B) jeopardize
C) manipulate
D) intimidate
21.When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?
A) coincide
B) extend
C) overlap
D) collide


15.A 參考譯文:價格上漲的前景已經引起了人們的擔憂。
A) provoke 引發
B) irritate 激怒
C) inspire 啓發
D) hoist 升起
16.B 參考譯文:犯罪嫌疑人聲稱案發時他不在附近。
A) advocate 提倡
B) allege 聲稱
C) address 發表演講
D) announce 宣佈
17.C 參考譯文:雖然殖民者與美洲土著人在某種程度上互相融合,但是印第安人對美國文化和語言的影響並不廣泛。
A) migrate 遷徙
B) match 使...匹配
C) mingle 混雜
D) melt 溶化
18.C 參考譯文:電子郵件是一種便捷而又高度民主的非正式媒介,它傳遞信息,符合人類的需要。
A) adhere 遵守
B) reflect 反映
C) conform 遵循
D) satisfy 滿足
19.C 參考譯文:鳥兒被打下來後仍然拍打着翅膀。
A) slap 摑耳光
B) scratch 抓,搔
C) flap 振動翅膀
D) fluctuate 波動
20.B 參考譯文:貿易限制方面存在的意見分歧會嚴重危及兩國的關係。
A) tumble 跌倒
B) jeopardize 危害
C) manipulate 控制
D) intimidate 威嚇
21.C 參考譯文:當你貼壁紙時你是把紙的邊緣重疊起來呢還是把它們平鋪連在一起呢?
A) coincide 巧合
B) extend 延長
C) overlap 重疊
D) collide 碰撞 
