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Some international banks inthe UK are planning to Move part of their operations overseas as early asChristmas to avoid a “cliff edge” from Brexit, according to the BritishBankers’ Association.

英國銀行家協會(British Bankers’ Association)表示,在英國開展經營的一些國際銀行計劃在聖誕節前將一部分業務遷至海外,以避開英國退歐造成的“斷崖”。

Anthony Browne, chiefexecutive of the BBA, has warned that most international banks are working outwhich parts of their business they need to move abroad to continue servingcustomers once Britain leaves the EU.

英國銀行家協會首席執行官安東尼.布朗(Anthony Browne)警告稱,大多數國際銀行都在研究哪些部分的業務需要遷至海外,以便在英國退歐後繼續爲客戶服務。

He wrote in the Guardian:“Their hands are quivering over the relocate button. Many smaller banks plan tostart relocations before Christmas; bigger banks are expected to start in thefirst quarter of next year.”

他在《衛報》(The Guardian)撰文寫道:“他們的手正懸在‘遷址’按鈕上方。許多小型銀行計劃在聖誕節前開始搬遷;大型銀行預計將於明年第一季度開始。”

Theresa May attended her firstBrussels meeting of EU leaders last week, where some heads of state made cleartheir concerns over the tough divorce negotiations ahead.

特里薩.梅(Theresa May)上週首次參加了歐盟領導人布魯塞爾峯會,在會上,一些國家元首表明了他們對未來棘手退歐談判的擔憂。

Banks based in the UK lend£1.1tn to companies and governments across the EU, which keeps “the continentafloat financially”, Mr Browne said.


Access to the single market isa key part of the UK’s Brexit negotiations. About £20bn of annual trade infinancial services is at risk as a result of Brexit and could, at worst, becomeillegal, the BBA said.


At present, banks based in theUK are able to “passport” financial services freely across Europe. A number ofinternational banks, such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, have largeoperations in London with smaller officers across Europe. Passporting enablescompanies based in one EU state to provide services across the bloc, ratherthan having to have licences in multiple countries.

目前,總部位於英國的銀行可以利用“護照”機制,在整個歐洲自由提供跨境金融服務。許多跨國銀行——如摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)——在倫敦有大規模業務,同時在歐洲各地設置較小的辦事處。擁有護照權利可以讓位於某個歐盟國家的公司向整個歐盟提供服務,而無須在多國獲得牌照。

There are mounting fears thatthe UK will lose passporting rights when it leaves the EU, unless the UKcontributes to the EU budget and allows free movement of workers, among otherstipulations.


The UK’s financial watchdogrecently revealed the scale of disruption that Brexit could cause, with figuresshowing some 5,500 UK registered companies depend on passporting to conductbusiness in other European countries. More than 8,000 financial servicescompanies based in the EU use passporting to do business in Britain.


Banks such as JPMorgan Chasesaid before the referendum that thousands of jobs would be moved out of London,because they would no longer be able to operate their European business fromthe UK. Some banks began activating contingency plans immediately after thevote, entering talks with regulators about licences to operate elsewhere.

摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)等銀行在公投前曾表示,將把數千工作崗位遷出倫敦,因爲他們無法再從英國運營歐洲業務。一些銀行在公投後立即啓動了應急預案,開始與監管機構談判在其他地區運營的牌照。