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B: Time to learn American English! 美語訓練班上課啦! 我是Kat!


A: 我是楊琳!Kat, how was your weekend?

B: Not bad. I went fishing with my sister and we caught quite a few fish!

A: 夠棒的!今天咱們節目也要帶大家去釣魚, 還要去逛街買禮物,要想想去哪兒渡假, 還要告訴大家怎麼用美語説“抓狂”。

B: 聽着不錯!

A: 節目一開始,還是來學個詞兒吧!

Learn A Word #1368 virtual

今天我們要學的詞是virtual. Virtual is spelled v-i-r-t-u-a-l, virtual. Virtual , 虛擬的,模擬的。美國和伊朗沒有正式外交關係,不過美國國務卿希拉里.克林頓表示,The United States plans to open a virtual embassy for Iran by the end of this year. 美國計劃今年年底以前開設一個虛擬的美國駐伊朗網上大使館。研究人員最近對網上虛擬大學的教學水平提出質疑。Experts at the University of Colorado asserted that full-time virtual schools are largely unregulated. 科羅拉多大學的專家認為,全日制網上學校很大程度上不夠規範。A lot of web sites now provide virtual assistants to help customers with what they want. 現在很多網站提供虛擬助手,滿足顧客的需要。好的,今天我們學習的詞是virtual, virtual, virtual.

A: 現在虛擬的東西越來越多了,There's already a virtual world on the Internet!

B: That's true, but sometimes you still need the real thing. For example, when you're hungry, staring at virtual food won't help.

A: On the contrary, it'll make you more hungry!

B: Haha, exactly! Okay, now let's move on to the next program.

A: 好,一起來聽今天的 Words and Idioms, 美國習慣用語。

Words and Idioms 947

女:各位聽眾,現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 947講。我是楊琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:昨天我開車回家的時候,在我們家的小路口險些撞到一輛自行車!這個路口的設計特別差,上個月又出了一起事故,兩輛車相撞,車裏的人都受傷了。這裏真的應該樹一塊警示牌了! 這也讓我想到一個習慣用語,那就是:

M:Bring to a head. Bring is spelled b-r-i-n-g, and head; h-e-a-d. Bring to a head.

女: Bring something to a head 意思是,使某件事情到了非做決定的緊急關頭。這個短語通常用來形容比較壞的情況,形容使一件事情到了迫在眉睫,必須做出決定,加以改變的地步。比如上面的例子中,交通路口的情況太糟,車禍使警察到了要決定是否立一塊警示牌,以改變這種情況的時候了。The car crash will BRING TO A HEAD the need for a stop sign at the intersection. 這次車禍使警方開始考慮在交叉路口安裝警示牌的必要性。下面的例子裏,是什麼促使人戒煙? 我們來聽聽看:

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


女:祝賀他! 改掉抽煙這個毛病可不容易。一些人戒煙説不抽就不抽了,不是一點一點來,也不靠外界幫助,我們可以説 cold turkey 斷然戒掉煙癮。It is difficult, but possible to quit smoking cold turkey. 雖然很難,但是斷然戒煙是可能的。好,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話。

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "


女: 現在美國面臨的很大的一個問題就是勞動人口老齡化。1945年到1961年“嬰兒潮”時期出生的人現在都慢慢開始退休了,而這也給政府為他們提供的福利出了個大難題: Baby boomers' retirement has BROUGHT concerns about funding TO A HEAD. 嬰兒潮一代人的退休使解決政府福利的融資問題變得迫在眉睫。好,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "

女:各位聽眾,今天我們學習的習慣用語是Bring to a head,意思是“使解決某事迫在眉睫”。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。謝謝各位的收聽。


B: Which is?

A:搬家!我鄰居太討厭了,每天晚上拉小提琴,那叫一個難聽,吵得我沒法睡覺。今天一早我已經喝了三杯咖啡提神,要不眼睛都睜不開了。It brings to a head the need to find a new place.

B:I see. Have you asked your neighbor to keep it down?

A: 説了好多次了,沒用!He's driving me crazy! 我要抓狂了!

B: 先別!Don't you want to know how to say 抓狂 in American English?

A: 嘿!我都氣成這樣了,哪兒還有心思學英語啊?

B: 啊?So... do you want to skip the next segment of the show?

A: 呵呵,也不用。行吧,咱們就來聽今天的 “美語怎麼説”。

How to say it in American English: over the deep end

MC:Jessica 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼説的詞,就會來請教她。今天是Lulu要問的:抓狂。

Jessica: Morning Lulu!

Lulu: Jessica!! 我必須跟你説説,我都快氣死了!

Jessica: 你怎麼啦?

Lulu: 還不是我室友! 她特別不自覺,我所有的洗髮水,擦臉油都隨便用,還動不動就帶男友回家! 我都快要抓狂了! 抓狂! scratch crazy!

Jessica: haha... 抓狂不是 scratch crazy, 你可以説,she's pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: over the edge?

Jessica: 對,edge is spelled e-d-g-e,edge 邊緣。My roommate always brings her boyfriend over to our apartment. I feel like I'm living with a couple. It's really pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: push somebody over the edge, 就是使某人抓狂。這麼説來,她可真是 push me over the edge! 昨天她又把男朋友帶會公寓,我警告她説,這是最後一次了! 這又該怎麼説呢?

Jessica: Oh, You can say: that's the final straw.

Lulu: final straw, 這個説法真形象! 好,我今天回去就再這麼告訴她一次!

Jessica: You know what Lulu, my roommate is actually doing the same thing. She always uses my things, it's really annoying! You and I are in the same boat.

Lulu: in the same boat? 我們在一條船上? 哦我明白了,就是説我們處境相同,對不對?

Jessica: That's right! We both have annoying roommates-- we're in the same boat. Now, tell me what you've learned today!

Lulu: 第一:使某人抓狂叫 push sb over the edge; 第二,警告説這是最後一次,可以講 that's the final straw;第三,處境相同,叫 in the same boat.

A: My neighbor is pushing me over the edge!

B:I know you're upset, 楊琳。Maybe you should report the problem to the building's manager and let him sort things out.

A:You're right. There must be other people in the building who are in the same boat with me! We should all go to the manager and complain. 大家一起去告他的狀!

B: I'm sure things will work out. Now let's talk about something else. My Mom's birthday is coming. Do you have any gift ideas?

A:Hmm, 送禮物給媽媽?你以前都送什麼?

B: Home-make cakes, flowers, skin care products, gift cards... I mean, I've given her almost all kinds of gifts a Mom would want. I'm out of ideas this year.

A: Don't worry. 只要你去商場逛一逛,肯定會發現適合送媽媽的禮物,只有你想不到的,沒有商家做不出的!

B: Okay. I'll go shopping then!


B: How sweet!


GoEnglish: Shopping (beginner)

MC: 各位聽眾,大家好!今天我們為您播出“美語三級跳”節目“購物”單元的初級課程。

MC: Kevin 準備在女友生日的時候跟她出去浪漫約會,為此,他特意到商場,打算買身兒精神的衣服。

Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend's birthday.

MC: Oh come on, Professor Bowman, 如果他真是個好男友,就該把錢花在女朋友身上,而不是給自己買新衣服!

Professor: Well, that's true. Let's listen and we will see who is right!

Salesperson: Hello sir, can I help you find something?

Kevin: Yes, I'm looking for a new suit.

Salesperson: What is your size?

Kevin: I usually wear a size 42.

Salesperson: Alright, I'll show you the rack where we have our size 42 suits.

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what size suit Kevin usually wears?

MC: 他一般穿42號的西裝。對了,Professor Bowman, “rack, r-a-c-k, ”是貨架的意思麼?

Professor: That's right. If you can't find something you want "on the rack," you can ask someone at the store if they have it "in the back."

MC: 這麼説,那些“on the rack”的衣服是擺在店面的貨架上,讓顧客挑選,而“in the back”就是那些放在後面庫房裏的衣服。

Salesperson: Do you see anything you like?

Kevin: Hmm ... I really like this black suit.

Salesperson: Yes, you would look great in that suit. Do you want to try it on?

Kevin: Sure. Where are your dressing rooms?

Salesperson: The dressing rooms are downstairs. I'll show you where they are.

MC: Kevin 看上了一套黑色的西裝,打算 try it on,試穿看看。

Professor: Exactly. When you find something you like at a store, you can always tell the store employee, "I want to try this on."

MC: 這位店員很會説話,她説 Kevin "would look great in that suit",就是説他穿上那套西裝一定很帥。

Professor: Exactly. You can also look good in a color. For example, you can say "you always look great in blue."

MC: 就是説藍顏色很適合你。Kevin試穿效果如何?我們繼續聽。

Kevin: Oh, this is a really great suit! It's totally my style. What do you think?

Salesperson: Uh ... I think that suit is too tight, sir. You need one size larger.

Kevin: No way! I love it. Really tight suits are the European style.

Salesperson: Well alright ... but if you rip it when you sit down, you can't return it.

MC: Hmm ... Kevin的品味好象有問題。店員明明告訴他西裝太緊,應該換大一號,可他卻堅持要緊身的,還説這是歐洲流行的風格。

Professor: Right. Kevin says the suit "is totally my style." You can say something is "my style" if you think you really look good in it.

MC: 看來,Kevin覺得很滿意!不過店員説,如果因為衣服太緊,一坐下就撕了的話,人家可不給退。

Professor: Well, let's find out how much the suit costs.

Kevin: So, how much is this suit?

Salesperson: That one is $1,000.

Kevin: $1,000? Umm ... do you think it will go on sale anytime soon?

Salesperson: No. We only sell that suit for the full price.

Kevin: Well, it's very expensive. But I'm willing to sacrifice for my girlfriend so that I look really great on our date!

MC: 啊?我沒聽錯吧?Kevin説,他豁出去了,花1000塊買這套西裝,就算是為女友做的"sacrifice"——犧牲!這麼一來,他還有錢給女友買生日禮物嗎?

Professor: But that is her present: A really well-dressed boyfriend on their special date.

MC: 你不會是當真的吧?男人真會這樣想嗎?

Professor: Uh ... I won't try to answer that question. But Winnie, can you guess what it means when something is "on sale"?

MC: 這個難不住我!On sale就是打折,減價的意思。可惜,Kevin買的這身兒衣服不打折,只按full price——原價出售。

Professor: Exactly. I'm afraid after buying this expensive suit, Kevin will have to buy something on sale for his girlfriend.

MC: 我猜也是。你看,Professor Bowman, 我説對了吧?Kevin根本不是合格的男友!對自己大方,對女友小氣,不知道他會給女友買個什麼便宜的禮物。

Professor: Listen next time to find out!

B: Did I hear it wrong? Was this guy really shopping for his girlfriend's birthday gift? All he bought was some fancy suit for himself!

A:Not only that, he also said spending a thousand dollars on that suit was for his girlfriend's sake! 算是為女朋友而作出的犧牲!

B: 這個男朋友真奇怪。

A: 沒錯。不過Kat,我有個餿主意,你也可以花很多錢買個你喜歡的東西,然後就跟你媽説,這是為了慶祝她的生日,你作出的犧牲!

B: So...I'm celebrating my Mom's birthday by pampering her favorite daughter, which is me? Er...I don't think your mom is gonna buy that theory.

A: 呵呵,我也這麼覺得。

B: Okay. Let's leave gift shopping for later, and talk about Vacation now.

A:好,咱們一起來聽“禮節美語”, 看看Jerry打算去哪兒度過他五個星期的長假。

Business Etiquette: Vacation II


Paula: Twenty years ago, many people thought that by this time, no one would be working in offices and everybody would have a more flexible schedule.

W: Well, that certainly hasn't happened.

J: Not it could still be the wave of the future. Then again, you know the famous saying: "Old habits die hard." Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees and they think the best way to do that is by having them come into an office.

Paula説,20年前,很多人都以為社會發展到今天,大家都不用去辦公室,可以在家上班了,and everyone would have a more flexible schedule. 大家都有更靈活的工作時間,但這種情況顯然沒有出現。Jerry 説,It could still be the wave of the future. the wave of the future 意思是未來的發展趨勢。不過,老話説得好,"Old habits die hard." 積習難改。Jerry説,Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees 大多數老闆都想嚴格控制員工,to keep tabs on someone or something 是密切注意某人某事的意思。要想控制員工,最好的辦法當然就是讓他們來辦公室上班,在老闆眼皮底下工作。

J: I have to say I'm looking forward to my long vacation. I think you need at least three or four weeks of doing nothing before you can truly relax.

W: I thought you said you had months and months of vacation time available. Why are you only taking five weeks off?

J: Five weeks was the best I could negotiate with my boss. She says she knows I've earned the time, but she begged me not to take more than five weeks.

P: Five weeks should be long enough! Who knows? Maybe you'll get bored and come back early!

J: (laugh) I doubt it.

Jerry雖然有好幾月的假期,但老闆最多隻讓他休五個星期, 看來他一定是很能幹。Paula開玩笑説,五個星期也足夠了,搞不好用不了五個星期Jerry就覺得實在無聊,提前回來上班了呢!Jerry休假準備到哪裏去呢?

W: So, where are you going?

J: I can't decide if I want to go with a more relaxing trip, or if I want to explore cities.

W: If you were to choose the more relaxing option, where would you go?

J: I'm thinking of the island of Bali in Indonesia. I hear it's a very relaxing and cheap vacation destination.

P: And what's your second option?

J: I was thinking of traveling around Europe, starting with Paris. I could take trains and visit other nearby major European cities as well. It's a tough call.

W: I'm so jealous of you!

P: Me too! Don't forget to bring us back some souvenirs!

J: I won't!

Jerry 説,他有兩種選擇,一個是印度尼西亞的巴厘島,去那裏更放鬆 more relaxing, 另外一種選擇是去歐洲,第一站是巴黎,然後可以從巴黎坐火車到其他歐洲城市去玩。Jerry 説,It's a tough call. 意思是他很難在這兩種選擇之間做出決定。Will 和 Paula 都很羨慕 Jerry, 提醒他一定要帶 souvenirs 紀念品回來送給他們。

A: If I were Jerry, I'd go with option two—visiting famous cities in Europe by train. That's classic!

B: So the Island of Bali doesn't sound as attractive to you?

A:巴厘島也好,可那裏是情人度假聖地,I'm saving it for my honeymoon!

B:Wow, you're thinking way ahead! 你想得還真遠。


B:Let's listen!

American sports English: Fishing

Y: My gosh Patrick, I don't feel so well. 我暈船。

P: Don't worry Yangchen, once we're back on shore tonight eating the delicious fish we caught today, being a little sea sick will be totally worth it.

Y: A little sea sick? 我快要暈死了。而且我們要是一條魚都釣不到怎麼辦?

P: Trust me, we'll catch something. I'm an expert.

Y: An expert on what?

P: On fishing, of course. Hey, I think I caught something!

Y: Go Patrick! Catch him!

P: Don't worry, I won't let him off the hook.

Y: Let him off the hook? That must mean 脱鈎。

P: Exactly. Actually, any time you let someone escape punishment, you can say you let them off the hook.

Y: For example?

P: Well, for example, if my girlfriend forgets that it is my birthday, I won't let her off the hook with a simple apology. She would have to give me a REALLY expensive present to make up for it.

Y: 就是不能輕易地放過什麼人。Well Patrick, if you don't catch any fish and I am starving to death, I'm not going to let you off the hook.

P: You are not letting me off the hook. So how are you going to punish me?

Y: You have to take me to a nice restaurant and buy me a huge dinner!

P: No need for that, look, I got one!

Y: Uh 這麼一條可憐的小魚,塞牙縫都不夠。

P: Oh come on, this one is a keeper.

Y: A keeper? 我知道 salmon,bass什麼的, 從來沒聽過a keeper fish.

P: No no, a keeper is a fish that is big enough to keep, rather than throw it back.

Y: And you think this is a keeper?

P: Actually, any time you find something that you really like, you can say that it's a keeper.

For example, when I was single I had to go out with 15 girls before I found a keeper.

Y: Aha, 那我可以説 I had to try 100 lame sports with you before I found a keeper?

P: Lame? You think fishing is lame? If there is another sport you can play that will also provide you with dinner, I'd like to hear about it.

Y: That's easy. Hotdog eating contest,吃熱狗比賽。

P: Oh, that's a keeper. Let's do it next time!

A: 釣魚對我沒太大吸引力,太悶了。

B: Fishing isn't always just sitting there and waiting for the fish to bite. Have you heard of big-game fishing? There you'll get on a boat and sail to offshore area and try to catch huge fish. It's very exciting!

A: 那……掉下去怎麼辦?我可不想被魚吃掉!

B: Don't worry. Big-game fishing doesn't involve sharks!

A: 那我就放心了! 好了,節目時間又到了,這次的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!

B: Bye!