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You know,we're gonna have to break this to Sweets very gently. 
break it/the news to sb 委婉地告訴某人某事 to tell someone about something unpleasant which will affect or upset them

That's your right as a psychologist to get everything wrong. 

The case was going nowhere. 
go nowhere 毫無進展 to not progress
分手的時候就會聽到人家說we are going nowhere.不是說咱倆哪兒都不去哦,而是說咱倆沒將來滴。

I was getting it under control. 
under control 控制住 manageable; restrained and controlled; not out of control.

Speaking of which,you look like you've been up all night. 
Speaking of which 說到這個
be up all night 一宿沒睡

speaking of which是對話中常用的說法哦。

- Do you believe in fate?
- Absolutely crous.
ludicrous a. 可笑的,滑稽的,荒唐的

Naomi from Paleontology suggests that Hodgins is like that because he needs to get laid. That means engage in coitus.
get laid = have sexual intercourse with
這是個俚語的說法,後面Zack(Zack!!!!!!)補充的engage in coitus則是比較學術的用語。

This is not a good likeness.

Poor thing. 
poor thing 可憐的孩子

Traditionally, people disembarked the elevator before reloading began. 

I will adjust my behavior accordingly. 

- Obviously,I passed with a lot of color.  
- Pardon me?
- It means I did very well.  
- Oh,,um... flying colors. You... you passed with flying colors.  
- Yes.I know.
pass with flying colors 巨大的成功
超喜歡這個小段落,Bren用錯俚語詞組超可愛!爲什麼pass with flying colors是巨大成功的意思?flying colors是個航海術語,表示飛揚的旗幟,尤其指戰艦在經過海上戰役之後還彩旗飄揚的,就表示這艘船大獲全勝哦。

- We were feeling each other a honeymoon period.  
- "Out." We were feeling each other out. 
feel up 愛撫
feel out 試探,摸清底細


- Can I come in and watch you broil the suspect?  
- Yeah,well,I could broil,but I think you mean grill.
broil 本義:烤 引申義:爭吵
grill 本義:烤 引申義:嚴加盤問


I fell apart after I heard that Gemma got killed. ... Couldn't hold it together. 
fall apart 崩潰

So,at 6:30 p.m.,Gemma and her choir sang here for a group of hoity-toits.
hoity-toit 達官貴族,自命不凡的人

Hasty is a big-shot federal judge. 
big-shot 大人物

Tired of sitting out there in the bullpen. 
bullpen 牛欄,引申爲替補席

Watching you two together is like being at prom. 
prom 高中舞會

It's Jimmy Neutron,huh? Boy scientist? 
Jimmy Neutron是一個卡通人物,是個少年天才哦。看下面這張圖的形象,果然跟Zack一樣口耐~~~

260 force pounds,give or take.
give or take 有點小誤差 Plus or minus a small specified amount

I have a little math problem you can't solve. Can God create a bigger rock than he can roll? Think about it.
ok,這個問題某柒也不曉得應該怎麼回答,跟rock & roll有關係的麼?誰明白給解釋下!Angela這個思維真是……
Drink up,eh?
Drink up 一飲而盡

I... am declaring my individuality. I am going rogue. 
go rogue 不按他人指示行事
rogue本義是指小混混,小流氓。不過go rogue不是耍小流氓的意思哈~~~

Hold that cab.
Hold that cab 車停一下

Just keep that under your hat.
keep under hat 保守祕密

so you wouldn't be barking up the wrong tree. 
bark up the wrong tree 走錯了方向,進錯了門
本義是指狗狗對着一棵無辜的樹狂吠。甜甜啊……Puppy still hasn't his day.

You ever feel like you saw something great that almost happened,then it didn't? 
H是指B&B的關係還是案子咧?Anyway,看到某家媒體回這句說Yeah, your future wedding的時候某七笑翻了~~~

- Oh,more stickman cartoons?  
- Yes,but,you know,you can jazz it up with computers before trial.
jazz up 使更有趣,更有說服力

And push come to shove,you be ready to testify that judge walked into a door or something. 
push come to shove 緊要關頭,必要時刻

- No,this is Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba,the earliest known...  
- Okay,abracadabra can wait. 
Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba指地猿始祖種,是目前所知的最早的能夠直立行走的人類祖先。

Chop-chop 趕快!抓緊時間!
這個詞組還是從中文裏頭來的咧,chop是chopstick(筷子)的縮寫,於是chop chop就是“筷筷”(快快)的意思了。具體看這邊:影視口語:有中國特色的地道英語—美食篇

I stand by it.
stand by 支持,遵守

- You're a cold fish.  
- You're a superstitious moron.  
- Get a soul.
- Get a brain.
- 你個冷血動物。
- 你個迷信蠢人。
- 缺心眼。
- 沒大腦。

it's like you two missed your moment. And then you punished each other for it. And you know who ends up paying the price? Me. I do.

You are a bully!
bully 欺負弱小者,欺軟怕硬的人

One of you has to have the courage to break this stalemate.
break the stalemate 打破僵局

Look,I want to give this a shot.
give a shot 給個機會,嘗試一下

You know when you talk to older couples who,you know,have been in love for 30 or 40 or 50 years,all right? It's always the guy who says "I knew." I t from the beginning. I'm that guy. Bones, I'm that guy. I know.

Bones 5.16觀後感
   1. Enjoyable Frustration! Indeed!!! 這個百集特別篇看完之後啊,整個兒就是無從說起的百感交集。尊素要命!!
   2. 先說閃回部分。原來Cam是BB的媒人;Bren是HA的介紹人;實驗室裏頭古怪實驗的始作俑者是Dr. B;所有人都是BB的鐵桿粉絲,而最大的受害者粉絲是Sweets哦可憐的Sweets,代替所有fangirl在鏡頭前抓狂崩潰~~~~
   3. 所有貌似冤家路窄的傲慢與偏見底下都隱藏了個一見鍾情的開場。敢情賭博問題也是Bren讓Booth給改的,悶騷的襪子領帶皮帶扣也是Bren啓發Booth給穿的,哎呀呀,it's fate……BTW, kiss in the rain is HOT.
   4. 最後五分鐘的戲尊素太那啥了,眼淚汪汪的倆人啊,真是叫人又叫人心疼又恨鐵不成鋼——哀其不幸怒其不爭啊囧……這是一集爆笑與淚水、失望與希望並存的神奇劇集,bravo!
   5. 下集跑Bren母校,某倆要假扮已婚夫婦,本色啊本色出演~~~ Bones識骨尋蹤5.17劇情預告 高中女王之死
