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Warren Buffett-backed Chinese carmaker BYD will launch London’s first ever all-electric taxi fleet today, pulling ahead of global rivals such as Nissan in the race to roll out zero emission cabs by 2018.

得到沃倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)支持的中國汽車廠商比亞迪(BYD)今天將推出倫敦歷史上首支全電動出租車隊,在2018年前批量供應零排放出租車的競爭中走在了日產(Nissan)等國際對手的前面。

BYD’s move into London transport comes ahead of a 2018 deadline set by Mayor Boris Johnson for all of the city’s taxis to be zero-emission, which has sparked a battle between manufacturers to develop vehicles.

倫敦市長鮑里斯•約翰遜(Boris Johnson)設定了全市出租車必須在2018年前實現零排放的目標,引發汽車廠商爭相開發新車。比亞迪趕在該期限之前率先打入倫敦交通市場。

The Chinese manufacturer, 9.9 per cent owned by Mr Buffett, will launch a fleet of 20 electric cars operated by Thriev, a taxi company, less than two months after supplying London’s first fully electric buses.


“Londoners are typically early adopters of new technology . . . and we are very happy to be first and beat the deadline by a few years. This is where electric vehicle technology will shine,” said Isbrand Ho, managing director of BYD Europe.

“倫敦人常常是新技術的嚐鮮者……我們很高興比最後期限提前幾年率先推出產品。電動汽車技術將在這裏綻放光芒,”比亞迪歐洲董事總經理何一鵬(Isbrand Ho)表示。

“Look at Boris, he rides a bike to work,” said Mr Ho. “London is at the forefront of zero emission.”


Nissan, the most successful electric car manufacturer, and the London Taxi Company , which builds the iconic black cab, are developing fully electric models ahead of the 2018 deadline.

最爲成功的電動汽車廠商日產(Nissan)和經典黑出租車的製造商倫敦出租車公司(London Taxi Company)也準備趕在2018年期限之前開發出全電動車型。

Mr Johnsons’ office said taxis account for more than a third of all exhaust emissions in the city, and the push for zero-emission cabs comes as part of a wider drive by the government to make the country a big market for electric vehicles.


BYD is also in talks with potential partners to start building the e6 models in the UK, Mr Ho said.


The taxis can be hired through a phone app similar to those used by companies such as Hailo.
