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國花系列:LAVENDER (葡萄牙)

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Lavender is an herb rich in history and culture. Long prized for its scent and healing properties, it is also one of the most beloved plants in the garden. Ranging in colors from vivid sun-soaked indigo to a subtle violet-white; it evokes within all who encounter this plant a sense of calming and rest through its wonderful heady and unmistakable aroma. Lavender is rich in aromatic molecules called esters, which are antispasmodic, pacifying and tonic, while other molecules give it its antiviral, bacterial and anti-inflammatory powers. One of the most consistent of the many therapeutic attributes of Lavender oil is respiratory relief. Hood River Lavender's Certified Organic Lavender oil is of particular benefit to respiratory relief.

國花系列:LAVENDER (葡萄牙)

With its magnificent hues and beguiling aromatic perfume, Lavender has had its place in the hearts of men and women almost since the beginning of time. In ancient Rome lavender was recognized for its healing and antiseptic qualities, its ability to deter insects, and for washing. The name of lavender comes from the Latin word ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash’, and was used as a ritual bathing herb in ancient Rome.

Biblical references and folklore have mingled together over the years, and it was believed that Adam and Eve took lavender with them when they were banished from the Garden of Eden. As that legend goes, lavender later received its perfume distinction when Mary laid the baby Jesus’ clothes upon a bush of it to dry. Lavender was later regarded to ward off evil and in Medieval times a cross made of lavender hung over the door provided a safeguard against disease and evil in general.

During the 17th century in London, it was suggested that a bunch of lavender be tied around the wrist to protect one from the Great Plague. To the credit of our ancestors, lavender really did provide a protection from evil in that it did appear to guard against disease.



國花系列:LAVENDER (葡萄牙) 第2張

Over time lavender has been associated with love. In Tudor times, if a maiden wanted to know the identity of her true love, she would sip a brew of lavender on St. Luke’s day while murmuring: “St. Luke, St. Luke, be kind to me, In my dreams, let my true love see me”. Alpine girls tucked lavender under the pillows of their lovers in hopes of turning their thoughts toward love and romance. Once married, newlyweds would put bunches of lavender under their mattress to ensure that marital passion.



有關薰衣草的愛情故事很多,不過很奇怪,許多時候這些故事都是與魔鬼或是與神聖有關,可能是薰衣草從古便被認爲是具有神力的一種神聖藥草。歐洲中古時就有這麼一個傳說:一個美麗的村女見一位風度翩翩的英俊紳士,連續好幾天和他幽會,甚至還跟他約定要一起私奔。不過,在他們約定要私奔的前一天,村女突然對紳士的身份起疑,於是偷偷帶了一把薰衣草在身上。第二天,當紳士出現要帶她遠走高飛之際,村女偷偷拿出薰衣草花束,投擲在她的愛人身上 - 結果發現,原來紳士竟是可怕的魔鬼所而成的! 露出原形的魔鬼又驚又怒,但又害怕薰衣草的神聖力量,只好逃之夭夭。 由此可見薰衣草不一定是催情良方呀!

