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香港郵筒風波 Hong Kong's royal cover up stirs anti Beijing backlash

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香港郵筒風波 Hong Kong's royal cover-up stirs anti-Beijing backlash

The humble postbox, as much a legacy of British rule as railways and cricket, has become the latest target of Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing establishment.


The Hong Kong authorities plan to cover up royal insignias on colonial-era postboxes, deeming them inappropriate. But the move is stirring another clash with activists who say it is undermining the city’s autonomy.


Campaigners are asking why it is only now, 18 years after the territory was returned to China, that the Post Office wants to change the remaining 59 colonial postboxes, a small fraction of the more than 1,100 in use.

活動人士質問,爲何在香港迴歸18年後的今天,香港郵政(Post Office)希望把殖民地時代遺留下來的59個郵筒(僅佔當今1100個在用郵筒的一小部分)改頭換面。

“This is a very bad idea,” said Sin Wai-man, who runs a group lobbying to preserve the old postboxes. “The only conclusion we can draw is that they are trying to remove the colonial history from Hong Kong. Maybe there’s some political agenda behind it, to push decolonisation to appease mainland China.”


Some lawmakers have written to the head of the Post Office asking for the decision to be reversed to protect Hong Kong’s heritage. The postboxes, which bear the Hong Kong Post Office logo, carry royal ciphers including those of George V, George VI and Elizabeth II, as well as one of the Scottish crown.


The Post Office said it was still finalising plans and that when it blocks out the royal symbols it will “take care not to cause any damage to these insignia”.


Hong Kong was guaranteed a “high degree of autonomy” from Beijing under the one country, two systems arrangement set up after the 1997 handover.


But opposition politicians and activists fear that the city’s freedoms, which are unique in China, are coming under increasing attack from the Hong Kong government and its allies in Beijing.


They point to the government’s failure to implement truly democratic elections for the chief executive and to a continuing dispute over academic freedom at Hong Kong university.


Adding to activist concerns, normally reticent mainland officials have shown an increasing willingness to express their frustration with Hong Kong



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