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ing-bottom: 200%;">巴黎秋冬時裝秀:大牌模特個個都是小仙女!


Dior Haute Couture 2017

Dior's Spring 2017 Couture Show is what dreams are made of.


Part 1

Blessing Tree 許願樹

In the show field which is brought by Maria Grazia Chiuri for  Dior's first couture show , there is a  mysterious maze,  at the center of  the maze,there is a blessing tree  with satin, tassels, tarot cards, watches, pencils and other fantasy of lucky charm, which of course reminds us  of Christian Dior.

在Maria Grazia Chiuri(瑪莉亞·嘉西亞·基烏里)爲Dior迪奧帶來的首場高級定製時裝秀現場,一座神祕迷宮座落其中,迷宮中央矗立着一顆枝葉繁茂的許願樹。樹上掛滿絲緞、流蘇、塔羅牌、腕錶、鉛筆等充滿夢幻色彩的幸運吊飾,令人聯想到Christian Dior先生鍾情的護身符。

The show field looks like a fantastic fairy tale secret ts sat under the trees enjoying Dior's Spring 2017 Couture Show.


Part 2 時裝秀

Dior Couture opens with classi Bar inated in 1947,the iconic Bar Jacket  has become the soul of is launched at Christian ’s first personal fashion show,which still enjoys the popularity why call it  New Look? Because at that time,when Harper Bazaar 's editor  looked  at  the design of Mr Dior ,he delightedly said: Dear Christian, this is a kind of new style

這場Dior高定秀以標誌性的Bar Jacket(迪奧套裝)開場。標誌性的Bar Jacket早已成爲Dior品牌的靈魂,也是高定的經典,它起源於1947年,Christian Dior先生在巴黎蒙田大道Dior總店裏推出的第一個個人時裝且流傳至今仍赫赫有名的系列——新風貌(New Look)爲什麼叫這個名字呢?是因爲當時Harper‘s Bazaar的總編看了Dior先生的設計後驚歎不已地說:親愛的Christian ,這就是一種新風貌.

(秀場造型17   無盡夢境:黑色烏幹紗雙燕尾褶皺Bar外套和百褶長褲,頭戴鈴蘭花冠。)

(秀場造型20  塔羅牌:原色真絲塔夫綢連衣裙,飾以塔羅牌圖案及刺繡。頭戴羽毛頭冠。)

(秀場造型55  錦簇花園:印象主義花園風格羽飾珠羅紗抹胸式連衣裙。真絲植物花卉女帽。)

It has been 70 years and Dior can still create venue looks nothing less than a fairy tale can we resist obsessing over these gorgeous gowns?

