
首頁 > 商務英語 > 醫學英語 > 婦產科學術語


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婦產科學 obstetrics and gynecology

產科學 obstetrics

妊娠 pregnancy

幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy


青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy

孕次 gravidity

未孕婦 nulligravida

孕婦 gravida

初孕婦 primigravida

經孕婦 multigravida

假孕 pseudocyesis

前次月經 past menstrual period, PMP

末次月經 last menstrual period, LMP

月經齡 menstrual age

受精齡 fertilization age

孕齡 gestational age

早孕反應 morning sickness

妊娠劇吐 hyperemesis gravidarum

妊娠紋 striae gravidarum

妊娠溢液 hydrorrhea gravidarum

黑加徵 Hegar sign

胎動感 quickening

四步觸診法 four maneuvers of Leopold

臍帶雜音 umbilical souffle

子宮雜音 uterine souffle

妊娠期 trimester of pregnancy

妊娠早期 early trimester of pregnancy

妊娠中期 mid trimester of pregnancy


妊娠晚期 late trimester of pregnancy

過期妊娠 postterm pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy

單胎妊娠 singleton pregnancy

雙胎妊娠 twin pregnancy

單羊膜囊雙胎 monoamnionic twin pregnancy

雙羊膜囊雙胎 diamnionic twin pregnancy

單絨毛膜雙胎 monochorionic twin pregnancy

雙胎交鎖 locked twins, interlocking twins

多胎妊娠 multiple pregnancy

三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy

四胎妊娠 quadruplet pregnancy

五胎妊娠 quintuplet pregnancy

同期復孕 superfecundation

異期復孕 superfetation】

產前 antepartum

產時 intrapartum

產後 postpartum

產前保健 antenatal care, prenatal care

預產期 expected date of confinement, EDC

胎方位 fetal position

產婦 parturient, puerpera

未產婦 nullipara

初產婦 primipara

高齡初產婦 elderly primipara


經產婦 multipara

多產婦 grand multipara


產次 parity

初產 primiparity

經產 multiparity

胎先露 fetal presentation

胎勢 fetal attitude, fetal posture

胎產式 fetal lie

縱產式 longitudinal lie

橫產式 transverse lie

胎頭浮 floating head

胎頭入盆 engagement of head


胎兒下降感 lightening

見紅 bloody show, show

自然流產 spontaneous abortion

先兆流產 threatened abortion

難免流產 inevitable abortion

不全流產 incomplete abortion

完全流產 complete abortion

稽留流產 missed abortion

習慣性流產 habitual abortion

早期流產 early abortion

晚期流產 late abortion

人工流產 artificial abortion, induced abortion

流產感染 septic abortion

流產兒 abortus

葡萄胎 hydatidiform mole, vesicular mole

異位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy

聯合妊娠 combined pregnancy

宮頸妊娠 cervical pregnancy

輸卵管流產 tubal abortion

輸卵管妊娠 tubal pregnancy

輸卵管間質部妊娠 interstitial tubal pregnancy

宮角妊娠 cornual pregnancy

卵巢妊娠 ovarian pregnancy

闊韌帶妊娠 broad ligament pregnancy

腹腔妊娠 abdominal pregnancy

子宮殘角妊娠 pregnancy in rudimentary horn

輸卵管妊娠破裂 rupture of tubal pregnancy

盆腔積血 pelvic hematocele

阿-斯反應 Arias-Stell reaction


蛻膜管型 decidual cast

假臨產 false labor

先兆臨產 threatened labor

臨產 in labor

產程 labor

總產程 total stage of labor

第一產程 first stage of labor

第二產程 second stage of labor

第三產程 third stage of labor

生理性縮復環 physiologic retraction ring

頸管消失 effacement of cervix

宮口擴張 dilatation of cervix

胎頭撥露 head visible on vulval gapping


胎頭着冠 crowning of head





