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英語詞彙大多具有本身詞義外,還有其語法功能,我們在複習時就不要把着眼點單純放在單詞記憶上,而 要從它們的語法功能上去把握它們。如在複習動詞時我們就要根據它們變化形式多、搭配活躍等特點,從它們 的用法上進行分類記憶。這樣,既可記住詞彙,又可攻克語法難關。


英語中有些動詞可同時後接不定式和動名詞作賓語,但意義不同。它們是高考試題的考查重點。這類詞主 要有:

go on doing(繼續幹同一件事) go on to do(接着去幹另一件事)

stop doing sth.(停止正在乾的事) stop to do sth.(停下來去幹某事)

regret doing(後悔幹了某事) regret to do(相當於be sorry to do)

forget/remember doing(忘記/記得已做過的事) forget/rem-ember to do(忘記/記得要乾的事)

mean doing(意味着幹…) mean to do(想幹…)try doing(嘗試做) try to do(設法做)

(95高考)"You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.""Well,now I regret_____ ___that."

do be doing have done ng done

(92高考)"I usually go there by train.""Why not____________by boat for a change?"

try going ng to go try and go going

(87高考)They would not allow him_________across the line. risk going ing going risk to go going


某些動詞如forbid,advise,allow,permit,admit,consider等直接接動詞作賓語時要用動名詞,但接賓補時 ,賓補要用不定式。如: We forbid smoking here.(賓語)We forbid you to smoke here.(賓補)You are forbidden to smoke here.(主補)


有些詞如need,require,want,deserve等後可接不定式(要用被動形式),可接動名詞(要用主動形式表被 動意義),可與worth,worthy一併記憶。兩種形式意義相同。如:The room requires to be cleaned/cleaning.

(85高考)This sentence needs______________. improvement ove oving oved


只接不定式作賓語的詞和詞組有:decide,expect,refuse,wish,hope,order,promise,pretend,offer,happen,seem,make up one's mind,used,be about,be able,have等。如:(89高考)She pretended_______me when I passed by. to see seeing not see ng not seen


只接動名詞作賓語的詞和詞組:mind,risk,avoid,enjoy,escape,keep,suggest,appreciate,practise,delay,finish,feel like,look forward to,can't help,keep(on),miss,be usedto,excuse,be worth,imagine ,put off,give up等。如:

(92高考)I would appreciate_________back this to call call calling are calling

(87高考)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed______hing be caught g caught catch





可帶名詞作表語的系動詞:be,become,make,look,sound,fall,prove,remain,turn(該詞後接的單數名詞前多不用冠詞。如:He turned teacher.)(91高考)These oranges taste____________ be good be well


有些動詞,如sell,open,close,wash,teach,burn,measure,cut,lock,cost,read,write,tear,wear,pull, clean,add,cook,let(出租)等,它們的主語是事物,且又是表示主語的固有特徵和狀態,與行爲方式狀語連 用時,要用主動形式表被動意義:

My pen writes smoothly.我的筆好寫。Oil burns easily.油易燃燒。

(88高考)That suit_________over 60 costed ed cost

(97高考)"Is this raincoat yours?""No,mine____________there behind the door." hanging hung s





drink,drank,drunk/drunken(喝,飲;過去分詞作形容詞同時,意謂"醉的",drunk多作表語,drunke n多作定語)


bear,bore,born(出生)bear,bore,borne(結果;生育)The woman,who was born in 1940,has borne five children.

lie(撒謊), lied, lied, lying lie(躺,臥,位於),lay, lain, lying

(89高考)Do you know the boy___________under the big tree? ng g


英語詞彙的搭配十分活躍,複習時我們要把重點放在某些常用的動詞、名詞或介詞、副詞。我們可按下列 方式進行對比歸納。

1.常用的搭配活躍的名詞: 常用的搭配較活躍的名詞有:time,way,moment,means等。如time的搭配短語在中學教材中出現有:in no time(立刻,馬上),on time(按時),in time(及時、遲早、最終),at a time(一次),behind the times(落伍),behind time(不及時,晚點),at one time(曾經),for a time(一度),at othe r times(其它時候,平素),at times(有時候),at all times(一直,經常)

(93高考)If you keep on,you will succeed_____________ time one time time the same time

(94高考)Don't all speak at once!___________, at on time by one time for each time at a time

2.常用的搭配活躍的動詞: 常用的搭配活躍的動詞有:look,take,make,give,get,have,go,do,turn,put,set,come等。複習時我們要儘量將具有相反意義的介詞、副詞與同一動詞的搭配羅列在一起對比記憶,如turn一詞:turn on(打開),turn off(關上),turn up(放大音量等;出現),turn down(放小音量等;拒絕) ,turn in(上交),turn against(反對),turn out(生產),turn away(避開)

(81高考)Would you mind__________your radio a little? off ing off turn down ing down

(92高考)Readers can_______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. over out of away off

3.常用的搭配活躍的介詞、副詞: 搭配活躍的介詞、副詞有:in,out,up,down,on,off,to,from,for,over,with等。複習時,我們要從不同動 詞、名詞等與同一介詞、副詞搭配進行逐一過關,如on的搭配有:

①on與動詞的搭配: get on(上車/船等),live on(以…爲生),feed on(以…爲生),take on(接受;僱用),turn on(打開開關/電器等),look on(旁觀),spy on(偵察/窺探),call on(號召;拜訪),go on(繼續 ),have on(穿戴),dependon(依靠),wait on(侍候),carry on(執行),hold on(堅持),insi st on(堅持),play tr-icks on(戲弄),fix on(注視),impress on(留下印象)

②on與名詞搭配(注意冠詞的取捨):on duty(值班),on business(因公;因事),on fire(燃燒),on show(展覽),on time(準時) ,on strike(罷工),on watch(監視,觀察),on sale(出售;大減價),on earth(到底,究竟),on journey(旅遊),on foot(步行),on purpose(故意),on the way(在路上),on the contrary(相 反),on one hand(一方面),on the right(在右邊),on the whole(總而言之),on one's own(獨自 ),on one's side(支持,站在某一方),on holiday/leave(度假/請假)

③其它情況:later on(後來),from now/then on(從現在/那時起),on account of(由於,因爲)

(93高考)We offered him our congratulations_______his passing the college entrance exams.

(91高考)A new school was___________in the village last year. up up up ght up


1.動作動詞和結果動詞: 英語中有些動詞雖然意義相同,但用法不同,有的表示某個動作,而另一個則表示該動作所產生的結果, 這類動詞常見的有:look for(尋找),find(找到);look(看),see(看見);listen(聽),hear(聽到);try(試 圖,不說明是否成功),manage(設法,側重做到);advise(勸告,不說明是否勸成),persuade(勸服, 側重勸成功)

(87高考)How can you__________if you are not_________? en,hearing ,listening listening,heard hearing,listened to

2.詞序不同、意思就不同: 有少量詞組顛倒詞序後意思和用法就不同了,常見的有:before long(不久以後),long before(很久以前)turn in(上交;就寢),in turn(按次序,輪流)hand in(上交),in hand(在手邊)from far(來自遠方),far from(離得遠;遠非)much too(非常,修飾形容詞或副詞),too much(太多,修飾名詞,也可作名詞)if only(要是…),only if(只有…)all in(精疲力盡),in all(總共)good for(對…有好處),for good(永遠)

(95上海)It was__________late to catch a bus after the party,therefore we called a taxi. very too much

Before long,he moved to London and made London the base for his revolutionary work.

It was not long before the whole country rose up and drove the Aus trians out of their homeland.

3.動詞後有無介詞,意思不同: 因有無介詞而詞義不同的動詞在中學英語教材中較多,常見的如:search(對人、物或場所搜查),search for(搜尋人、物或場所)leave(離開某地),leave for(去某地)reach(到達;拿到),reach for(伸手去拿)prepare(準備),prepare for(爲…作準備)enter(進入),enter for(報名參加)run(經營;跑),run for(競選)stand(站;忍受),stand for(代表)answer(回答),answer for(負責)know(瞭解,知道),know about(知道關於…)pay(付錢、債給某人),pay for(付錢買某物)

The baby reached for the apple but he couldn't reach it.那嬰兒伸手去拿蘋果,但夠不到。

The mayor who used to run a small shop will run for the Senate.那個曾經營過一家小店的市長準備 去競選參議員。

4.有無-ly,意思和用法都不同: 這詞在教材中較多。一般來說,在形容詞後加了-ly成了副詞,但有些形容詞不加-ly時也可作副詞,因而 在使用或考測時學生常混淆不清,複習時可按用法分類記憶:



5.合寫與分寫時意思不同:這類詞在拼法上一樣,但合寫和分寫在用法和意義上卻不同,常見的詞有:sometime(某個時候),some time(一段時間)sometimes(有時),some times(幾次)everyday(adj."日常的",作定語),every day(每天)anyway(adv.無論怎樣),any way(以任何方式)altogether(總共,完全),all together(一道,一起)already(已經),all ready(都已準備好)everyone(每個人,指人,不可接of短語),every one (每個人或物,後可接of短語)none(沒有,可指人或物),no one(沒有,專指人)

(95高考)They were all very tired,but_____of them would stop to take a rest. her

6.差了一個字母a,意思大不同: 這類詞不多,但在練習中極易出錯,使用時也常混淆,因而要從用法和意義上加以辨別H紓?br> alive(adj."活着的",作表語),live(adj.修飾物,作定語:a live fire)








aloud(adv."大聲地",與read,call,cry等連用,無比較級形式),loud(adv."大聲地,響亮地", 常與talk,speak,shout,laugh等詞連用)

注意:有a-的形容詞常作表語,作定語時則要後置。如:It's difficult for the man awake to fall asleep again.


歸納易拼錯的常用詞如:quarrel,immerdiately,camera,umbrella,envelope,develop,popular,republic ,public,appreciate,pronunciation等,攻克單詞拼寫難關。



一、用“情態動詞+have +done”結構表示對過去動作的推測,高考試題中常用過去時態或過去的時間狀語給以暗示。情態動詞的這一用法可以用 “對立統一”來概括。


must have done: 表示對過去動作的肯定推測,常譯作“一定做了……”,只能用於肯定句中。其否定形式爲can’t/couldn’t have done? 疑問式爲Can/ done﹖。

could /might have done:表示對過去發生的動作的可能性推測,常譯作“可能做了……”。如:

1) Sorry I’m late. I _____ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. ?(北京 2000春)

A. might B. should C. can D. will


2) My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he _____ your lecture. ?(上海 2000)

A. couldn’t have attended

B. needn’t have attended

C. mustn’t have attended

D. shouldn’t have attended

該題前句敘說一個客觀事實,後句對前句進行補充說明,分析選項可知C是錯誤的? 而B、D兩項不符合題意。故本題選A。又如:

Jack ____ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. (上海’97)

A. mustn’t have arrived

B. shouldn’t have arrived

C. can’t have arrived

D. need not have arrived (C)

2.當試題的前後句在動作和意義上構成轉折關係時,常藉助“but, however, instead”等詞來表示過去的動作與客觀事實不符,這時我們就可以用“對立”關係來解決這樣的試題。這種結構常見的有:

should have done / ought to have done:表示過去本應該做某事而實際上沒有做。

should not have done / ought not to have done:表示過去本不應該做某事但事實上卻做了。

need have done:表示過去本來有必要去做某事,但事實上沒有做。

need not have done:表示過去本來沒有必要做某事,但事實上卻做了。如:

3) I was really anxious about you. You _____ home without a word. (NMET2001)

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

分析該題前後句之間的關係和語氣可知,事實上是 “本不應該離家出走卻走了”,故本題選B。

4) I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _____ for her. (NMET’94)

A. had to write it out

B. must have written it out

C. should have written it out

D. ought to write it out



5) —Is John coming by train﹖

—He should, but he ______ not. He likes driving his car. (NMET2002)

A. must B. can C. need D. may

mustn’t 表示“禁止、不準”;cannot 表示“不可能”;need not 表示“不必要”;may not 表示“可能不”。分析語境可知本題應選D。

6) —I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. ______ I have a look﹖

—Yes, certainly. (北京2002春)

A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should

分析語境可知這是在徵求對方的許可,may表示“允許、可以”,語氣比較委婉? shall常用於第一、三人稱作主語的疑問句中,表示徵求對方意見和指示,如果此空用shall,則意爲“要(我)看一下嗎?”,不符合上下文意思。故本題選B。

7) Mr Bush is on time for everything. How ____ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony﹖ (上海2001春)

A. can B. should C. may D. must

must be 表示肯定的猜測,只能用於肯定句中,由題意可知本題應選A。

8) —Are you coming to Jeff’s party﹖

—I’m not sure. I ____ go to the concert instead. (NMET2000)

A. must B. would C. should D. might

由題意和下句中的 “I’m not sure” 可知這段對話中存在一種可能性推測,might可以用來表示一種比較委婉的可能性判斷,故本題選D。又如:

I should have been there, but I _____ not find the time. (上海2000春)

A. would B. could C. might D. should

分析題意可知第二個分句表示過去的某種能力;C 項只表示語氣上的可能性,與題意不符。故本題選B。

9) Johnny, you ____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself. (NMET’96)

A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may

C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t

mustn’t 表示“不可以;禁止”,分析題意可知第二個空表示某種可能性,故本題選B。

10) —Will you stay for lunch﹖

—Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me. (NMET’99)

A. I mustn’t B. I can’t

C. I needn’t D. I won’t

分析題意可知因爲“我弟弟要來看我”,所以“不能留下”,因此對別人的邀請或要求應給予禮貌的拒絕。A 項表示“禁止”;C項表示“不必要”;而D項表示“不會”,均不符合題意。故本題選B。又如:

—Could I borrow your dictionary﹖

—Yes, of course you _____.(MET’92)

A. might B. will C. can D. should (C)

11)—When can I come for the photos﹖ I need them tomorrow afternoon.

—They _____ be ready by 12?00. (NMET’98)

A. can B. should C. might D. need


The old man is always hunting the lions, so terrible things _____ happen to him.(上海’96)

A. might B. would C. should D. could?C

12) The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out.(NMET’97)

A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to

該題考查了could和be able to的區別,二者都可表示過去時間的能力,但如果表示過去成功地做了某事只能使用was / were able to do,故本題選D。

13) —Shall I tell John about it ﹖

—No, you _____. I’ve told him already. (NMET’94)

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

情態動詞shall在試題中表示徵詢對方意見或請求指示。答句暗示 “沒有必要了”,故本題選A。