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1.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行,始於足下。

er late than never.只要開始,雖晚下遲。

h means limitless possilities.年輕就有無限的可能。

4.I know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的不是。

lege is power.知識就是力量。

to another suit in your career.開創職業生涯的另一高峯。

the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一個沐浴在愛河中的人都是詩人。

ance makes the hearts grow fonder.距離使兩顆心靠得更近。

9.I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空氣。

equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.如果沒有相等的愛,那就讓我愛多一些吧.

is a vine that grows into our hearts.愛是長在我們心裏的藤蔓。

is the greatest ment in life. 愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果沒有人愛我們,我們也就不會再愛自己了。

e there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪裏有真愛存在,哪裏就有奇蹟


The value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them.生命的價值不在於能活多少天,而在於我們如何利用這些日子。

All the world′s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.整個世界是個舞臺,男男女女,演員而已。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事都是先難後易。

I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself.我從來不認爲安逸和享樂是人生本來的目的。

I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你談一下。

I’m happy to meet you. 很高興見到你。

I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望見到你。

Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth  by the claims of love.  生命從世界得到資產,愛情使它得到價值。

The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.枯竭的河牀,並不感謝它的過去。

The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth. 綠樹長到了我的窗前,彷彿是喑啞的大地發出的渴望的聲音。

All things are easy that are done willingly.做事樂意,諸事容易。

All things are obedient to money.有錢能使鬼推磨。

Could you do me a big favor 能否請你幫我個忙?

Don’t ever forget, you are loved very, very much!千萬不要忘記,你擁有無盡的愛!

His own mornings are new surprises to God.  神自己的清晨,在他自己看來也是新奇的。

I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.我不害怕明天,因爲我經歷過昨天,又熱愛今天。

I have a lot of problems. 我有很多問題。

I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我們的夢想成真。

I like your sense of humor. 我喜歡你的幽默感。

All the wit in the world is not in one head.世界上所有的智慧不可能集中於一個腦袋。


a heart the loves is alwasys young. 有愛的心的永遠年輕。

a joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love. 內心只要有愛在燃燒,就不然有快樂。

at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一個沐浴在愛河中的人都是詩人。

brief is life, but love is long.生命雖短,愛卻綿長。

i know someone in the world is waiting for me, although i’ve no idea of who he is. but i feel happy every day for this. 我知道這世上有人在等我,儘管我不知道我在等誰。但是因爲這樣,我每天都非常快樂。

i’ve dicided to stick to s is too great a burden to bear. 我決定要不斷的給予愛,恨是不能承受的負擔。

if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.假如每次想起你我都會得到一朵鮮花,那麼我將永遠在花叢中徜徉。

if you love the life you live,you will live a life of love. 如果你愛你的生活,你的生活就會充滿愛。

in your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.  一生至少該有一次,爲了某個人而忘了自己,不求有結果,不求同行,不求曾經擁有,甚至不求你愛我。只求在我最美的年華里,遇到你。

life without love like a tree without blossom or fruit. 缺少愛的生命,就像未開花結果的枯樹。

look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你會發現你對我而言意味着什麼。

love and you will be loved. 愛人,你就會被人愛。

love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. 愛能醫人--奉獻者和接受者皆然。

love is blind.愛情是盲目的。

love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.愛情就像一隻蝴蝶,它喜歡飛到哪裏,就把歡樂帶到哪裏。

love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.愛情就像月亮,不增則減。

love is not geting but giving. 愛是付出,不是佔有。

love is the beauty of soul. 愛是心靈之美。

love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.愛比大衣更能驅走寒冷。

take away love, and our earth is a tomb.沒有了愛,地球便成了墳墓。

the soul cannot live without love.靈魂不能沒有愛而存在。

we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone. 我們每個人都生活在各自的過去中,人們會用一分鐘的時間去認識一個人,用一小時的時間去喜歡一個人,再用一天的時間去愛上一個人,到最後呢,卻要用一輩子的時間去忘記一個人。

" where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪裏有真愛存在,哪裏就有奇蹟。

who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.在愛人眼裏,一千里的旅程不過一里。

within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多麼希望自己再度迷失。