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The existence of a People's Liberation Army(PLA) communications installation atop Hong Kong's tallest Mountain - the 957 m-high peak of Tai Mo Shan - recentlycame to light.


Construction began around 2010, with ageodesic dome first appearing in satellite imagery in 2011. The facility hasbeen operational for approximately three years.



The installation sits inside a fencedcompound that also includes a Civil Aviation Department terminal area radar andHong Kong Observatory weather radar. The Hong Kong government has admittedgiving the PLA a plot of land measuring 9,300 m² on which the army has constructed a geodesicdome, antenna mast, two large buildings, and a basketball court for use by theresident garrison.


The PLA has installed security cameras andalso tinted building windows to reduce observation. On two occasions IHS Jane'shas observed PLA vehicles ascending Tai Mo Shan to deliver supplies orreplacement staff. Personnel wearing PLA Navy-style uniforms have been observedinside the compound.


The PLA has refused to explain thefacility's purpose, claiming that "military secrecy" means it is"not appropriate for disclosure", although it is extremely likelythat it is an electronic and signals intelligence (ELINT/SIGINT) facility. Ifso, the facility will be similar in purpose to a British radar station based onTai Mo Shan and used to monitor mainland China until the colony was returned toChinese rule in 1997.


The PLA occupies 18 military sites in HongKong covering 2,700 hectares that were transferred from the British Army asMilitary Installations Closed Areas (MICA) in 1997. The Tai Mo Shan radar sitedoes not appear on official lists of PLA installations.


A 19th site is a controversial new militaryberth set aside for PLA warships on prime Hong Kong Island waterfront.


A Hong Kong government spokesman said:"The Garrison Law provides that the government of the HKSAR [Hong LongSpecial Administrative Region] shall support the Hong Kong Garrison in itsperformance of defence functions. It is inappropriate to disclose the detailsof any defence operations." He also refused to say whether other secretmilitary sites existed in the territory.


Meanwhile, the Development Bureau declinedto comment on whether the Tai Mo Shan site was a short-term tenancy or privatetreaty grant.


The installation has attracted controversyin Hong Kong because its existence has not been publicly confirmed, and due toconcerns that a loophole in government land allocation could allow the PLA tobuild yet more secret facilities without governmental approval or a need toinform the public.
