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1. Owing to the overpopulation in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity, the crime rate is a huge problem we are faced with. The problem of delinquency is increasingly More serious in this area. Also, the lack of the traditional family structure and weakened bonds of kinship lower the moral of the children bringing up in the urban areas. These children grow up in poverty and usually look at the crime as a quick and easy way out. The problems of urban areas are far more than can be handled than any short-term efforts. You can only hope to contain them and attempt to make sure that no more problems arise from the already existing ones.

解析:文章主題爲Urban crime, 考察了crime的同義詞delinquency,屬於聽力專項詞彙。

而overpopulation和lack of employment,family structure和weakened kinship都是高頻詞組。Kinship可能有不少考生無法聽懂;但是完全可以和“家庭結構”對照得出含義,Moral爲“道德感”。但是翻譯時還是有一句難句,即“look at the crime as quick and easy way out”這句話,理解至上,不能硬翻。總體來說,今年高口的段落翻譯難度一般,個別句子翻譯和理解有一定挑戰。





2. The problem of childhood obesity is proportional to the number of environmental factors such the location of a grocery store, relative to a home. Poor diet and physical inactivity are the two major contributors to obesity in this city, and the most preventable cause of death. The women are more likely to be obese than men, 25% vs 19%. Residents with diabetes and high hypertension are more likely to be obese than to be of a normal weight. Residents who eat five or more fruits or vegetables daily are less likely to be overweight or obese. High-school-age boys are more likely to be obese at 19% than their female counterpart, nearly 16% of whom are obese.


Obesity 肥胖症歷來就是口譯考試關注的重點話。段落中還涉及diabetes, preventable death,high hypertension這樣的健康詞彙。剩下的就是數字的記錄要準確,對象要寫清楚。整理難度還是比較容易的。




年9月高口段落聽譯筆記講評 第2張