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未來老師會被計算機所取代嗎?Will The Teacher be Replaced by Computers in the Future?

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未來老師會被計算機所取代嗎?Will The Teacher be Replaced by Computers in the Future?


In education, the computer is playing an increasingly important role, so some people assume that teachers will be replaced by computers one day. However, I believe that computers will never be able to replace teachers.


Firstly, the computer can never fulfill teacher’s role in nourishing the human mind and spirit. Education is more a process of instruction Students emotionally and psychologically than passing on knowledge mechanically. It is widely acknowledged that successful education is always based on a large amount of investment of love and concern. Students need teachers' love while in difficulty, for teachers' encouragement can help them gain confidence. No wonder the famous blind educator and writer Helen Keller once said, "My teacher's love illuminates my dark life and enables me to find my direction." But how could students get all of these from an inanimate死氣沉沉的, 沒生命的 machine even if all the information of the world could be stored in it?


Another demanding task computers cannot perform is that they cannot teach students according to their individual gifts. A competent有能力的, 勝任的 teacher is always good at finding out students' shining points. For example, when Gauss高斯 was a child, his teacher realized he had a special talent in mathematics and helped him exploit his potential and thus set him to the way of tremendous success in mathematics. This work, of course, is beyond any computer's ability. Besides, teachers can adjust their teaching to different students of different characteristics. Students' characteristics are so diversified 形形色色的 that computers can hardly be programmed to meet this requirement.


In conclusion, no matter how advanced computers will be in future, education still has to be fulfilled by teachers. The teacher is able to be fully aware of students' needs and offer them what they really want accordingly while the computer is merely a tool manipulated(熟練地)操作 by human beings to assist the fulfillment of such tasks.



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