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All thumbs 笨手笨腳

When it comes to typing, I'm all thumbs.



Why are you always all thumbs?


His fingers are all thumbs.


What are you up to? 最近在忙什麼?

A: I haven't seen you around lately. What are you up to?

A: 最近都沒看到你。 忙什麼呢?

B: I'm working two jobs right now. It's killing me.

B: 我現在做二份工作。把我累死了!

"It's killing me." 是表示某事很折騰人的意思。如"Her singing is killing me." 她的歌聲(很恐怖)簡直要我的命!

You flatter me. 你過獎了!

A: Ron. I saw your art show last night, and I must let you know how amazed I was by your incredible accomplishments.

A: Ron, 我昨天參觀了你的美術展。 我一定要告訴你我對你的卓越成就感到多麼驚覎。

B: Oh, you flatter me.

B: 哎呀, 你真是過獎了!

Brush off 不理睬

A: Have you talked to Mr. Smith about Ben's obscene speech towards you?

A: 你跟 Smith 先生提過 Ben對你講的猥褻的話嗎?

B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.

B: 有! 但他輕輕帶過(不理), 好像覺得那並沒有什麼!

"brush away(aside)" 也是“不理”的意思。如"He brushed aside our objection."(他無視我們的反對)。

come on to 對某人輕薄,吃某人豆腐

come on to 的意思是“對某人輕薄,吃某人豆腐”

Tracy slapped Joe after he came on to her.


stand someone up 放(某人)鴿子

stand someone up,大家如果是第一次看到,想必多半是滿頭霧水,怎麼單詞全都認識,意思卻完全猜不出來。其實stand someone up的意思就是放(某人)鴿子,這麼簡單又實用的句子,可得趕快記起來.

Beats me!考倒我了,我不知道

A: Do you know why a jerk like Jay gets all the pretty girls?

A: 你知道爲何像 Peter 這種沒人品的人會有那麼多漂亮的女朋友?

B: Beats me!

B: 把我考倒了; 我不知道

"Beats me!" 是“我也不懂”的意思。

“我不懂”還可用"I have no idea."、"I can't understand. "I don't dig it."。

"jerk" 是“人品差”的人。

hands-off的意思是不插手的, 不干涉的,可以引申爲順其自然的。

He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.


Take your hands off me.


laid back在俚語中主要有兩個意思。

第一個解釋:放鬆,悠閒,冷靜(relaxed, calm, not anxious)

Very cool laid back vibe.



A: Is Jason all ticked off that we trashed his house?


B: Nah, he's so laid back that nothing irritates him.


It's killing me.

"It's killing me." 是表示某事很折騰人的意思。

"Her singing is killing me." 她的歌聲很難聽!