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全國愛眼日 National Eye Caring Day

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全國愛眼日 National Eye Caring Day
National Eye Caring Day is on June 6th, which originated in the 1996. At that time the doctors proposed the government to name a day, hoping to catch the public's attention to protect their eyes. Nowadays, many young people haven't realized the loss of sight, and have no idea to protect their eyes. So it is important to let the public know the ways to protect eyes.

Most people are born with good eyesight, but look at the students in college, over ninety percents of them are wearing glasses. For the young generation, they have access to the electronic products and watch them for a long time, so it is easy to get short sight. Though the students are asked to do eye exercise during the break time, still their sight becomes weaker.

Parents have the responsibility to supervise kids to protect their eyes. They should let children know the beauty of nature and spend more time to appreciate the scenery. While some parents just give their children ipads when they feel annoyed. Seeing different colors and taking a break after reading for a long time, we can protect our eyes.


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