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A. ccording to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about materials used in the construction of buildings? (備考指導3-Architecture)

A. Because new building materials are hard to find, construction techniques have changed very little from past generations.

B. The availability of suitable building materials no longer limits the types of structures that may be built.

C. The primary building materials that are available today are wood, stone, and brick.

D. Architects in earlier times did not have enough building materials to enclose large spaces.

這道題中的D選項就犯了編造事實的錯誤。原文中的相關信息是“In earlier times it was necessary to design structural systems suitable for the materials that were available, such as wood, stone, brick.”,說的是早期的建築材料種類少,只有木材、石頭和磚塊等,並沒有說數量上是否充足,因此D選項是錯誤的。



8. All of following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as possible reasons that led societies to develop theater EXCEPT(練習題1-The Origins of Theater)

A. Theater allows people to face that they are afraid of.

B. Theater gives an opportunity to imagine a better reality.

C. Theater is a way to enjoy imitating other people.

D. Theater provides people the opportunity to better understand the human mind.

這道題中D選項在原文中的相關信息是“The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.” 意思是:“所以,戲劇成爲了一種幫助人們認識和理解這個世界,或是幫助人們逃避不滿現實的工具。”文中說的是“understand their world”,但D選項則把範圍縮小成了“understand the human mind”,因此這道題的答案就是D選項(注意這道題是一個“Except”題)。



According to paragraph 6, what is the main disadvantage of the proposed plans to transport river water to the High Plains?(練習題3-Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer)

A. The rivers cannot supply sufficient water for the farmer’s needs.

B. Increased irrigation costs would make the products too expensive.

C. The costs of using capillary water for irrigation will increase.

D. Farmers will be forced to switch to genetically engineered crops.

根據題幹中的 “disadvantage”和“transport river water”定位到原文中的“Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international mark.” 意思是:“不幸的是,通過以上任何一種方式(通過運河或管道輸送河水)獲得水資源都會將抽水的成本提高10倍以上,進而導致這一地區的灌溉農產品成本在國內和國際市場上失去競爭力。”可見解決成本問題是從河流引水這樣的解決方案的關鍵所在,灌溉成本增加導致農產品在國內及國際市場上的競爭力下降。C選項提到了灌溉成本,但題幹說的是引入河水的解決方案的缺陷,因此C選項是不正確的。



M: Do you know what time the train goes the city?

W: Normally it’s every 20 minutes. But it’s weekend, so I’m not sure.


(A) Listen to the traffic report on the radio

(B) Take a later train.

(C) Ron to catch the next train.

(D) Check the weekend schedule.


很顯然這裏W並沒有直接的告訴我們要去查詢時間表,而是告訴我們週末的時間不確定,因此我們發現了她實際上是在暗示我們要Check the weekend schedule。這就是典型的另有深意。



Groundwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes for long periods, before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the “solid” ground underfoot to hold all this water.


Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?

A It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time.

B It prevents most groundwater from circulating.

C It has the capacity to store large amounts of water.

D It absorbs most of the water it contains from rivers.

很顯然原文At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the “solid” ground underfoot to hold all this water. 爲我們提到很難想象,在如此“堅實”的地下,會有足夠的空間來盛如此之多的水,這裏就很隱晦的告訴我們其實地下並不“堅實”,而是還有很多的空間,來盛放groundwater,因此我們得到的正確答案就是C選項,也就是原來我們行走的這片土地之下還有足夠的能力來承載如此之多的水。



The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. Sediments are also dropped where a river slows on entering a lake or the sea, the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor at first, but will be located inland at some future date, when the sea level falls or the land rises; such beds are sometimes thousands of meters thick.

All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as places that sediment-laden rivers can deposit their sediments EXCEPT

A A mountain valley

B Flat land

C A lake floor

D The seafloor


dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. 告訴我們,只有在流速緩慢的地點纔會沉積。但是他不直接告訴我們具體在什麼地點,而是讓我們去用邏輯推理。

因此當我們尋找的時候,發現Flat land“平緩之地”毫無疑問是流速緩慢的,這樣的地方不會沉積,然後再告訴我們a river slows on entering a lake or the sea,湖和海洋,也是流速緩慢的地點,自然也不會沉積。那麼唯一會沉積的地方也就只有上游mountain valley纔會沉積,因爲河流流經的地點分別是from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land,以及a river slows on entering a lake or the sea。

自然當我們排出了Flat land、a lake以及the sea之後,也就只可能剩下mountain valley了。






(5)文章推斷預測題。文章結構題三種:A、文章前面的段落內容是什麼?B、文章下面接着將要講什麼?C、文章組織結構是什麼?推斷文章前面的內容立足於文章首句,因爲文章首句承上啓下,尤其注意首句中諸如this、so、other than之類的結構詞。預測下文的內容則分兩步走:第一、讀文章每段首句,文章每段首句表示文章內容的邏輯走向。如果文章講述某一事物的兩個階段或方面,下文將介紹這一事物的第三個階段或方面。所以我們把預測下文內容的題稱之爲座標題,即豎看文章每段首句,橫看文章最後一句,其他句子是文章所講內容,而不是下面將要講的內容,往往選項干擾來自文章所講內容。至於文章的組織結構題,只需要讀文章每段首句即可,因爲這些句子是文章框架。













