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The public has responded with vigorous support for an NPC deputy's proposal to extend the Spring Festival holiday from three days to 10.

More than 78 percent of about 27,600 respondents to a poll on voted in favor of the idea of Li Jing, who is also the mayor of Meishan city in Southwest China's Sichuan province.


 【講解】文中的extend the spring Festival holiday 即指延長春節假期,代表提議將春節假期延長至元宵節(Lantern Festival),因爲現行的春節假期對family reunion(閤家團圓)來說太短了,尤其是對全國2億2000萬migrant workers(農民工)來說更是如此。還有代表提議恢復五一假期(May Day Holiday)。