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Author George R.R. Martin will release Game of Thrones prequel Fire & Blood later this year.


今年,《權力的遊戲》作者喬治·馬丁將推出小說前傳《Fire & Blood》。

It will serve as a prequel to the A Song of Ice and Fire book series that is the narrative for HBO's Game of Thrones. 

這部《Fire & Blood》是《冰與火之歌》系列的前傳,美國HBO電視網將《冰與火之歌》改編爲電視劇《權力的遊戲》。

But Fire & Blood and its forthcoming companion won't be novels.

但是《Fire & Blood》及其相關作品不會以小說的形式呈現。

According to Martin's publisher Ballantine Bantam Dell, Fire & Blood will be "the definitive history of the Targaryens in Westeros and chronicles the conquest that united the Seven Kingdoms under Targaryen rule through the Dance of the Dragons: the Targaryen civil war that nearly ended their dynasty forever."

馬丁的出版商班樂廷·班特曼·戴爾說,《Fire & Blood》會是“坦格利安家族在維斯特洛最完整的歷史記錄,記載了七個王國在坦格利安統治下通過龍之舞得到統一,內戰最終永久摧毀了七個王國。”

Martin discussed the new prequel on his blog saying it's a "hefty book" with a 1,000-page manuscript.


Unfortunately fans of Martin's long-awaited book The Winds of Winter won't be getting it this year.

粉絲們期待已久的《The Winds of Winter 》今年不會面世。

In a statement, Martin said: "No, winter is not coming... not in 2018, at least," he wrote. "You're going to have to keep waiting for THE WINDS OF WINTER. ... I do want to stress...indeed, I want to shout... that FIRE & BLOOD is not a novel. This is not a traditional narrative and was never intended to be…let's call this one 'imaginary history' instead. The essential point being the 'history' part. I love reading popular histories myself, and that's what I was aiming for here… As for me, I'm returning once again to THE WINDS OF WINTER."

馬丁在某聲明中說:“2018年《The Winds of Winter 》沒法上,至少18年沒希望。大家可能還要繼續等。想強調一下《Fire & Blood》不是一本小說,也不是一般的記敘文,更不是大家以前以爲的‘想象中的歷史’。重點在‘歷史’,我喜歡讀野史,這也是我在這個作品中要表達的。現在也會再執筆《The Winds of Winter 》。”

The Game of Thrones author has not yet finished the novel which will follow 2011's A Dance With Dragons in the series.

《The Winds of Winter 》是2011年出版的《冰與火之歌5》的後續,馬丁目前尚未完成小說。

Fire & Blood is due November 20 via Ballantine Bantam Dell.

據其出版商說,《Fire & Blood》將在11月20日面世。

The new and final season of Game of Thrones will air on HBO in 2019. 

