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大學生英語辯論賽話題集錦(MP3+中英字幕) 第9場:極限運動會不會成爲主流運動

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The extreme sports will be the mainstream sport.


At present, More and more modern people are tired of the monotonous life. They desire to experience something interesting and exciting. The desire to experience something interesting and exciting. The extreme sports such as bungee jumping, sky diving and ice climbing meet their needs. So I think the extreme sports will be the mainstream sport in the future.


Besides, the extreme sports are beneficiAl to explore and develop our potentials when we are facing challenges and difficulties. Therefore, more and more people will love these sports activities and promote the extreme sports to the top position in the future.


大學生英語辯論賽話題集錦(MP3+中英字幕) 第9場:極限運動會不會成爲主流運動



The extreme sports woo't be the mainstream sport.


Although the extreme sports are paid more and more attention by us, these activities are designed for a certain group of people rather than the general public, since these sports are related to high risks and dangers.


As we know, the extreme sports need professional skills and gears. Most people are not qualified to do these activities. In this sense, the extreme sports are not for everyone, so the extreme sports won't be the mainstream sport in the future.



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