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你見過嗎? 千奇百怪的快遞服務

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你見過嗎? 千奇百怪的快遞服務


Everyone gets a little lonely. Fortunately, in this modern age, the cure for loneliness can be delivered right to your door.


Claiming 283,000 friends worldwide, Rent-A-Friend is a relatively new service that allows users to search by area and, for 175 yuan a month, can contact "friends" to watch movies, go to the park, or just hang out with.


Bear in mind though that when you do find a friend, you will need to pay to keep them - company comes at a cost, roughly 70 yuan an hour. Who says you can`t put a price on a friendship?

不過要記得,當你真的找到朋友時,就需要付錢了——獲得“朋友”的陪伴是要付出代價的——大約1小時70元。誰説友誼不能用錢來衡量?Bagpiper 蘇格蘭風笛手

There something undeniably soulful about the eerie whine of the highland bagpipes.


Beijingers now have the opportunity to enjoy the moving melodies of the highland instrument in their own living room thanks to award-winning bagpiper Duncan McKay.

如今,風笛手鄧肯 麥凱的到來,讓住在北京的人們能夠足不出户,便有機會聆聽這來自蘇格蘭高地的樂器演奏出的動人旋律。

For 1,050 yuan an hour, the Australian bagpiper will fill your home with the serene scream of one of Scotland`s most treasured instruments.

只需支付1050元/小時的酬勞,這位來自澳大利亞的風笛手就能為您演奏蘇格蘭國粹之一——風笛,讓這清澈悠揚的笛音響徹您的房間。Ice Bar 冰吧

Impress party guests with cocktail-making skills as you blend behind a bar carved from huge blocks of ice.


Nothing says cool more than a white Russian served from a frosted counter top in your home.


Crafted by experts, the bar comes custom-made costing 2,000 yuan for each one-meter-long block. That said, a 3-m-long, 2.5-m-wide bar will cost around 10,000 yuan before it melts away.



你見過嗎? 千奇百怪的快遞服務 第2張

It`s a bird, it`s a plane - no it`s Mr Magic.


For just 1,000 yuan an hour, one of Beijing`s most enthusiastic entertainers will show up to your door dressed up as Superman.


It`s a childhood dream come true. While he may not have the ability to take to the air, Mr Magic is about as fly as they come.


And if superheroes are not your thing, he also claims to do a stellar Elvis.
